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Everything posted by lacey

  1. yeah, the issue is that they have never met. They live in different states and she was just told that her father isn't her father. The mother isn't sure who is....he is one of several that it could be. that is why she was looking into how reliable the home kits were.
  2. Question about paternity tests. I know someone that is looking to get one. She is 21 and it is for a peace of mind. Will not be used in a court. So she was checking around for them and keeps finding info about "home tests" where you collect the samples and FEDEX them to the company. Price is $100 or less compaired to about $250 to $500 if she goes into a company and lets them collect the sample. Since both parties are seeking to have this done then would the "home kits" work? She did find out that the biggest difference is that the home kits are collected without a 3rd party so it
  3. where is the disclaimer page? I am not seeing it. I do see where a lot is being said about gothic. But I am not seeing what you are. Please tell me where you are looking at. I didn't read the entire page because it was too sickening. But I skimmed over it and couldn't find what you are talking about.
  4. I too will post this on my fb. Hope and pray for a safe return.
  5. I didn't know this was the church doing that to funerals. I had heard of that but never knew the reason why. Now I understand that. What happens if one of their own comes down with a disease...will they kick them out? And what if he, himself, finds out that he has cancer, or something.... Yes it is Westboro Baptist. Sorry I didn't put that in the original post.
  6. I saw this in the other thread and I though what the heck did this church do to y'all for y'all to say this. Well I just came across something and I knew the name of the church sounded familiar. So I had to come back here and search the name.... I am shocked that this is a real church....if it is. I have never heard of them until today.... If I have ever heard of it then I never paid it much attention. I don't watch the news much. I couldn't even read the whole thing. Made me sick to my stomach. I saw where Down's was mentioned...and I happen to have a 15 year old with Down's. And for hi
  7. Congrats SportsSource!!! And thanks for offering to give each of us free time also. I will take you up on that and my son will make for some good practice. lol
  8. he is on facebook and we have friends in common...he is talking about it on there too. I don't know him but he was easy to find.
  9. hubby and I are both taking them. We are doing it with our doctor and being monitored. When they stop working for us then we go a week or so without taking them then start back. And it starts working again. We have been watching what we eat, and eating less. We also walk 2-3 miles every night. Before this we never walked and ate whatever we wanted. I went from a 2 liter a day of soda to maybe a 20 ounce once a month or so. We drink lots of water. We are working on a lifestyle change because diets never work. And so far he has lost almost 40lbs and I have lost about 32-34 lbs. We realiz
  10. don't you know that you can't bump it up....I can't win that way. If you bump it up then other people will see it and enter. And we all know that no one else here needs photos taken. Also keep in mind that there is a new group of kids who have just gotten their report cards and found out that they are indeed seniors now....so I will get my daughter to add you to her face book and maybe she can help get your name out there.
  11. not only do you have to deal with the kids but you also have the parents to deal with. Not sure which would be worse...kids or parents.
  12. sounds to me like a new contest.....who has the trashiest neighbor.... y'all have me beat on trashy neighbors.... but have you seen my family lately? lol
  13. so we post something each day to be entered...right? If so, then this is my daily post. lol I have Photoshop and have just never really figured it out. I use picnik for a fun program. Wish I knew Photoshop well enough to enjoy it.
  14. I don't know of anyone who has a problem with this situation. That is what it is set up for. If you are truly working and doing your best and you qualify for food stamps then you should get them if you need them. That is what it is for.....helping someone get ahead. Not to give someone a reason not to work....some people think....why work when I can stay home and keep having kids....then I keep getting more money and more benefits. And some people think they can make more by staying home and living off the system....so why try to better themselves.
  15. I am so glad to see you doing this. You have such wonderful photos. I didn't know you did photography. Now I will for sure add you on facebook. I was worried you might be someone else I knew of....so I was skeered. lol :rofl: You will recognize my profile photo.
  16. that is why I don't rely on opinions here for commerce members. If we can only post the good then how will I know the truth. So I am hesitant about commerce members. But that is just my opinion. never been to this place so I have no opinion here.
  17. lasagna was great. Hubby had something that was fish with cheese on top and noodles on the side. He loved it. He has also had other things that he said was great. Just can't remember what they were. It was something Greek. lol We have never had bad food in there. And we always leave stuffed. It is one of his favorite places but we don't go very often....but we don't go anywhere very often. My husband is greek....so he was really impressed by this place.
  18. I don't care as long as I am not told ahead of time. Hubby and I have already agreed to cremation....as long as he doesn't remind me about it while I am on my death bed. I don't care to have the thought of it in my head but I really don't wanna be put under ground....I HATE bugs.
  19. I was there and yes,.....great speech.
  20. I too would be interested.
  21. I was there too. I wanted to shove those horns down some peoples throats. That gets on my nerves. The hollering didn't bother me. But the horns....oh my. And the traffic...yep, I too sat in that mess for an hour. Sorry that there was someone rude enough to get in front of you. Hubby and I was commenting on one older lady that was trying to get down the stairs to go onto the field when it was over and there were lots of younger people pushing her out of their way. And younger as in young adults...not teens. That was really rude also.
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