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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Let me know when you post the thread so I can be sure to vote again. They have my support and I will pass the word around, too!!!
  2. That was a walk down memory lane. Haven't heard that song in a LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG time. That is MY life exactly, so I am already there with ya. Doing the same thing on Saturday, too. "Lady Killer" is the matinee on LMN. LOL!
  3. Hey Girl! We won't be able to come tonight but I hope Layla has a huge turnout. And, for those of you who have not heard her, this is a great opportunity to see/hear Layla locally. She is very talented and cute as a button, too. Hope to be able to make it next month, RG.
  4. I would love to, but I don't have a way to get there today. I'll give a food donation to you next time I see ya.
  5. When I was in HS - a LONG time ago, several of us girls decided we wanted shiny hair and read in Seventeen magazine that putting mayonnaise on your hair and covering with saran wrap over night would make your hair shiny. LESSON LEARNED and note to self - NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!! It took SEVERAL washes to begin to get that mess out of our hair. We decided we didn't need or want shiny hair.
  6. Don't ya know it???? When I was in Social Work, there was no doubt when it was a full moon!!
  7. Well.......my vision is so bad, I "thought" your post DID say singing "Please Don't Go"
  8. A good reason to be boring and at home on a Friday night.
  9. I know you told me to get your discount tickets to Saturday night to see Wade. Do you want me to get ya tickets for both nights or do you want to get them from Heigh ho Silver? Just want to make sure. ***hijack*** I want some of those good pictures you took of Wade singing to Sunshine Saturday night to put on his website - gotta have his BIGGEST little fan on there!! I know your camera takes better pics than mine!!!! ***end of hijack***
  10. That is a GREAT addition!!
  11. I agree with all the above. Vick was exciting to watch and had great moves, but the Falcons are MUCH better off with Ryan.
  12. GREAT DEAL on a beauty.
  13. I see Cpl. Gurley is in here. Maybe he can shed some insight. Prayers for all involved in the accidents. I am interested in the man being chased off McClung, too. Any more info???
  14. STILL AVAILABLE. I guess if none of the HUGE Georgia fans on p.com want it, I will put it on ebay. I just knew someone would take advantage of this great deal. (YES, I am a procrastinator and just never got around to listing it. One last offer.)
  15. I didn't look it up or click on your links, but will take your word and just continue to be an idiot, I guess. This dog is tooooo old to teach a new trick.
  16. Well, since I AM THE OP, I will clarify. I have NEVER wanted Debbie Rowe to have the children and NEVER thought she "Deserved" to have the children. She never wanted to even have a relationship with them when MJ was alive and did make a lot of statements reinforcing the fact. I have fought the system on numerous occasions for children to NOT be removed from the home/family they grew up in and love only to be placed with "blood strangers." My intent was to start a thread stating she was not going to fight for custody. She has only been involved with this family for the money. And, it
  17. Personally, no. A true "surrogate" gives birth to a baby for all the "right" reasons and many of those reasons have nothing to do with money. Not to mention they do not "marry" the non-biological father that raises the child/ren. Debbie Rowe's ONLY interest in these children was her financial benefit, JMHO.
  18. This could be very good news for my Erin. How exciting!!! http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/70...c+Fibrosis+Cure
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