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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I started to post this on one of the other school-related topics, but I didn't feel that it would fit in anywhere, and I do apologize if this has already been addressed elsewhere. However, I think many of us are either uninformed or mis-informed as far as the Board of Education goes. For instance, I have noticed that a lot of people don't realize that our Superintendent is appointed not elected. I personally am glad for this. I remember when the Super. was an elected position and it got way too political. I don't think we need someone with that much power having to campaign and solicit votes every 4 years.


    What I am particularly interested in clarifying is the chain of command issue. Who answers to whom, and in what order? Who hires who? Does Mrs. Sowars have the power to hire and fire in the central office? I have had no problems whatsover with the Board, anyone associated with it, or Mrs. Sowars. I am just curious about the inner workings. :)

  2. We moved into our house in APRIL and still haven't received a bill. I get the same "new billing system" response." I fully expect it to be $400.00 when I finally get one and probably the day before the cutoff date. Also, when we originally set up the account, they put in the wrong lot # for our house and ended up turning on the house on the opposite street's water. It took me going down there screaming at them to convince them that this was NOT my house and to please get OUR water turned on. Maybe the people who live in THAT house are paying my bill now. Who the heck knows? :angry:

  3. Wanie:


    I got a phone call tonight, too, but it was from a personal acquaintance who was garnering support for one of the candidates. I did not mind this at all, in fact, it clarified a few things for me. Maybe it is the approach that is wrong. I don't think they should just come out and outright ask you who you would vote for in an anonymous-type phone call. I would tell them the same thing you did. <_<

  4. Chris:


    You may not get many "recipes," that is exact measurements and correct amounts, for cornbread. It is kind of an art form. There are the basic ingredients: cornmeal (there is regular and then there is cornmeal "mix") milk or buttermilk, eggs, and I like to use a TBSP of mayonnaise in mine (makes it moister). Some people use a "seasoned" cast iron skillet to bake it, but I use just a regular cake pan because I don't like that black crust. One of the tricks of cornbread making that took me a long time to perfect was the consistency- if it's too thin it will be dry, if it's too thick it will never cook inside. Trial and error. Oh yeah, you absolutely must heat your pan with the grease (Crisco) in it before you pour in the batter. If you don't, it will stick to the pan! :o

  5. Sunflower:


    I have a box of that in my cabinet right now. I got it at Wal-Mart last week along with one of the Italian ones. Thought it looked good. I think I'll make it tonight. :)


    I think it is Kraft.

  6. Sorry, but just had a vision of our two nine year-old boys making shoes surrounded by other nine year-old boys making shoes. :rolleyes: Ours have a difficult time making bologna sandwiches- much less $4.00 shoes. You have an excellent point, Glock.

  7. As I was saying....


    Just like I always tell my headstrong 8 year-old daughter, "Girl, you are gonna pay for your raising one day!" She just laughs, but I know someday I"M the one who's going to be laughing and laughing and laughing.... :lol:

  8. Like always tell my headstrong 8 year-old daughter, "Girl, you are gonna pay for your raising one day!" She just laughs, but I know someday I"M the one who's going to be laughing and laughing and laughing...... :lol:

  9. This parking thing is not just a recent phenomena. If my memory serves me right (TBAR correct me if I'm wrong), we were camping out for parking spaces at PCHS back in 1980 and paying $75.00 a year.

  10. My current vice is Edward's Key Kime Pie. I can't go to sleep unless I have a piece.


    Archangelinga is hooked on those Strawberry Shortcake Rolls from Little Debbie. He keeps the box beside the bed!


    (We both hide the Spagetti O's w/meatballs from the kids. :rolleyes: )

  11. How about St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church? It was originally built by The Assembly of God and is laid out in the fashion of an ancient Jewish temple with the sanctuary in the center and all the other classrooms/offices encircling the perimeter. You can never get lost in it because you always end up at the same place! :D

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