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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. You know what, I guess you can just call me "average," too. What is really starting to bite my *** is this pervading attitude that local= stupid, lazy, backward, uneducated and that is precisely the reason this election went the way it did. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the locals here are still the driving force in this county and as long as there are those who come in here and attempt to shove their ideals down our throats, they will be thwarted every single time. Call it ignorance, call it "backward," call it average, call it spite- I prefer to think of it as pride. And yes, I know "pride goeth before the fall," but newcomers here need to understand that they will never get anywhere as long as they continue to belittle the "hometown" factor. Learn to work with it, not against it. Come here because you like it the way it is, not because you want to change it. Change will come- has already- but it has to come in baby steps for this community. Anything less will cause us to dig in our heels and resist. <_<

  2. Hey, all you men, one of the radio stations (Star 94) is having a contest this Friday for the best "Material Guy." All you have to do is dress up like Madonna in any of her phases. Four winners will get 4 front row seats to the upcoming Madonna concert. Come on- Archangelinga, Pubby, TBAR, Surepip, Pointyhead, JBoogie, Learjet, Chairman, Mason, IDDI, et al- let's send some representatives! It will be fun, really. If you win, you could hold up the P.Com sign at the concert. Wouldn't that be cool? :lol: :lol:

  3. I made this last night. IT WAS SOOOO GOOD! Kind of like peach cobbler with the ice cream already in it, but better. I made it with the canned peaches. Next time I am going to use fresh peaches and make a double batch so maybe the kids will get to try some! :lol:

  4. I. I the Lord, am thy God... you shall not have other gods besides me.


    II. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.


    III. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.


    IV. Honor your father and your mother.


    V. You shall not kill.


    VI. You shall not commit adultery.


    VII. You shall not steal.


    VIII. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


    IX. You shall not covet your neighbor's house.


    X. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.



    From: The New American Bible Translation (Catholic)

  5. I like your daydream just fine, MrsJBoogie. Just substitute a bookstore for the hair salon and my husband working and ME retiring. :lol: BTW, thanks for giving us all a break from the political topics! :rolleyes:

  6. JBoogies:


    When are ya'll going to take this routine on the road? You two are better than Sonny & Cher! You have kept me entertained for the better part of two days with that Garfield thing! Keep it coming! :lol: :lol:

  7. Hey, this might interest some of ya'll... I heard on the radio this morning that Jessica Simpson has been signed to play Daisy Duke in an upcoming big screen production of "The Dukes of Hazzard." She has also been signed to play, "Dazzler," a character in the new "X-Men" movie. Needless to say, she is giving up her "Newlyweds" show with hubby Nick Lachey after this season because, she says, "We aren't newlyweds anymore."


    I love Jessica. I think she is a great role model for young girls (I bought her CD for my 8 yr. old) and she is obviously a smart businesswoman. She has been able to cash in on not only her looks but also her comedic ability. I think her sister has her beat in the voice dept, though.


    Wonder who'll be playing Bo and Luke? :D

  8. Here's a thought. What if we started a "grassroots" movement and just sent our kids to school in uniforms on our own? Buy some polos in various colors, khaki skirts and pants and just made them wear them. My kids could care less what they wear. It might just catch on, especially if enough people went along. Sort of a rebel cause.

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