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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Sue White: one of the best English teachers PCHS ever had, IMO. And I know what you mean about being intimidated. I saw Mrs. Welch a few months ago in Wal-Mart and I guess she has had some health problems because she was in a wheelchair. But even from there, she still exudes authority.

  2. Amen. Do not let financial or emotional blackmail keep you in that house! There are at least two organizations/shelters in Paulding (Shepherd's Rest and Mercy Intercessions) that can help out with not only the legal aspects (restraining orders, etc.) but also provide counseling and a place to stay until you can get on your feet. I think they are both in the phone book, but if not, e-mail me and I can get you a contact.

  3. Wow. Wide-open topic here. No telling which way this one will end up going. A very interesting and revealing one, however.


    I didn't vote, because I attend church regularly. I haven't always, and to be honest, I think I didn't go for so long because I was just too lazy. I was brought up in the church and I always identified it with having to get up on Sunday mornings. When I got older, I decided it was more important to me to sleep. But once my husband and I made up our minds that we and our kids needed a spiritual life, it simply became part of our routine. It all depends on whether its important enough to you. :)

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