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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I'm with you, Squeaker, this is WAY sad. I have to drive by there at least twice a day, and now I'll just have to look at that blank sign all the time. My kids loved going there on Sunday after church and getting a "Big Deal" (large popcorn, large drink). It just won't be the same at the big multi-plex in Hiram. :unsure:


    PS My last movie was, "Garfield," and my youngest daughter and I were hoping to see "A Cinderella Story" there in a couple of weeks. :(

  2. For me it was my mother's Ford LTD that had to be incognito! That is a great idea about the Thank You cards. Maybe we could find an address. I'm sure if it were mailed to the Theatre it would be forwarded.


    I saw JAWS, Star Wars, Rocky, Walking Tall (the original), Smokey & the Bandit, Passion of the Christ, and many, many others at that theatre. Wow.

  3. I just called the Plaza Theatre's # to find out what is showing because I noticed the sign was blank this morning. This is the message I heard, "The Plaza Theatre is now closed. Thank You for 26 years." I, for one, wish they would have had a "Going Away Party" or something. Seems sort of anti-climactic after all the years we've had them around. It was a part of life for many of us. It, they, will be sorely missed. :( :(

  4. I have noticed this phenomenon, too. In particular, at the Grand's on Memorial Dr. across from the courthouse. It has recently changed ownership, and a couple of weeks ago I was in there when a black family of about 5 or 6 came in. One of the owners actually came out from behind the counter and followed them around the store while they were making their selections. The owner's wife (I assumed) was so flustered she could not ring up my purchase correctly. As I was leaving she commented to me, "Have to watch people. They steal." Then when I went out the door I heard her yelling at the family, "Hurry it along, now!" I am sure those people will never visit that establishment again, and I am not sure I will, either. I miss the lady in there who always ended a transaction with, "Have a blessed day!" I can understand being concerned about theft, but to just assume that someone is dishonest before they give you cause is just paranoia and no way to foster good will in the community. :angry:

  5. I'd just like to point out, TBAR, that it was you who started that chaos last week about how crowded p.com has become, wasn't it? :unsure:



    sarcasm: n. 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony. 2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

  6. OMG, that is fascinating, PointyHead. He is really an avant-garde sort of character. Who would have ever thought? And he's really not that old, either. Great detective work. I know I'll pay more attention to Space Ghost now. :rolleyes:

  7. Let me qualify myself by saying that I thought Britney was very cute when she came out w/ "Hit me Baby.." She has since morphed into something you might see on a VHS cover at "Insurrection" (sp). This was brought home to me last August 28 when my husband and I and my 7 and 8 year old were sitting in Chili's waiting for a table. The tv in the bar was showing the infamous MTV Music Awards. Thankfully, at the very moment of that "kiss," a large clap of thunder sounded and the power went out for about 5 min. I saw the first of it, but my kids didn't. They just stood there saying, "What is it, Mama?" I lost a great deal of respect for Madonna over that one... :(

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