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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I know what you mean, Randy. Sometimes when I am sitting at that interminable traffic light at Bus. 6 and Macland, I think to myself, "Look how far we've come." Then I drive down the country road off Hiram Sudie to my Dad's house and I am immediately reminded that there are still some constants here: like the trees that Greystone has to come out and cut back because they are so big and so old, like the narrow road itself that necessitates pulling over when you meet another car, and like my Dad's garden and his pasture that still requires bushogging several times a year. I lived out my childhood there and my kids are living out a large part of theirs there, too. It is beautiful country. We should all feel privileged that it is in our own backyard.


    PS Zucchini is GOOD!

  2. So, assuming I understand you correctly, Publisher, EVEN IF the majority of the citizens here were 100% behind the idea of industrial developments, and even if we have the kind of competent leadership we need to pilot us through it, we are still destined to fail. With so few people controlling so much of the land, unless and until they or their heirs decide to "turn loose of it" for the overall benefit, then we are essentially being held hostage.

    I suppose the logical afterthought to this would be, "Well, go somewhere else if you don't like the way things are here." I don't want to, however. I'd like to see some hope that all these kids we have crammed in trailers at our schools will be able to stay in the county they grew up in because there are decent jobs. I'd like to see a corporation carrying some of the tax burden and promoting some good will in the community. I'd also like to see Paulding get a little more respect in the Metro area, but that is an issue unto itself.

  3. It seems that attracting industry to Paulding is a "hot button" issue these days. I am all for it. I'd love to see something like a Toyo Tire maker or an Anheuser-Busch make their home here. We have the labor force here-over 100,000 in population, which is some 20,000 more than Bartow who has both the aforementioned as well as Shaw Industries. What is the sticking point here? What is it going to take to attract something more substantive than retail? Not that there's anything wrong with that. Retail pays my family's bills.


    Maybe rather than banter about church tents and Van's chauvenism we should redirect the process a little and give Chairman and Van (if he is so inclined) an opportunity to weigh in on what they would do to sell our county to potential industries.


    I'd also like to hear from those who would be opposed to industry and why.

  4. ivhc:


    Then I guess I called my own father an "uneducated, backwoods idiot." Read down the posts and you will see what I mean. I meant no sarcasm whatsoever in my post. Some took it that way, and apparently you seem to be under the impression that I was a Ball supporter. :angry: What I said was the truth and it has nothing to do with lack of education or geographical circumstance. I don't know that it's any different anywhere you go. I think word-of-mouth and just plain old gossip still reach more people that any other medium out there. If you don't believe it, just drop by the Cafe some morning and listen to all the pundits.

  5. Joe:


    What grade do you teach? Wouldn't some of these things that say, a fifth-grader, might not need, a third-grader would? I am asking because I have a third-grader and a fourth-grader. I always buy all that stuff and I never see 75% of it again after the first day of school. I'd like to know what I could cut back on. Thanks.

  6. Oh, no, no, no, you DO NOT want your child to get invited to Matthews! Like lady raider said, they have to have done something really bad to get there. In my daughter's case, it was for being intoxicated- she and some other girls left school, went to one of their houses, and had a good ol' time. The others were smart enough to just stay where they were. My daughter felt that going back to school to see her boyfriend was more important. Needless to say, she got caught and was suspended for an entire semester. I will never forget sitting in then Mr. Whitfield's office with my daughter loaded out of her mind and having him outline the process of going to Matthews. You don't want to go there.

    I think the reason Matthews works so well is because it is so small (less than 100 students, I think) and because Mr. Wilcox has more authority when it comes to discipline. He has to because of the nature of the students he is dealing with. The parents understand that this is their child's last shot, and if they mess up they will not get another chance. I am positive that my daughter would never have graduated had it not been for Matthews, but having said that, I hope neither of my other kids gets an invitation. :rolleyes:

  7. Chrisjman:


    The Catholic Church has something along these lines as well. It's called "Theology on Tap." They meet once a month, I believe, and it's always at a different bar, or sometimes the "Three Dollar Cafe." I think the idea is to reach the 19-40 crowd by bringing the Bible into their element. Of course, Catholics are not nearly as likely to frown on these types of environments as some Protestants. Do you know what the make-up of Single Focus is?

  8. IDDI:


    This has been discussed inumerable times here: The majority of Harris voters had absolutely no idea there even was a debate, nor had they heard of any allegations of sign theft. Therefore, they had no idea when they went to the polls that their candidate might not have been the best choice. Maybe if they had known it might have made a difference. Who can say? If there's a debate next time around, it should probably be advertised at the City Cafe, convenience stores, auto parts stores, building suppliers, and the Huddle House, because that's where Bruce voters get their news for the most part. :huh:

  9. I can't remember who said it, maybe Subdivider or Joe Sixpack, but in another thread a few months ago the comment was mad that..."yes, homosexuals should be allowed to marry so then they can get divorced and be miserable like the rest of us..." or something to that effect. :lol:

  10. MrFixit:


    My daughter was "invited" to go to Matthews and when her time was up, she, too, chose to stay. It is truly a wonderful environment for learning and discipline. The teachers know all the kids names and the counselors really "counsel." If it were not for Matthews many kids would get lost in the shuffle. They are always looking for mentors there. If you have the time, go by and check it out.

  11. Honestly, Randy, and I know you probably won't agree with me, but I think there are many things that we can say are better in this county as opposed to when we grew up here. One of those, IMO, is education. Yes, I said education. I think over-all our school system has much more to offer our children than it used to. Take school choice, for example. Nowadays, if I don't like SPMS or PB Ritch, I can send my kids to HJMS or EPMS. We didn't have that option back then. You went to Paulding Co. Jr. High, period. I think we have better teachers, better administrators, and better communication in our schools now. My parents never heard of a parent/teacher conference, and the only time my father was ever at Paulding Co. High School was because of an unfortunate "party" incident to which I was a part. He had to speak with the now famous Dave Hardin to discuss disciplinary actions.

    Yet another "betterment" I can point to is the growth of jobs in Paulding. Granted, not necessarily "good" jobs, but jobs nonetheless. I think the fact that I was able to get a job 5 min. from my house without having any of my family get it for me speaks volumes in the way of progress.

    And yes, I think law enforcement has gotten better as well. Remember the Bob Shipp days when the jailhouse was across from The New Era and there were maybe only two or three drunks in it at one time? Sure, it was a different time. I believe we have kept up with the changes as best as we could given the growth and social climate here. As many have pointed out, crime is a natural extension of growth. I have had my own battle to fight with drugs and my daughter for the past few years, so I know what I am talking about. Believe me, I wish there were a way to get rid of all these meth labs and drug dealers. We had the same kinds of problems years ago, only then it was drinking and driving (I think there were 4 guys from my class who were killed during our senior year alone).

    I guess I sound like I am trying to justify things, but really, I'm not. I lived away from PC for a number of years. I don't have to live here now, I choose to, just like most everyone else here. I wouldn't want to raise my kids anywhere else and I am proud to say I was raised here. I wouldn't have said that a few years ago. :)

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