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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. I have mine on the Lt blue changing the skins has created all these un read notifications in my pm box.. and they have all been read...
  2. Did you get this information from the same AJC district mgr that said there would be coupons in the Dec 19 paper?
  3. Have you tried Thera flu? my boys swear that is a miracle in a bottle. The health department does shots, wic, among the things you mentioned I do not think they have a doctor on staff that treats patients. as a doctors office. I hope you feel better soon,.
  4. I miss a lot of things about my child hood, playing out side, and being able to walk up and down nebo road to other family members homes, and across the road to my Grandparents house, going fishing with my Grandaddy, he use to sneak and let me drive LOL My mama's cooking nothing like it. helping my Daddy out in the yard.
  5. when he had his show he talked about this a lot.. he has been through some rough stuff with MS.
  6. I see the dark blue skin is gone now... I am using the Lt blue.. and now I have 860 UN read messages on this skin..
  7. sorry you are having so many problems trying to get this issue taking care of.. the sonogram that you are talking about is what I had done, because I had the deep bulging veins the doctor will squeeze your leg at certain times while the sonogram is being done by another doctor. that way they can tell how much blood is being restricted due to the veins. after you have the veins taken care of you have to wear the stockings also, in fact you take them to the office visit with you and they put them on you right after the surgery. and you have to walk every 15 minutes. I hope yo can find a wa
  8. I changed to LT Blue do we not have the dark blue any longer? oh lawd I now have 860 unread notifications
  9. Not a family member here, I did feed Billy when he went to EPHS LOL we have had the Breakfast Buffet I have posted about it, we loved it.. the french toast stuffed with peanut butter is sooooooo gooooood. it is not a big buffet like Ryans or somewhere like that. it is on a smaller scale, but we loved it and the service was great. the food was hot. and the main entrees that are offered on the bar that you choose, Billy cooks it when you order it, it is not on the bar. dang I hate we missed that special price...
  10. when I seen the commercial on this I thought of Caped Crusader..
  11. Lawd those places are dangerous LOL especially those golden brown waffles, with bacon, and hash browns LOL
  12. CC you gotta try the peanut butter french toast..
  13. I am watching the regular house hunters now....
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