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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. God he's ugly.... yeah I got nothing. Y'all already covered it for me.
  2. So sorry for your loss. Prayers going up for you and your family.
  3. Remember the tale of the jilted Polish dentist who pulled all the pearly whites from the mouth of her ex-boyfriend? Turns out the story has no teeth. The report that dentist Anna Mackowiak removed all her ex-boyfriend's teeth after he came into her dental office complaining of a toothache turned out to be false. My link
  4. Congrats Subby!! You absolutely deserve all of it, the woman, the boat, the lake, the fishing.... You're a great man!
  5. It's election time.........duh... what did you think.....gas was going to go up?
  6. Yup.....a co-worker asked me yesterday as he was going to his car if there was an Advanced Auto anywhere around..... so I asked...and it hooked him up! I ask all the time
  7. why isn't she teaching high school history? Or history anywhere else..... only 2 classes...... come on. She could do like some of the other teachers.... they teach high school then teach 2 classes at the local community college..... NOT buying it.
  8. Hey... I think you should offer Grilled wings.... the ones at Tilted Kilt are outta here!!
  9. GIS is a big field that people use in engineering all the time...
  10. :wub: mei lan better be careful of who all you lump into the registered sex offender list.... that list is flawed and designed to fail...just as it has.
  11. DON'T get me started on this crap!! ::mumbles:: as I'm trying to figure out ways to complete my edmucation being debt free. I am paying for my tuition MYSELF... shocker...yeah I know... and it's all good...
  12. Just trying to get the last word in before this gets closed......... Last!!
  13. Please don't talk about quotas. There is NO such thing here in PC. Gary does not tell his guys....run on out there and stop everyone because you know you have a 300 ticket quota this month.. Actually I don't know know of a sheriff or CoP that does tell his/her officers that. God forbid that the SO isn't doing their job and someones loved one gets hit and killed by someone speeding, or someones house gets broken into. It is a staticital fact that the presence of officers deter crime! study shows Some police forces have started allowing it's officers to take home their cars to deter cr
  14. Sorry for your loss DGITW.. I know first hand how heart breaking this is. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Keep your chin up. You're still young and have many more years ahead of you for birthing bouncing little Dg/bITW's
  15. As a college student...I can assure you the $500 will be needed to just pay for parking and fee's to GT. It's about $1400 a semester for all the junk fees now. Congrats Daniel.
  16. Have you seen those people in Hiram wally world.... nah.. I'm down 22 1/2 lbs total... All by changing my diet, kicking up my metabolism, and working out with a trainer.
  17. I lost 5 1/2 lbs this week... I've worked my arse off... really So I think I deserve to be followed. I'll be headed home from Sandy Springs shortly....and I have to go to the hell hole wal-mart on my way home...
  18. But...but...she didnt say it was a BLACK man with dreads... dang incabiker..... keep up
  19. MrsB..... why yo baby drinking wine?? or trying to drink wine.... training him young?
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