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Everything posted by ButterflyLion

  1. Pubby, thanks for writing about how sharia law is being used in Britain. Here's an article that is an eyewitness account by a reporter that provides some more details on the subject: Sharia law UK: Mail on Sunday gets exclusive access to a British Muslim court By Edna Fernandes Last updated at 9:57 PM on 4th July 2009 For the first time, the Islamic Sharia Council has granted access to a newspaper to observe the entire sharia legal process in Britain. Over several weeks, I was allowed to witness the filing of complaints, individual testimony hearings and the monthly meeting
  2. Not long after I became a member I posted a poem by Emily Dickinson. I was shocked by the anger that surfaced in that thread from several members.
  3. I was just curious if anyone knows what the other two states are that don't allow Sunday sales? Also, this article mentions a different number: Updated 11/19/2010 11:25 AM Thirty-six states now allow Sunday alcohol sales, some as early as 6 a.m. Sunday alcohol sales are on the rise in U.S. By Judy Keen, USA TODAY It's getting easier to find a little hair of the dog on Sundays. More states and communities are allowing Sunday liquor and alcohol sales or moving sales start times to as early as 6 a.m. Since 2002, 14 states have joined the list of states allow
  4. The article gave a couple of examples of sharia law, how do you feel about those?
  5. That's why I didn't understand why former member used the "every corner" reference to describe Christians when she was talking about violence AND why I asked her about it.
  6. "Just about every corner" sounded like you were referring to a lot of Christians---and linking them all to violence.
  7. "meet at just about every corner of our county on Sunday morning" So you're comparing attending church on Sunday mornings to a terrorist act?
  8. This news story reminded me so much of the story that that started this thread that I decided to post it. Note that Nelson's column is a well known monument in London built to commemorate the death of Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805: NOW MUSLIMS DEMAND FULL SHARIA LAW Thursday October 15,2009 By Martyn Brown A RADICAL Muslim group sparked outrage last night as it launched a massive campaign to impose sharia law on Britain.... On a website to promote their cause they deride British institutions, showing a mock-up picture of Nelson’s Column surmounted b
  9. Please see post 55 for the reason I posted the videos---and part of the article "Imagine" from the website. The reason I posted them had NOTHING to do with religion. It was about the style of the website. (Having experience as a writer I realize I might think more about that than most people)
  10. I posted the videos for one reason: if the site is a parody site (as it's been described) how are the videos parodies? The videos don't seem to be parodies to me. In another post I asked where was the parody in the article "Imagine" that was posted on the website.
  11. Edited to add: Please note the question I ask in post 55; the reason I posted this and the other video: I posted the videos for one reason: if the site is a parody site (as it's been described) how are the videos parodies? The videos don't seem to be parodies to me. This is another video from the website. All of the videos seem to be of a serious nature: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohBvL0RMV3I
  12. Edited to add: Please note the question I ask in post 55; the reason I posted this and the other video: I posted the videos for one reason: if the site is a parody site (as it's been described) how are the videos parodies? The videos don't seem to be parodies to me. This video is on the website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1Hj7rgY2Y0&feature=player_embedded
  13. Edited To Add: I googled the phone number from the website: Islamic Thinkers Society - March For Sharee'ah UK Oct 20, 2009 ... Contact information: General Enquiries: +44 7961 577 211. Media Enquiries: +44 7956 600 569. http://www.islamicthinkers.com/index/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=668&Itemid=2 Pubby, I read the article you referred to. Some of the other writing seems different though. Where is the parody in this: Imagine Imagine living in a society where the state provided free food, clothing and shelter for its people because it believed tha
  14. Why was the story retracted as a parody when it is the other website that is described as a semi-parody site? ...Some have begun to retract the story as a parody... One is Shariah4America.com, the authentic site, whose contact phone number is the same as that for the Islamic Thinkers Society, a New York City based Islamist group, which is linked to Revolution Muslim and the UK's Al-Muhajiroun, formerly led by Anjem Choudary before being banned there. Anjem Choudary was due to protest in front of the White House before canceling his plans. The plan to deface the Statue of Liberty is o
  15. This is his bio from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anjem_Choudary
  16. So, thoughts, mmm, AND you AND other members were "talking about" which website? The article I posted listed two websites: on with an h and other without.
  17. I like everything you posted. How long have you been working with polymer clay? Do you like a one brand more than others?
  18. I don't like the idea of children playing the role of either one. I think reading about it is the best way to cover a subject like slavery.
  19. Did you read any of the other posts? The creator of the one of the websites is Reza Soltani. Edited To Add: I googled the phone number from the home page of Shariah4America.com/: Islamic Thinkers Society - March For Sharee'ah UK Oct 20, 2009 ... Contact information: General Enquiries: +44 7961 577 211. Media Enquiries: +44 7956 600 569. http://www.islamicthinkers.com/index/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=668&Itemid=2
  20. I don't understand why you brought up Christian missionaries. Jesus told his discples to be as innocent as doves.
  21. I didn't see the show, but this from the ABC website: Teen Mom: 'They Treat Me Like I'm a Celebrity' Does Media Spotlight Encourage Teens to Become Moms? By JUJU CHANG and MELIA PATRIA March 3, 2011 Move over Jamie Lynn Spears and Bristol Palin. It's one thing to be a celebrity who gets pregnant at 17; it's another thing to become a celebrity for doing just that. .. Lifetime's "The Pregnancy Pact," the Fox hit "Glee" and "The Secret Life of an American Teenager" have explored the subject. But, without a doubt, today's most notorious young mothers are the stars
  22. The website is described as a semi-parody site. So what is parody's purpose---for a subject like this?
  23. This mentions two different websites. I looked at pages on both. I saw the Statue of Liberty Burkha article on one: On to an issue regarding yesterday's article. A number of sites have linked to the story on the Shariah 4 America plan to put a burka on the Statue of Liberty, before demolishing it and replacing it with a minaret. Some have begun to retract the story as a parody. Confusion has arisen because there are two Shariah4America websites. One is Shariah4America.com, the authentic site, whose contact phone number is the same as that for the Islamic Thinkers Society,
  24. Health concerns are the reason sited for the newer recommendations. A lot of authorities are saying things similiar to what's said here: Vaccinations represent a major stress to the immune system. They can not only cause side-effects and allergic reactions, they also contribute significantly to long term chronic disease. Chronic health problems frequently appear following vaccination including skin allergies, arthritis, leukemia, upper respiratory infections, irritable bowel syndromes, neurological conditions including aggressive behavior and epilepsy, auto-immune diseases and cancer.
  25. Some resources recommend a custom program based on your pet's needs, and being informed. This is similiar to what I read in the magazine article: Three words summarize the recommended frequency of canine vaccination - triennially, annually or never. That's the consensus of the American Animal Hospital Association's (AAHA) 14-member taskforce, which, at presstime, was working feverishly to compose a final draft of its first-ever canine vaccination guidelines. The final version, to be released this spring, is pending discussions with vaccine manufacturers. ... according to the
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