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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Hey, some of the best threads have been started by "newbies" or those who haven't posted a great deal. In fact, there's one right now about disciplining kids started by HappyMe. Starting a topic and seeing a lot of views and posts on it kind of makes you feel part of the crowd. :D

  2. You are exactly right, Bray. I find myself letting my kids get away with all kinds of stuff just because I don't want to hear the whining. This, in turn, causes all manner of problems between my husband and me because ultimately HE ends up having to be the "bad guy" and lay the law down. They are so conditioned now as to how far I will let them push the envelope you can almost set your clock by it. My problem has always been follow-through. I will tell them all day what I am GOING to do to them (take away the tv, video games, snacks, etc.) but when it comes down to it, more often than not I think, "I won't be able to stand these kids if they can't play games or watch tv. They'll be right up under me." Part of the problem, too, lies in the fact that we have 2 nine year-old boys and an eight year-old girl, so there is a lot of "group effort" going on. We often find ourselves in a scenario where we have to punish the whole group for the actions of one, which my husband and I both agree is not fair, but what can you do? I feel like pulling my hair out most of the time and it is no wonder my husband is not a substance abuser. So its like you said, the kids are controlling the parent, in my case at least.

  3. And therein lies the problem, Bubba. Our kids don't really understand the conotation of what they are parroting. I am sure your daughter didn't mean to call your wife a streetwalker. She was just repeating what she had heard on the "mean streets" of Paulding Co.

  4. This is a touchy subject around our house. We don't allow our kids to use those expressions, nor do we tolerate rap music. I guess it is a sign of our times that a micro-causim can permeate the main stream.

  5. NO,NO,NO! Don't give in to them! In fact, call the cops if you have to. A group just like this got my boss really bad last summer. They came by saying they could give him a great deal on paving an area out back. He had been considering having it done anyway, so he told them to go ahead. He barely even had time to agree on a price before they were out there with the dumptrucks, asphalt, and rollers. They had the area done in less than two hours. He gave them a check and they left. Well, the next morning, before our boss got in, the guys came back in and told my co-worker and I that they were here to do the rest of the lot. I said, "He didn't say anything about having anything else done. I can't let you do that until he gets here." At that point the guy gets really hostile with us and says, "Look, I've got men out there on the clock and trucks with equipment. You're costing me money." I said, "I still can't let you do that." He finally went outside, but he and his entire crew sat right there in the parking lot. Our boss calls at this point and we tell him what is going on. "No! I did not tell them to come back!" So, my co-worker goes out and tells them to leave, that we talked to our boss and he said he didn't want anymore paving done. "That old man don't want to mess with me!" one of them yelled. We now call the City Police. In the meantime, the bunch moves directly across the street, parked with their trucks facing us, just watching. They finally left when they saw City Police coming. They were counting on us just being stupid and letting them go ahead and start the job and our boss would have had to pay them for the work. It still makes me mad to think about it. Oh, yeah, and the paving- nothing but a "cornbread crust." Less than a year later it looks like somebody took a sledgehammer to it. So please beware of these people. If you need paving done call a reputable contractor who is bonded and has references. There are a lot of good ones around.

  6. It all depends on what Joan's has for a special. If it is Tuesday, the special is meatloaf and she runs out of it very quickly, so we have to order around 11:30 or we are out of luck. Any other day we are pretty safe waiting til 1:00 or 1:30. Except on Saturdays, when we get the lunchtime rush and I have to just dash down to the Hickory Hut an pick us up a BBQ sandwich or a double chili cheese.

  7. Thanks, BP CSR, I encounter that situation a lot with customers, and we do sell a couple of lines that are worth the price simply for the frame. What I have found with most people, however, when confronted with the cost of re-upholstering, they are just as happy to buy a completely new sofa.

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