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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Now that right there is FUNNY :lol: Your son was very observant. :good: ***AND*** mojo413: Your post #83 was VERY WELL SAID!!!
  2. Still have AVAILABLE: One Size Each: 7 and 8.
  3. Unfortunately I have taken several rides with Clark Ambulance and have found their employess to always be knowledgeable, courteous, kind and caring. I have never had complaint! When I worked at DFCS I was on a Fatality Board that Sam was on. He was always very nice and added a lot of information from his expertise to help in working the cases presented to us. As far as the cost of being transported via ambulance: YES, it is expensive. I live just 3-4 miles from Paulding Hospital (I think - I am terrible with distances.)and it is usually around $650. Typically I am then transported to Kenne
  4. I am on Bus 6 near the Huddle House/McDonald's/Ingles, etc area. THANKS!
  5. TWO DAY SALE FRI & SAT OCT 8th & 9th - ONLY $8.00!! I only have the (2) (1) pink bunny, (1)blue bear and (3) (2) (1)tan cat remaining. Pick them up today or tomorrow bu 6:00PM for ONLY $8.00 each!!! That is BELOW WHOLESALE PRICE - my loss your gain. But, this deal is only good for the two days!!!!! TIA.
  6. THANK YOU! I will be emailing them and ask to be put on the list. I've called when I wanted to know the menu for a specific day but this will prevent me from having to bother them.
  7. A somewhat continuation from the thread about unemployment numbers.......A LOT of people depend on the Atlanta Braves continuing their season for their income. A lot of people work in the concessions, ushers, walk the isles with food items, parking attendants, etc, etc. The sooner the Braves season ends the sooner those people will be out of work. The score is only 1-0 but the way this game has gone that may be all that is needed. COME ON BRAVES!!!!!!
  8. VERY TRUE! A LOT of people are caught in that category. Oh Honey, I am SORRY you have come face to face with that reality!!! Sorry this happened to your husband (and your family) and his co-workers. Keep your chin up - it is easier to see Heaven this way!
  9. What is even more discouraging is the numbers do not tell the whole story. There are a high number of people who do not qualify to be counted in the unemployment numbers. For instance,(1)those who were on unemployment and their benefits have expired but have not yet found a job. (2) I have a friend who is in real estate but due to not having sold a house in MONTHS she put her RE license "on hold" because she could not continue to pay the monthly fees to the real estate company she worked for to keep her license active while not having any money coming in. I know she is not the only one yet she
  10. THANK YOU ALL for the kind words, Congratulations and words of encouragement. I've been away from the house all day so the comments were a sweet surprise when I got home and on p.com. Rather than answer each one individually, I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH - it means so much to me and my family. He will be a dancer at Zoo Atlanta for four days of activities during the last of Oct. and Halloween week-end. He has to talk to the Zoo and the producers of the play to make sure there isn't a conflict with time of rehearsals and performances. He is hopeful he can work it out to do both.
  11. To answer your question: YES! We have Humana HMO: Office Visit: $25 Urgent Care: $25 Specialist: $50 ER $100 (Waived if admitted) With my medical issues I seldom go to the PCP but often visits one specialist or another. And, if I ever go to the ER I am always admitted so the co-pay is waived. (Except in situations like when I stepped on a rusty nail and just needed a tetnus shot.)
  12. Thank You, Darlin. I edited to add that he got a call this evening from Zoo Atlanta and will be working there during four days of Halloween activities. Hopefully the "big" news can be made public soon.THANKS AGAIN!! (BTW, I LOVE your profile Pic!! Been missin ya. )
  13. OMGOSH - I LOVE IT!!! Gotta post on FB for all my UGA fans.
  14. Thanks Mrs. JR: Yes he has something else he has been offered but he isn't announcing it until he signs the contract. And, yes is it somewhat local. THANKS everyone for the CONGRATULATIONS. I was a bit aggravated when he didn't go to auditions for FL simply because it would look good on his bio. But, then he got the call today. I am a firm believer everything happens for a reason so we'll just wait and see.
  15. The lady he talked to today just called to see if he was interested and available those two days. He has to call someone different on Sunday to get the specifics. THANK YOU!!!!
  16. I agree on the okry. When DD and I went she commented it tasted just like her Nanny's. (Nanny died 6 yrs ago at the young age of 95. So it was great to have something so close to her cooking.)
  17. I thought the filming of Footloose had finished but DS just got a call for the 11th and 12th. He didn't go to the audition but they called him. He has to take 3 changes of clothes and they said he will be working 12 hrs each day. He has an upcoming gig in a play but he isn't ready to announce it yet. As soon as he signs the contract you know this proud Mom will be letting everyone know! ETA: DS auditioned over the week-end for Zoo Atlanta festivities over Halloween as a dancer. They called him this evening and he got that PAYING job, too. :yahoo: Still more news to come.....it
  18. Didn't there used to be one near Town Center???? RL isn't bad (price wise) if you go before 3:00 and eat the lunch menu and you still get a large serving.
  19. DH and I go to the Golden Corral in Douglasville for lunch occasionally and it is REALLY good. I could make a meal just off the fresh salad bar. Since we are "seniors" we can eat all we want plus drink and tax for less than $14.00. Can't beat that deal!!! Thanks for the education.
  20. A friend and I stopped by after a doctor's appointment. We'd already had lunch so we stopped for desserts. We shared a strawberry dish and a chocolate dish (can't remember what they were called) but both were AWESOME!!!! I brought home a loaf of sourdough bread and a tub of chicken salad to make DH a sandwich and a salad for me. I also brought home a mini carrot cake and all of it was really, really good, too. I look forward to going back! I initially met Johnnie at the Food Show at the Galleria Center when I was there to see Paula Deen. (Sadie, I was disappointed after meeting her, too!)
  21. But, there is additional parking behind the resturant in the Movies 278 lot that would be close, isn't there? I would LOVE a Red Lobster to move into Paulding. There was a rumor one was going to be built near the Wal-Mart on 120. But, that land is still vacant to have done a lot of grading and work on it. I was unaware a Mexican restaurant was going in the Olga's building, too. HOW many Mexican restaurants can one county support???? GEEZZZZZZZ
  22. That is very interesting. I'd love to see the show and hear what all his evidence showed. (As I've stated before I am intrigued with true crime stories.) Because the Media continues to PAY him to talk.
  23. I am anxious to hear your daughter's reaction when you give her the purse. I have sold completely out of this purse. But, I am going to be getting some more in. If you are interested please let me know so I'll have an idea how many to order. THANKS!
  24. I agree with you. Mark Furman is doing whatever he can to keep his face in the news and money in his pockets. I heard a report on the news that the case was being reinvestigated and the focus of interviews would be on the brother who was 9 yrs old at the time. IMO they should leave it alone. The crime scene was compromised and the initial investigation was botched. As a result they will never get to the truth as to who killed that precious child. What do they expect to suddenly discover 14 yrs later??????? Let JonBenet (and Patsy) Rest In Peace! I agree with that statement, too - the se
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