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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I have taken the Wal-Mart Equate brand chlortrimeton (sp?) for about 30 years now. It is less than $3.00. When I feel the symptoms coming on I just take a couple and it usually always takes care of it.
  2. Arby's here - Angus Philly Cheese and Curly Fries
  3. We had a Jim 'n Nicks Gift Card so we brought home the Family BBQ Meal with BBQ Pork, Mac & Cheese, Slaw, Cheese Biscuits and coconut pie. YUMMMMM. YUMMMMMM......That sounds AWESOME!! And, sounds a lot like a chicken dish I always get at The Lazy Donkey in Carrollton. Gonna have to try that one night. THANKS for sharing!!
  4. Same here. We thought it was just ESPN until we got tired of it and tried to watch something on a different channel and saw it was doing the same thing. I got a recording when I called Comcast saying there was technical difficulties that appeared to be in our area and it would be fixed by 1:57PM tomorrow. But, all seems to be fine now. Thank Goodness!!! ETA: I spoke too soon. Scrambling again all of a sudden.
  5. WHY???? I am sorry but I do not agree with punishing the players who have worked hard not only this year but for years to play college football. They are not responsible for what was or what was not done NINE YEARS AGO when many of them were still in elementary school and the same age as many of the victims. I don't see that happening anyway.
  6. Country Fried Steak & Gravy Mashed Taters Stir Fry Cabbage (with onions and bacon) Rolls
  7. AGREE!!! Just about every time DH and I would pass by there we would comment that we couldn't believe no one had bought it yet. I am sure they wanted a lot of that prime location. :(
  8. DH talked to Coach Dan Reeves today and he said this was a BLOWN call. (Of course we already knew that, but.....) He said it was a blatant violation of the rules which state when two players are in possession of the ball on the way down the call goes with the offensive player. When the defensive player comes up with it it has to be called incomplete.
  9. I haven't bid on any but I have watched a few and it is apparent "if it's too good to be true" adage fits. You can spend a fortune in the fees bidding.
  10. I am wanting to look into the Kindle Fire. I don't expect to be using a lot of apps and will basically just use it as a ereader. Or would you have another recommendation??? TIA.
  11. Again, I'm not here to argue with you but there IS a difference in losing by 3 points than getting the "A$$ spanked" by 30. You are right, a loss is a loss but there IS a difference. I am not defending the loss either the best team won last night with the best coaching, best players and best kicker. And, NO the spanking from Auburn last year did not hurt so you lost that bet. Typically it would have hurt BUT.......a loss to Bama would have kept THEM out of the National Championship game. I cheered for Auburn in the SEC and BCS games. I am PROUD my home state provided the Heisman Trophy winner
  12. Not gonns argue with you. DUH????? Yes, Alabama lost the game. One game does not make a looser (oops - sorry for the wrong SPELLING )loser. Two excellent teams were on the field last night and one team was going to lose. This time it was Bama. Did I not see the faces of the fans? DUH????? (again) YES I DID. And, as I said previously IF the situation had been reversed you would have seen THE SAME expressions on the LSU fans faces. I would have been PO'd had the fans NOT had those expressions on their faces last night!!! It was a disappointment. No National Championship? Guess you haven't been
  13. Me and you too Tatertot! There have been some lean years - every team has them. Headed to Kroger now with my Alabama colors on!! You hit the nail on the head with this one! AMEN Girlfriend!!!!! :yahoo:
  14. WELLLLLLLLL.......There are a LOT of comments here I could rag on but I won't. Yes my blood runs CRIMSON - always has and always will. But, guess what folks????? The sun DID come up this morning and Thank the Good Lord so did I. I am wearing my Alabama t-shirt. Disappointed? Yes. The end of the world? No. I was disappointed in the play calling of Saban but the boys gave it their all. I didn't agree with some of the officiating (especially Reid' "interception") but don't misinterpret what I am saying as crying. It is called an opinion. As far the haters my guess is your team isn't good enough t
  15. Shoulda/Coulda/Woulda be over IF we had a kicker.
  16. To the questions in the subject title.....no and no. But, they were still happily married and had been for 17 years when Daddy died.
  17. WHERE is the #1 Defense in the Country????
  18. Bama has a history this season of not showing up until the 2nd half. Okay boys.....IT IS TIME TO SHOW UP AND PLAY ALABAMA FOOTBALL!!!!!!
  19. I do too Kittycat. We NEED a dang kicker!!!
  21. I didn't hear that COD was complications from minor surgery but I was not surprised when I heard it this AM. SO many folks die within weeks of leaving a job that has been their life for decades. RIP Andy.
  22. This glitter design AUBURN or GEORGIA team logo compact mirror slides perfectly into purse pocket and opens up to mirrors on both sides. Perfect for stuffing the stocking or giving to a co-worker or someone you want to give a nice, unique gift but not spend a lot of money. Limited supply on hand. Only $6.00
  23. I bought DGD an emachine for Christmas 2 years ago. It has served her purpose just fine. And, for several months DD worked from home on that laptop for 10-14 hrs a day. No problems whatsoever.
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