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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. OK, I have been following this thread all day long just waiting for the opportunity to jump in. Cardie, Malia, Sunflower, your points have not been missed on everyone. I feel your frustration here. What I think some are failing to recognize in this scenario is the fact that even though the topic was headed "American Owned Convenience Stores," it might just as easily have been labeled: "Losing Our Familiarity," or "Convenience Store Shakeup." In actuality, I think what we are disconcerted with is the idea that part of our everyday lives is being discommoded. A convenience store is a very personal thing for most of us. We are very territorial in that respect. They are usually located in a close-knit community where everybody gets used to seeing the same people everyday. For example, for years I lived on the south end of the county and Buddy's was my home base. When we moved a few months ago, Sav-A-Lot became the closest to me, so that is where I go to buy the candy bars, gas, cigarettes, etc. The owners are "foreign." Does that bother me? Absolutely not. I see them everyday and in the beginning I wouldn't have classified them as outgoing, but now that they know who I am, I always get a "Thank You," or some other nicety. I would be put out if they weren't there anymore! I miss my girls at Buddy's, but it's not practical to drive all the way out there. I, too, feel that if you are in this country, you should make an attempt to learn our language, but I don't think this is what we are talking about here. I think we really just miss our friends. :(

  2. GAMOM:


    My husband is one of the managers for Old time Pottery in Marietta. They are currently hiring cashiers and floor staff. It may be further than you want to drive, but if you are interested you can e-mail him at: archangelinga@aol.com or just PM him. I do know they employ a lot of people who also work full time jobs, so they are used to flexible scheduling.

  3. Jack,


    I went through the entire site, and while it's not Six Flags or Busch Gardens, it looks like a pretty cool place to take the kids. My kids are all into The Lord of the Rings and the Arthurian Legends, so they would LOVE it. I'll be interested to see if it really comes to fruition. My boss, who is a Bartow resident, says he has heard nothing about it.

  4. Tootie:


    I thought I was the only one who had ever heard that wives' tale! My Granny told it to me when I was probably about 4. It scared me to death, because she cited several examples of friends and family members who had died supposedly after a bird was found in the house. I remember when I was 10 there was a bird who, for about 3 weeks kept pecking at my bedroom window early in the morning. That really freaked me out, but my father told me he was just seeing his reflection. To this day, even though my common sense tells me otherwise, if I see a bird indoors it gives me a little shudder. The building I work in is very large, and birds frequently get in the bay doors and fly around the rafters. Most people just laugh when I point out this might not be a good thing. I, for one, would like to know the origins of this tale, because most of them do have some root in practicality. :huh:

  5. Whoa, Nellie! I am not scared of rapid transit- I can't wait till we get MARTA out here. I DESPISE pot, because as I have mentioned before, it is a gateway drug (and don't try to tell me it's not because I have living, breathing proof that it is), I am REPULSED by gay marriage because well, it's gay marriage. And as far as witchcraft, satanism, voodoo, et al, goes, well, I have no need to FEAR, nor does it even merit a COMPLAINT from me. And my kids don't have to bring home spell books to make me angry- plenty of other things do that. <_<

  6. Quasi:


    We were discussing this very topic last week in reference to not only Little Bear, but also many of the Grand's stores here in Paulding. I, in particular, witnessed a rather disturbing scenario at the one across from the Courthouse (which has recently changed hands). The general consensus was that, for the most part, most of these new owners are distrustful, quick to let employees go with no notice, and just generally rude. I really don't think it has a thing to do with race, just a pervading disrespect for the community they are supposed to be serving.


    P.S. I think I may have met you in passing a few weeks ago. Did you have car problems recently? :)

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