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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Let me clarify what I meant by my stating "I AGREE" to the comment "The whole "Muslim" argument is very disheartening.". I felt it disheartening because I didn't think the religion should be brought up - his religion (regardless of what his religion is) is totally irrelevant as far as I can see.
  2. with American Airlines??? Their website says they do not give you the amount the fee is to change a flight until AFTER the flight is booked on the date/time it is being changed to. That is scary to not have an idea what the fee could be.
  3. 1) She walks out of the house at 9PM without a suitcase, additional clothing, etc. 2) Her credit cards have not been used for lodging, clothing, food. 3) Her husband walks in the house 10 mins. after she leaves? No, 1+2+3 does NOT add up to 6 in this case. There are too many variables missing. It doesn't appear her husband would have had time to "do something to/with her" from the time he left his friend and drove to the home, she left the home and he walked into his home. IF she is still alive she has to be with someone to be providing for her basic needs. It will be interesting to se
  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Myrtle Beach. I am not a beach person but love sitting on a balcony over looking the ocean and people-watching. There is SO much to do away from the beach. We go every other year and stay at the Myrtle Beach Resort in Surfside. In 2007 we made ELEVEN trips to MB from Feb-Nov when DS was 16 yrs. old and he lived there performing in a musical theater. We would move there in a heartbeat but I don't wanna be 6 hrs from our DGD's. We prefer to be South of Myrtle Beach which is Surfside, Murrel's Inlet, Garden City, etc. It is not the "tourist trap" that the stretch with the arcades
  5. I only get one now when I know there is going to be something in it about a family member.
  6. Unfortunately balcony jumping has become common practice among teens/young adults when they are at the beach. The feeling of being invincible and alcohol do not mix!!! I hate your co-worker had to witness such a horrible thing. I don't think this mother was balcony jumping from what has been reported. Regardless of how she fell it is a HORRIBLE thing for the family and for her. When I hear things like this I often think how horrifying it has to be for the person to know they are falling and there isn't anything they can do. And to see the earth quickly approaching and knowing you are about to
  7. It is sad how that has become common practice these days.
  8. ME AND YOU, TOO!!!! I didn't watch this link but I saw it on the news this AM and there are at least two other toddlers that were given alcohol at Applebee's. SOOOOOO NOT GOOD!!!
  9. Thoughts and prayers being sent to JJ and praying his condition will improve overnight so he can be weened off the vent tomorrow. Rest well, JJ.
  10. You are SO right!!!! There are situations in Paulding County that 90% of the folks would be horrified if they knew the facts. I totally believe that the lady in tonight's episode would not know what was going on 2 miles away from her multi-million dollar home. Her lifestyle is a world away from these folks. And, I agree that regardless of their motive as long as they are helping the less fortunate, keep on!! We watch Secret Millionaire every week and hate that tonight was the season finale.
  11. THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR INPUT. THANKS!!! At 9 weeks Saban was 4.5 lbs. (It is hard to believe we brought Wade home from NICU on his 6 week b'day weighing only 4.7 lbs. LOL!!!) Saban's mom is 9 lbs and his dad is 11 lbs so he should be around that weight. Dachshunds - puppy and adults. Sorry, I should have said.
  12. DD and I were talking about this earlier today and I thought I'd ask for recommendations, pros and cons. I was not aware there are products on the market that takes care of BOTH fleas AND heartworms? I always thought the heartworm preventative was given separately as was flea/ticks?? What have you tried and what results did you have? What would you recommend or not recommend?? Did you find the combined products for heartworms/fleas to be cost effective? TIA.
  13. I hope you caught my sarcasm? I don't shop Wal-Mart unless absolutely necessary and as a LAST resort!!! DH refuses to give them our business. I am curious when you say the clothing items at Wal-Mart were not NEW??? Like I said, I don't shop there but I find that disgusting!!! People buy it, wear it, return it and Wal-Mart puts it back on the racks as NEW??? That is the only thing I could think of that they are selling clothes that are not new. YUK!!
  14. THANKS. I'll have to check it out one day when I'm sitting here bored.
  15. I don't even know where that is located???? Is it a locked forum with a password?
  16. I HATE to clean but YEP, I think you will enjoy that more! LOL. I bought the DD and DGD's Season Passes for Christmas. It was a GREAT deal because I got them for $49.99 each and didn't have to pay for them until March. There are a lot of benefits and perks to having the Season Pass and the coupon book that comes with it but I can't help ya with the specifics. There used to also be passes in it (either free or greatly reduced) to go to White Water, too. I would think it would be beneficial for your husband to get a Season Pass at least and like someone else said two visits and it is m
  17. AMEN!!!! Ridiculous - WHY even bother to have a sales paper???? Oh yeah, I forgot - their ploy to get you IN the store and then you'll say "Oh well, I'm here anyway I might as well get this and that and oh yeah, I need several of those. Oh heck I'll go ahead and buy ALL my groceries. I'm already here anyway." All the while playing their game that only THEY know the rules to and YOU are over spending. "But, no that can't be true - THIS IS WAL MART."
  18. I never go to OG for dinner - WAY too expensive but have met my former co-workers there for lunch some. I've learned NEVER order anything with a red sauce - I cook better red sauce dishes. BUT......been hoping for years they would bring a Red Lobster to Paulding. It ain't gonna happen but they would definitely get my families business on a regular basis. I do want to try Olive Tree soon, tho.
  19. SAD!!! I hope no one else is hurt - or MURDERED - with the person being freed due to this attorney's incompetence.
  20. EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING!!! Your scenario makes sense, too.
  21. MOST DEFINITELY!!! I agree with you 110%. And, I just can NOT see the producers allowing a while male to win 3 yrs in a row. And, Jacob isn't consistent enough. SOOOO????? ME TOO! IMHO Adam lost because AT&T - one of the big sponsors of Idol filled a warehouse with phones and hired a company to have callers call repeatedly and vote for Kris. AT&T and Idol did not want an openly gay man to represent either of them.
  24. Very good! We've never tried the place at Crossroads but sounds like we might need to. But, I agree with Póg mo thóin: Scalini's is THE BEST!!!
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