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Mrs. C

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Everything posted by Mrs. C

  1. Probably do! I bet she has one with your pic also!
  2. Congrats! Now put that membership to good use!
  3. Small world. She was class of '89. Was at NCHS as a freshman, then transferred to Pebblebrook for the Performing Arts Program.
  4. A few people on here know her. Where'd you go to school and what years?
  5. The baby's coming. The baby's coming. "I don't nothing 'bout birthin' no babies."
  6. You must be about my DD's age. I'm sure she'd probably have had the same reaction.
  7. I had left over black-eyed peas so I added some onion, an egg, some cornmeal, mixed it all up and fried it. Pea-cakes. They were good!
  8. What did y'all have for dinner tonight?
  9. Maybe for the first time in my life, I can't think of anything to say. I'll just pretend we're in the car with DH driving. I'm always telling him where to go. Oops, that didn't come out exactly right...I'm always helping him drive - he calls me the GPS.
  10. Ooohhh, that sounds exciting. Break out the cameras!
  11. This is like waiting for a baby to be born!
  12. Does this remind you of kids in a car saying, "Are we there yet?"
  13. Well, let's get this baby moving. :clapping:
  14. I will say that I first attempted to make 'her' dumplings about 30 years ago and my kids laughed me out of the kitchen. "Those are NOT dumplings!" I tried a few more times after that and just gave up until this past Fall. When we were visiting the folks in Alabama and were talking about 'the dumplings' I decided it was time I (now age 65) learned how to do it like MIL did. Mind you, my SIL and other family members have tried on many occasions to get this 'recipe' right. My niece gave me a copy of the MIL hand-written 'recipe' and I practiced. First ones were ok, but not quite right. S
  15. I've recently learned to make them by my MIL's 'non recipe'. She was the best dumplin' maker in Alabama. Dough rolled out very thin. She used the bottom part of a pressure cooker to cook hers in - my niece has the pot, the rolling pin, the cup she dipped them out with. It took me several tries to get them down, but my kids (grown) think I've finally done it! I did ruin one stainless steel stock pot, but I broke down and bought a Le Creuset enameled cast iron dutch oven and it works great! My kids say I'm not allowed to cook anything else in that pot - they don't want me to mess it u
  16. I can put you in touch with a man from Cobb who's been in scouting for many, many years. He has a collection of old scouting stuff. Been a leader and is an excellent storyteller.
  17. This is the very reason I don't drink!! Better to be thought a fool than to remove all doubt!
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