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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Okay, Gamma/Mrs. Jack Russell and TwinSister and I are meeting at Rodney's in New Hope tomorrow at noon for lunch. Anyone else game??? Everyone is more than welcome to join us. Just a spur of the moment thing. Come on ya'll, the more the merrier!!!!!
  2. DH and I had a "late lunch/early dinner" at Cracker Barrel. He had hamburger steak, mashed taters and mac & cheese w/ biscuits. I had city ham, hashbrown casserole, green beans and biscuits w/ sawmill gravy. So, we just had an apple with caramel for a little something.
  3. Awwwwwwwwwww...........How pretty!! Congratulations to your son and his beautiful bride - and to you for the new daughter. I hope they enjoy their time in Japan.
  4. Good news along with bad news. But, the upside is hopefully once she gets past this that will be the end of it - no lasting ill-effects as with a stroke. I am glad you have wi-fi, at least, to keep you company. I spent much of last summer at Kennestone as a result of having 3 strokes but wi-fi wasn't available. My prayers will be with your mom and the family and I pray she gets better SOON!!
  5. I hope you can give us updates. When it is your child, you cannot help but worry. But, I hope the good experiences of others will help relieve your fears. DGD was there for 2 weeks in Feb. 2008 and DD, SIL and the children were treated like royalty. Not only do they treat you good, they KNOW their business and what they are doing. You all will be in my prayers, along with the medical staff to have the knowledge and guidance they need to treat her. Best of luck to you and I hope they are able to find the problem and correct it quickly.
  6. that was my first thought, too....verbatim.
  7. I agree with the others, she will be in good hands. My oldest DGD has been at Scottish Rite several times with her CF. They are wonderful and know their stuff. You and your family will be in my prayers.
  8. I didn't realize there were three different CM memberships.
  9. No sweeter words ever spoken than "I love you Nana." It exhaust me for my girls (5 & to be here, but I love every minute of it. "Life through the eyes of a child" comes to mind.
  10. Never enough.......SWEET DREAMS! Nite Nite.
  11. Welcome to my world. Almost every day is unproductive for me.
  12. DH and I went to Ryan's. It was really good tonight. The steak was better than usual and they had prime rib - cooked just right - medium rare.
  13. Poor baby. I hope he gets to feeling better - I am sure Grandma's kiss made it all better.
  14. I found another GREAT Alabama Golf/Polo style shirt by STARTER in 2X if you are interested. I was pretty sure I still had it the other day when you got the others, but I could not put my hands on it. (Imagine that? Nothing in my office, huh? ) Just let me know if you want to come look at it.
  15. Many years ago I had a case where an 18 month old baby was addicted to beer. All the mother would give him was beer in a bottle - yes, he was still taking a bottle at 18 mos. Of course, he was placed in protective custody. It was really sad b/c the beer was all he was getting and he had to be taught how to eat, chew, etc! All his teeth were rotten from going to bed with the beer/bottle and had to be pulled. He went through withdrawals and was absolutely Pitiful!!! He had to be admitted to UAB and it was determined he did NOT have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. (how he didn't is beyond me) And
  16. I am working on getting some quilted throws as well as other type Collegiate throws. I am finding out these can be very expensive, even at my wholesale price!!!! As far as the Totes offered in the thread, I have one each left of AUBURN and TENNESSEE. These are still being sold at WHOLESALE and but will only be available at this price for a limited time. Football season is quickly approaching!!!! PLEASE send a PM if you are interested as I might not see a post on here. THANKS!!!!! Sending you a PM. Yes, I have LOTS of Alabama apparel.
  17. Thanks, it REALLY is cute - and something different from what you usually see. And, perfect for summer, light and unique. Sending you a PM about the other.
  18. Yes that's it. That would be GREAT if you could come! And, if you have a "special" song or request, just let me know and Wade can serenade you and DH!!! Hope to see ya there.
  19. I am so sorry for your friend's loss. May God give her peace during this difficult time. Prayers said for her and the family. Bless her heart!!
  20. That IS an idea. Usually I catch beans, peas, etc when they are just a little scorched but are salvageable. But, not these. They were BLACK and CRISPY.
  21. I didn't take it you were bashing Monkey Doodle. But, I can understand your frustration and in many cases a lack of communication can cause problems that could easily be avoided. I wish Monkey Doodle a FULL and QUICK Recovery!!! Take Care.
  22. I understand why you haven't been able to return my call nor read my PM. You will be in my prayers and I hope your medical problems will soon be resolved. You are fortunate to be in such good physical shape. I hope that will help you in your recovery. I understand all too well how difficult it can be when your life makes a sudden and unforeseen physical change!!! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF and I hope you get to feeling better SOON!!!! ETA: Monkey Doodle, Don't worry about bringing the dresses to me.............if you will just tell me what works for you, I will send someone to pick them u
  23. Do you think my pod partner would be proud???????
  24. Thank Ya, Thank Ya Very Much.
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