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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. This isn't her first rodeo with the popo.... she was busted several yrs ago for DUI and drug charges too.
  2. we use them at the gym I go to also...to link to the FB page to see the class schedules and any special classes coming up
  3. Hands Down... Grant Orthodontics... in Douglasville. They are members here and GREAT people. Dr. Grant is a cool guy. I currently have braces from this office. I actually like going..
  4. I'm so sorry about the loss of your mom. I would have posted earlier but I have been in Arkansas because my dad was in hospice. I will bury him tomorrow and I pray nobody takes his flowers. This would be devistating. Gotcha in my thoughts LR...if you need anything...or just want to stop by...I'll be home on Saturday.
  5. It's over beside Fret Knot or what ever it is... it's in that shopping center across from Gotcha Lookin Good. The same people own the one in Mayretta... .Smiths.. I bought my fridge from them
  6. I'm glad I go to a Non-Denomination! I bet the Denominations would have flipped thier lids to know we had a scary trail behind our church.... The kids and adults had a blast. Nope..I don't go to a regular church and for that I'm glad. It should be about you and your personal relationship....Not you, me, and everyone else thinks. Work out your own salvation. Sorry... I just don't agree with the 3 points and poem/song.
  7. I saw a deer on it's side this morning on Macland Road...Right across from the new funeral home.... nevermind... it was dead...
  8. You didn't work then...you volunteered... Oh and this is another dumb thread... why the hell did I even respond...
  9. It was not for profit. ALL the proceeds went to benefit the tornado victims
  10. Shawn is an idiot...Criminals are dumb... they get caught because of stupid stuff like this... Bet he's a meth head?
  11. Oh they can get a warrant for it. The phone co. will likely just give the detective the information.
  12. Mine was done the same way... but I have GEMC credit union..... and it was back in by the end of the day. I was in Florida and they called me because of unusual transactions. Great service if you ask me!
  13. You're just mad because you're not a deputy cororner.
  14. Hands down call Frankie Shelton at Shelton's Wrecker Service 770-459-9683
  15. She (her mom) lives across the street from me. Praying for the family!!
  16. The 2 from Texas..... was really from Tx....except they got there on Friday night. They left this morning...and so did the C-130
  17. Of course I'm going to post my only interest at the air show.... Well I added some other stuff too... Check out the old school pencil sharpner... lol
  18. I have tried to buy tickets online just now and they have it disabled??? WTH?
  19. I would rather have "these" people every day than 1 of you ....ANY day! Piss off.
  20. I am a C.A.S.A. volunteer and I can tell you first hand how drugs can ravage a family. I could give a rats ass about what the parents do, but when it comes to the kids I'll go toe to toe with anyone for them. I've had parents act like they was going to tell me what to say and do and what is best for them. pfft I don't play like that and I am not a pushover! I agree with LPPT and Tranquility 110%. There are things that have happened here and it will come out. Funny how people didn't know about drugs being bought at this house before...How do you think they got a warrant?? Like I said befor
  21. Winnah Winnah Chicken Dinnah!! Ding Ding Ding.... STOP reading everything... You are making WAYYYY to much sense for some on here... Now you know the POPO is always bad...GOD knows they can't be doing a damn thing right! if someone you know was in just busted...then they was ARRESTED....not held in custody! 2 different things...
  22. I am so freakin excited about the C-130.... if y'all only knew..... :yahoo: :yahoo: To fly in one of these planes is on my bucket list!
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