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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I don't know but I am sure they will cover it again on the 6:00 news.
  2. I am SOOOOOO glad to see your breakfast buffet is past mid-morning. DH and I will definitely be coming by with friends after church soon.
  3. Watching WSB News and they were showing live coverage over the weigh station on I-20 EB and EVERY big rig truck that is on the interstate is being searched. Dogs and several devices are being used to search the rigs but no information has been given as to what they are searching for. A big mess!!!
  4. I do not know the Opthamologist you are referring to but my experience has been this is pretty standard procedure. I've had surgery on my left eye twice and both times my surgery was scheduled at UAB for around 8:30 (and I lived ovder 2 hrs away so we spent the night near the hospital - so much easier!). They were unable to do a later appointment either. Sorry to not be able to offer any encouragement.
  5. YIKES!!! I sure am glad to hear the kitty is feeling better at least. And look at it this way - this Tuesday has no where to go but UP from here!!!! Hope you feel better SOON!
  6. Those are all the same reasons why I refuse to go to Town Center. Haven't been there in YEARS but haven't had the same problem at Arbor. Maybe it's because I typically go during the week. But with Town Center it didn't matter what day I went - it was always a nightmare!! As far as Toys R Us goes - I think that is AWESOME!! Offers employment for a lot of people when they need it most and will also provide good prices for those shopping. Of course historically their prices have been higher than most other toy stores but they do have some "hard to find" items.
  7. The news said he was on a new prototype of the Segway he had developed and he fell off a mountain terrain?
  8. Most people I know who have one have it to be able to get the "extra" nights at only $69-$89/night and it not affect their points. They get a great location and condo for less than a basic hotel room much of the time. A cousin and her family use her MIL's and she's had them for 20+ years and continued to add the amount of points. They went to Myrtle Beach for 2 weeks this summer and are about to go to Pigeon Forge for a week. They have reservations to go somewhere else for 3 weeks in December. I had one in PCB but sold it back to the company years ago. I didn't make any money off the sale
  9. Pauldings Got Talent is taken - for one night at least, March 12, 2011
  10. That is interesting and it will be interesting to see what changes are made. DS flew home often from Orlando and preferred AirTran over Delta by a mile!!
  11. Let me know when you can pick up. Everything is still bagged up waiting on you.
  12. OKAY FOLKS.......I have been contacted by several p.commers about the pets. If you have reserved one or are interested in doing so PLEASE contact me to arrange a pick-up time. I need them picked up ASAP. THANKS!!
  13. Here too!!!! Have you seen the segment he was on ELLEN where he went into a Starbucks and Ellen had a mic in his ear telling him what to say???? It was hiliarious. He walked in and yelled "Dennis Quaid is HERE".
  14. DH and I were gone ALL day - on a mission to buy me a NEW laptop and then buy groceries at Kroger. We have plenty of food but were not about to come home and cook. We were SO tired. So, we picked up a white pizza from Mellow Mushroom. YUMMMMM......virgin olive oil, so many cheeses,onions, tomatoes (we didn't have the sun dried tomatoes on it) topped with pepperoni. It was AWESOME! (not as good as the California White Pizza at the Ultimate California Pizza in Myrtle Beach but it was a close second and a LOT closer. )
  15. I'm not on there either, Madea. But, I did find a friend that I would never guess voted democrat!!
  16. Just to let ya know I checked my paypal account again today (Saturday) at 1:50PM and it still is not showing the payment received.
  17. I was all excited and about to call friends to schedule an outing until I got to the end and saw "they are only open on Friday nights from 6-9" That is impossible for us to make considering DH gets off work in Buckhead at 6:00 or later! But, it does sound WONDERFUL!!!
  18. Having been a Social Worker in the system for 18 yrs I saw toooooo many children who just needed parents to love them! I am not adopted but I agree with you.
  19. I just checked my paypal account and it isn't there. If it happens to go through twice I will refund one of them immediately but as of right now the first one has not gone through. Thanks for checking with me.
  20. I know that is why I wanted to give them some kudos and praise. I know people are quick to complain and voice their bad experiences with a company. We were SO impressed with the awesome customer service I wanted to spread the news. :::hijack::: As a recipient of a donated organ I LOVE your signature!!! THANKS! :::endofhijack:::
  21. Our God is an AWESOME God!!!! That is wonderful news on several fronts for your family.
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