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Everything posted by SoapMom

  1. Thanks to all who shared their thoughts/votes thus far.
  2. I never mentioned US manufactures, and I used rather broad terms to boot. The manufactures of FDA approved H1N1 injectable vaccines are (according to the FDA website): CSL Limited, Novartis Vaccines, Diagnostics Limited, and Sanofi Pasteur Inc. The intranasal one is MedImmune LLC.
  3. Mark it on the calendar that there appears to be one topic that we are actually in agreement over. Cool! I have issues all the way around with it - efficacy, safety, need, impact, etc., etc. However, yes, that is really the crux of this -- the mandatory aspect of it.
  4. I'd still love to hear about the info on the Gary Null guy. He's listed as a "licensed dietitian, nutritionist and health-care worker" in that article. And like I said, I've read about quite a few lawsuits being filed -- not only to try to prevent mandatory vaxing of health care professionals, but also potential ones in deaths that could be associated with vaxing for the flu. ++++ I'm reading / researching about Gary Null now.... If this is the guy, then yeah, he sounds "out there" -- but he's only 1 person out of 8 that are part of the lawsuit. And that doesn't negate the
  5. Oh, if you knew how many times I've heard this song sung by my son and his buddies. LOLOLOLOLOL
  6. I laughed out loud several times. Thanks for sharing!!
  7. +++ See post below where I read further into Gary Null. Thanks for letting me know about him. Doesn't change how I feel about this, or the interest this suit has brought. But it's a good puzzle piece to have! +++ Can you provide some sort of links to further information about this? As I've read about *several* lawsuits filed by a variety of citizens. I'm wondering if you're talking about one that is completely different from the one that spurred this topic. "State, federal lawsuits pending on NY vaccine mandate" [ Poughkeepsie nurse who is suing Dr. Richard Daines, state health co
  8. With my continued reading, it seems there could be more than one lawsuit! I found one filed by a RN at Albany Medical Center in NY. Then the other which was a group of doctors/nurses/medical professionals in NY, no one hospital named. I added another option to cover people I hadn't thought about at first. Sorry, I'm soooooo tired. I didn't get home until after 1am this morning from picking hubby up from airport.
  9. The vaccine industry / machine is HUGE... one of the largest, and it generates hundreds of millions of dollars a year. It wasn't just one hospital - this was a state wide based law suit in NY. If vaccinations were 100% effective, and were 100% benign/non-harmful, then there wouldn't be any issue. There would be no forcing, everyone would freely and willingly get them. But non of that is the case.
  10. An interesting interview with an epidemiologist: ================= 07/21/2009 Interview with Epidemiologist Tom Jefferson 'A Whole Industry Is Waiting For A Pandemic' http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/...37119-2,00.html The world has been gripped with fears of swine flu in recent weeks. In an interview with SPIEGEL, epidemiologist Tom Jefferson speaks about dangerous fear-mongering, misguided, money-driven research and why we should all be washing our hands a lot more often. ====================== One tidbit from another article: What about the H1
  11. I voted other in the poll - as our decision has already been made, so the article doesn't impact our decision making process. I'm not surprised at all by the lawsuit other than it's medical professionals bringing it. They will face a lot of sneers and jeers for doing so from others in their professions who don't like to see this kind of public out cry brought out. Not to mention the other people out there who just think people who even question vaxing at all are all nut jobs to merely do so. Fear is such a powerful motivator. And I've spent 13 years really watching that emotion bei
  12. I always wash my hands with soap/water -- warm to hot water if the restroom has it. My son, who is 13, always does as well -- including public restrooms. My hubby too. We will often times follow that up with a hand sanitizer.
  13. Gee-Tee -- make sure you catch the topic I just posted this morning. And take my poll. I'm curious what impact the lawsuit may have upon people's decision to take the vax or not.
  14. Interesting article on the heels of the other topics we've had in the last few days. Since so many people trust what a doctor tells them, often times without any question or thought, I'm curious what sort of impact this lawsuit news may have. The group who brought the lawsuit are all medical professionals, and obviously don't wish to be forced to receive the vax themselves. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ----------------------- Lawsuit seeks to halt US swine flu vaccination campaign (complete article can be read by clicking link) http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/2009
  15. And I'm WILLING TO BET that neither your MIL nor her doctor reported that reaction to the VAERS website. Prime example!!! If you, your child or close family member, has a reaction - ANY REACTION - to a vaccination, please REPORT THE REACTION TO VAERS. If people don't do this, then those vaccination numbers of "oh, they are 100% safe" will continue to be skewed. http://vaers.hhs.gov/index
  16. You're a smart lady. All it takes is a little bit of logic, and reason, and the willingness to think outside the "status-quo-box" to put 2 and 2 together in situations like what you describe. With the reactionary system that my son has ended up having in his life, I do not even entertain what his life might have been like had we chosen to vaccinate him. ::::: shivers ::::: No way, no how.
  17. There are many reactions that go un-reported to (by doctors as well as patients) VAERS. I can't tell you about how many that I've personally known of that were NEVER reported, as they should have been.... and I'm just one person in a sea of millions. The statistics about reactions are only as good as the reporting system in place --- and it's not all that great. Mind you, they are supposedly trying to "do better" with the new H1N1 vaccine reaction reporting system from a report I heard on NPR yesterday.
  18. If it's a true phobia, then you may need professional help. From what I've read therapist can use desensitizing exercises to help him move past the phobia of needles.
  19. Sounds like fun -- and great prizes!
  20. Nope, from all the research we've done tonight, Yellow Rat Snake wins out. We're 99.99% sure that's what it was. Pretty cool. Poor thing was scared of hubby. Hubby being the good guy he is released him in a different area. I'm sure he was just trying to find a mouse/rat near the dumpster behind the auto shop where hubby was on a call.
  21. Not sure. Like I posted, I've not found one pic that is *exact* to the one he took. Yep, hubby is just fine. Has a bite mark and that's all. Once said snake was off his finger, he put him in the ditch nearby and let him go. That's the closest yet!!!!! :::: off to research Yellow Rat Snake ::::
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