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Everything posted by GipperGirl

  1. ...........................................
  2. There. is. No. Such. Thing. As. Big. Boned. My brother is an orthopedic P.A. in Marietta(nearing 30 yrs in his field). You should hear his take on being "big boned". Oh my, it aint pretty or delicate. He is NOT politically correct about it either. He makes me a little nervous at times when he gets on his soapbox. He doesnt give a rats a$$ about the many excuses. He wants his patients healthy and will hurt their feelings if need be. He's awesome. ES, Unfortunately, the Holacaust was a perfect example.
  3. Dangit. I was online 3 times on 3 different days trying to get tickets but NADA! Where am I? SOUTH GA???? What the? How 'bout it, Dis?! Naw, not tryin' to fight with any of the "finest" fo' sho'! I'm buying the cutest lil' house in Valdosta. I think I'm in love....with the house... . Iz do that sh$#. Sue me?...
  4. I believe in the power of prayer 100%. I just did and will continue to remember you in prayer. Give us an update when you can.
  5. Well, I didnt know if you got the memo or not. Hey, did you hear that now they are saying asbestos is bad too? What the?
  6. OH! yeah, I saw a few mins the other night. That is right down my alley! Didnt know the name though.Well, anyway, Happy Birthday, Old Man.......... :p
  7. What? You better put those nasty cancer sticks in the trash and leave em there. At only 34 your lungs will LITERALLY begin to heal and regenerate within days of quitting. They wont be that way forever. Dont get me wrong, I know habits broken are much easier said than done....but you still gotta drop those nasty things .
  8. A what? And is there a show called Shark Tank?
  9. of course...but only hanging on due to her thick, pastey red lipstick.
  10. When I see "yup" I wanna punch somebody like a white trash chick in a bar with her baby. Hold my baby!
  11. How true. I'm still seething that we never got to hear her testify and answer the important questions. I knew she most likely wouldnt take the stand but I just cant get any peace about her not having to face the questions.
  12. 'Twas thoust birthday today? (I have no idea why I went all Elizabethan on ya).
  13. 47 lbs is nothin' to sneeze at there Mr Papi! Wow...good for you .
  14. Lemme tell ya, 38 is even better! Good luck and go let that gym kick yer hinney! The sore and achy muscles youll have in the a.m. are really just tellin ya that what you did made a difference and its a good thing. Everybody's different but I have found that the music I listen to during my workout makes a big difference in my stamina. Especially for the parts of my workout that I REALLY dislike. It's just one of those little things that make a big difference. Knock ya'self out and envision the results. Seeing your body change makes all the pain worth it. (that is low-fat beer, btw)
  15. :::fingerscrossed::: SOOOOO true. It's hard not to daydream about things of that nature happening to her when you see that "gotcha suckas" smile.
  16. I love it. That guy would be a blast to sit a have a few beers with.
  17. I think youre exactly right. She will miss the attention.
  18. Caseys mustache, wig and new name Well, seems they have hit on one of Casey's strongest talents(outside of ho'ing around and being a self proclaimed "cold-hearted bi#@$.")....making up fake names....or fake people with fake jobs, fake addresses, etc. I have my money on "Juliette Lewis". She seems to like that one a lot.
  19. I always enjoy hearing opinions that differ from mine. Especially, someone who I know has genuine personal convictions, like yourself.
  20. I agree with West Cobb Natural Body. I have gotten a few massages every year there and they are always very professional, clean and provide a very serene, relaxed atmosphere.
  21. thamks for the reminder, Postman! I have been meaning to check it out and keep forgetting.
  22. Sandra Gane' Salon I've been a hairdresser and esthetician for 19 yrs. I'm no longer in the Atl but I can tell you this: DO NOT go to Spa Sydell. It's a glorified gift certificate "get 'em in, get 'em out" carousel. There is a good place on Dallas Hwy. Sandra Gane Salon. I would highly recommend making an appt for a complimentary consultation. If any salon turns their nose up at this request then RUN! Reputable salons do it everyday as a service to existing and potential clients. Also, Key Lime Pie in Virgina Highlands downtown does great work. Depending on the sort of f
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