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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. I have watched this a few times... Brittany sure has changed a lot lol
  2. Good Morning pcom. I am glad to the sun out..
  3. That is funny i said the same thing about you in lowriders thread
  4. please do not tell me he is home alone
  5. both of us can not be gone at one time one of us has to stay and keep All I hear Is Blah Blah Blah in line he can not be left home alone
  6. i soooooooooooooooooooo wish i was there.... this time last week you forgot to take me lol
  7. I think they all (parents and grandmother) should be put under the jail.
  8. looks like this topic has been covered... I just wanted to jump in and say it was nice meeting you this afternoon..
  9. Thanks for the update Subby... still in my prayers
  10. These were a gift from my husband's dentist my husband said he would have rathered had the money back lol but i thought they were pretty good. of course anything cooked on the grill is good to me.. well almost anything
  11. I drink over a pot of coffee a day, if i do not get the same amount every day i do get headaches... the doctor told my husband he could have 1 cup of coffee a day and he is on BP meds also.. maybe it is the bp meds that are giving you the side affects..
  12. I use to bite my nails and stopped... cold turkey but when i did bite them it was usually when i was nervous about something.
  13. we had some of those the other night cooked on the grill so good.... tonight i cooked salmon and biscuit, fried taters with onions...
  14. KRM it was nice seeing you and getting my hug from you... you did a wonderful job... and the food was great
  15. We had a great day... Thank you Paulding County Sheriffs Office and The city of Dallas for a wonderful escort.. Renea came out to see us before we left on the ride, and she was also was in the American Legion escort truck that led the way. her and her husband are very grateful and humbled for the community turn out today. I was able to see some pcom members. The General and Mrs G, Pubby, Lppt, KRM and a few others,. Thank you for all the hard work that was put into this event.. the weather was perfect.. so it was a great day all day. here are a few photos i took..
  16. This was happening while the officers were headed to the fundraiser today, they had to postpone the ride for for a while while they got this under control.
  17. I still do not won't to talk about it
  18. have a great time we love BR
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