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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Maybe this is what I'm getting on Saturday....
  2. meh... I bought these and returned them... they suck!
  3. I was coming in here to say Costa Rica! I had a friend have her jaw teeth replaced. She had a great experience!
  4. This is why they work for DG and NOT an engineering firm or the DOT. They DON'T know what they are talking about!
  5. Wonder if we should do a PCOM meet and greet? Wonder if Butterflylion will show up?
  6. ^^ ditto what she said. You have to get to Collinsville EARLY. They start closing shop at 12 NOON.
  7. it was over 90 days old. They try to report them because people just come on and not look at the dates of the topics and bring up OLD subjects...even from years ago.
  8. GeorgiaTornado


    Probably because it was an old POLL
  9. Dillard is really nice. Here is a link. http://www.dillardhouse.com/accommodations/index.php Also...eat breakfast at the dillard house...not dinner.
  10. ATT iPhone I've had it for almost 3 years...time to upgrade.
  11. There is a company right up from the Hospital between Joans restaurant and the railroad bridge... before he hospital
  12. she won't go directly to GP. She will be in isolation for at least 30 days so they can get her a spot.
  13. pfft she will have exactly what she wanted without Caylee. She will now have money, be popular and have all the mooching freinds there with her to protect her. She made a statement in jail that when she gets out that she will get pregnant and have another child! I heard this on the news this morning (Today Show) I'll see if I can find the clip.
  14. She will go back to living with her lying mom. Because you now Cindy is going to kick George out for cheating...
  15. horseshiiit, Heraldo. I hope her mom lives this nightmare every night.
  16. Womens prisons are no where near as bad as the mens prisons. Womens prisons create psudo-families. I hope she gets death
  17. UGA...but...but... you KNOW that's what it means... /s
  18. I've had my identity stolen to the tune of up to 18k in less than 6 months. Oh yeah...she ended up getting time served. 3 days in jail because she couldn't post the $800 bond. Oh and she held 2 jobs in MY Name and SS number. So, I've had to go round and round with the IRS because they show me making more money than I filed. So I don't give a sheeze if someone gets that much time for using someone elses ID. Until it happens to you... I can guarantee that you won't be posting such bullcheese on here. former member...Stop your scare tactics!
  19. I really hate it when people say that it's ok for the ones who are illegal to stay as long as they are not felons? WTH.. they are CRIMINALS. Period. If you want criminals living with you..hey..more power to you... But a criminal is a criminal...and a thief is a thief...and a liar is a liar. Call a spade a spade and stop BS'ing as to what it is. Im working on a project that is in UAE. The longest we can be over there on our work Visas is 30 days. After that we will be DEPORTED if we haven't left and return on another visa. Amazing how it's easy to follow the laws in UAE...but the illegals h
  20. Go to the mall in douglasville... the city of d'ville will be doing thiers tomorrow night.. My link
  21. The enterance to the new courthouse is the same way. You have to go out the side street to be able to access the eastbound 278
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