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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. I agree with parts of this. But the real problem is not "going too far in either direction", it has little to do with left or right. It's corruption that is taking us down.
  2. And there you go, the elitist attitude of the left. They think they are above the rest of us.
  3. I genuinely hope you guys continue this. The world needs to see just how filled with hate the left is.
  4. No one said those two don't sometimes fail. It should also be pointed out that there are different levels of government, and as a general rule, local government usually works better with more accountability than the federal government. Regarding the federal government; many of the things they are into today were not part of the founder's intent, and that was likely for good reason. So while your statement is cute, it has no sustenance..
  5. Clearly, the mind controlled Demobots here don't want to discuss all the millions the Clinton Foundation got because Hillary gave Putin control of most of the world's uranium and raised money for him to build a hypersonic cruise missile engine.
  6. The man's remarks about the VA and very troubling and I suspect they might have merit, given all the other problems with the VA that we've all heard about. . I feel that it's perfectly appropriate to point out that the VA's woes are likely indicative of what any and all government ran healthcare will be like. Even in Great Britain, who's government is probably less corrupt than ours, such problems with government healthcare exist, which is evidenced by the Charlie Gard story that is in the news right now. Without evidence that the police made a clear mistake, I will not fault them for how th
  7. Well, so much for explaining where Democrats come from.
  8. Interesting terminology, Postman. Much like that in a recent PM from a mod. Yes, I notice these things.
  9. This is no different than some of the racist terms and references made about Obama. EX: the monkey / Curious George etc references. You, sir, are the bigest racist and bigot on your site. It's your own guilt, along with your empmoyment agreement with whatever leftist group you work for, that drives you to call others racists. Shame on you!
  10. The imploding fake news empire of CNN reporting on Fox (even though it's their sports channel) falling apart. Now that's rich!
  11. Even free press does not have the right to slander. Sometimes one person's rights end when they intrude on another person's rights.
  12. Let's look a that... Guard Dad - Despises both parties, reads / watches almost no mainstream news, does his own research. Cain - Has Democratic National Committee (DNC to fit) tattooed on his pee pee. Yep, it's obvious.
  13. See...here's Cain's dilemma. He can believe the facts, or go with what his leftist propaganda sites tell him to believe. I think it's clear which way he rolls.
  14. Absolutely they do!! That's one of the points I've been trying to make; all these domestic terror attacks that you guys are calling right wing are not "right wing" at all, just mentally ill people. I'll ask again...how many conservatives tried to shoot Obama? Honestly, I was genuinely worried that some racist redneck might try. But it didn't happen. Conservatives don't roll that way. But if you want, we can discuss all the rioting of the last few months, all the police officers who were executed, all the nutty crap that comes from the low-income housing (Democrats), and people like thi
  15. Oh please!! Mostly out of context and far from encouraging shootings or beheadings. Most of the times he mentiones fighting, it's not about physical fighting at all but as in campaign battles. See, this illustrates exactly what I've been saying about you. All you know is the misleading propaganda your party spews.
  16. I don't care for his bombastic personslity, it's one of the reasons I opposed him in the primaries. But he's never suggested or inspired violence with his words. As for him giving a unifying speech today...he started doing that on election night, but you didn't want to hear it. If you will ever get off the hate wagon, I think you'll agree with some of his policies. As for me softening my attitude...as long as people are being hurt or killed because of political hate speech, I will continue to call out those who are stirring this pot. And you are one of them. You have criticized the gu
  17. Conservatives weren't making near as many personal attacks as we're seeing against Trunp. We weren't attacking his kids, making orange skin jokes, or nitpicking every detail of his day like you guys are doing with Trump. We didn't have the media cooking up crap about Obama 24/7. We didn't have Kathy Griffin holding an effogee of Obama's severed head. We didn't have Holywood celebrities saying they want to blow up the White House. No, except for the tiny faction who got racist about Obama, the rest of us were just loyal opposition to his policies. Very different from the well-organized pers
  18. Horsecrap! The right condemned the act as loudly as the left did. And I say again...the hate speak against the left was not nearly what it is toward Trump and the GOP now, You need to step back, get your nose out of the propaganda sites, and take a hard look at things. Exactly! Bush was called a racist and even accused of causing Katrina to kill black people. Wow!!
  19. Is that not pretty much the same thing I stated in here a week or so ago? But some want to keep it a political issue instead of treating it for what it is.
  20. So is this get even time? At any cost? There was plenty of opposition for the last eight years, and while there was an element who got nasty and even racist about it, I don't recall the majority of it stooping as low as the attacks on Trump and his family are. Just read this disgusting forum. It's all day - every day personal attacks on Trump and his family, and the GOP in general. Not that much about actual policy or legislation; mostly personal attacks and constant criticism about where Trump goes, what his family says and does, how many scoops of ice cream he had, ridiculous accusa
  21. It would be wrong either way. But the vast majority of the hate being spewed right now is coming from the left. The same thing is happening that happens after all the cop bashing a few months ago. This is why I keep harping about the division that is being caused. Being part of the loyal opposition to things an elected official actually does is one thing, but all these personal attacks and nit-picking every little thing they do is beyond ridiculous.
  22. And internet forums full of haters .
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