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Jim Smith

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Everything posted by Jim Smith

  1. God Bless and put you on prayer list at church. So sorry
  2. Remember that School Budget and County Budget are two different things.
  3. Nice pictures, but concret, paint, destoryed forest and messed up creeks should impress everyone how????????
  4. Good idea. Let me know what you need from me.
  5. Have Comcast bundle and never had a problem
  6. Does anyone know if anyone on P-com works on chainsaws?
  7. Just got my car back from Riley's. GREAT JOB. Have a couple more we want to get to you. Thanks again
  8. Must have just missed you. Wish that we could have connected. Haven't seen you since you fell in the lake.
  9. Sorry got distracted. It is the one at the old cotten gin in Hiram
  10. Just back from one of the best seafood dinners we have had in a long time. Great food and great prices. Thanks for telling us about it.
  11. Does anyone know if there is a place in the area where a spotlight for a childrens play might be rented or borrowed.
  12. If someone has a tent in their backyard then they are after your children. What has this world come to?
  13. Just take your loss and remember it next time you offer to buy others supplies. Found out long time ago don't lend or borrow when family invplved.
  14. Question: Is it true that when someone buys a Harley they have to buy a trailor to haul it to bike week?
  15. Prayers are with you. We have been waiting for court date for over a year. I hope and pray that you get your money. God Bless
  16. Not a bad idea. If you can get it worked out let us know what we can do to help.
  17. Might want to check out the cleaner in your wet jet. We trashed ours when vet told chemicals in the cleaner can cause death to pet if it lickes it up off floor.
  18. Why should the school pay for your son's driving lesson. The school doesn't require him to drive to school.
  19. Will try to have dinner before seven. Nothing like trying to enjoy a good meal while having to put up with a drunk that thinks they can sing.
  20. Count me in. Would be something else to test drive that machine
  21. For those that joined club the fishing is good today. Should get better as the full moon nears.
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