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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. accidents happen ALOT on that bridge. So does everything else you are talking about. That's kinda like asking how many happen on the i-75 @ 285 junction (south)
  2. Which one? Are you talking about the Tom Moreland interchange at 285 @ 85?
  3. I'm not blaming this on Obama......I'm not blaming this on the county official that I voted for.... He hasn't even been in office for a year. You also have 4 other commissioners tht vote!! NO WAY in HELL could he fix the CRAP that 8 years of SHEARIN got us into. The Obama comment was to lighten things up.... Because everybody knows Obama's gonna fix it all!
  4. As someone who works in the private sector....but has very close ties to a lot of local county offices..... I can tell you that the ones that is getting laid off......are the the ones who are not preforming or they have been trying to get rid of them and couldn't. I worked with one jackbag and he should have been fired a year after he was hired. He has them snowed. But, the real workers know who it is and they don't give him anything to do, or they go to his boss and tell them...Hell...I even went and said he was usless! But he's under general funds position...and he won't go anywhere.... Hell
  5. Cut in the ceilings first. I usually use a 3" brush to do this, makes it much faster. Then roll the ceilings because the paint will splatter on the walls... It's really hard to keep it off. Then cut in the walls around the ceilings with a 3" brush. You can't roll up an wall and splatter the ceiling. You should tape and mud the cracks. Are these smooth ceilings?
  6. you're so right... oh heck... he could have been there to meet someone one for a hook-up that he met on craigslist?
  7. LOL..... his parents are gonna be pissssed! Either because he skipped school.....or he got caught and now they have to deal with thier precious snowflake.
  8. NC...I'll meet ya if you want to walk?
  9. I got the notecard advertisement when I went on Sat. to see Inglorious Bastards.... Good movie... a little to fake..but good. This is only good for the month of Sept. and its the $5 for drink and popcorn too.
  10. Brandi....... some places charge anywhere from $3 -$5 per visit for them to clean the bed for you. This is on top of the other fee's just to use the bed. I've seen them before. I've also seen the ones who charge per visit just to tan. Like 10 visits for $20.
  11. No cleaning fee's..........nothing!! What you pay is what you pay. You can go every day for the price of the package. I've been a member since February! The lotions are the best price in town too!
  12. Awesome beds........ Can I have a free week too?? Oh...and y'all don't get my turbo bed in the back...
  13. Marotti Auto Repair.... They are commerce member here http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showuser=24445
  14. Good thing most of you who disagree didn't live during the early 1900's and before then........ Because you could be part of the vagina clown car......
  15. That would be so cool. I have something called factor leiden v. Plavix is for people who have strokes. Most people who use Coumadin also have atrial fibrillation, but I don't. Mine is a protein problem.
  16. I wish I could but I have oily skin. That's why your pinetar soap works wonders for me!!
  17. 300' is what I'm thinking... I'll have to look it up...if it's not 300'..... it' 500'. It really depends on your county. Now..if the restaurant is already up and serving and a church moves in... they won't lose their license. The Spotlight is awefully close to the church. The Spotlight was already there. The church moved in right after Spotlight. They was there AFTER Otis opened it in 2005. (the old Cotton Gin that failed...again)
  18. I was going to say the same thing that Feelip just said about the curse of the Cotton Gin..... Ummm good luck with that one. How will they be able to serve alcohol when there is a church in the same building?
  19. I think what she does with her body is her business. Her husband has always been a successful business man. The 'men' of the family helped build their massive house....which they don't owe a dime on. How many on here can say that they built thier own house and now they don't OWE on it. Most can't. Hell, most can't even say their house is paid off unless they are older or it was given to them. For all the folks on here saying she shouldn't have 19..... since when did we start telling people 'enuff is enuff'? As an AMERICAN/Female/Free/ and Over 21...if I want tattoos I'll get more ta
  20. I'm already taking Coumadin for the rest of my life....... Yeah... I'll take the chance and get the shot.
  21. The guy at the store told me the Pepsi products will be $2 a 12 pk... Woooohoooo and Diet Dr. Pepper falls under that catagory!!
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