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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Well, the Mega Fest sounds cool: I love Joyce Meyer, and TD Jakes has written some pretty powerful books. Atlanta Pride. Hmmm. How is it that the two events managed to coincide? I am sure the gays will spend a lot more money than the Mega Fest goers. :unsure:

  2. IDDI:


    You made some very astute observations in your original post. You have expressed the frustrations that have been swirling around in this county for years, and I believe that out of these frustrations, change will eventually take root. For some, it may take longer than they are willing to wait. This county is steeped in tradition and family- just take a look at the Society section of the Dallas New Era for proof. Many people joke about the DNE being a gossip rag, and I suppose to a certain extent, it is. It has never been known for "hard hitting" news, and you can be sure you won't see anything in it about the debate no-shows.

    Which brings me to the point I intended to elaborate on: Where do you think "old Paulding County" is going to get its news? Most of the "Old Guard" probably didn't have a clue there was even a debate going on, and most of them don't know or care about Paulding.Com. I wish they did. I wish some of them could see how this county is crying out for competent, educated leadership. I think they feel that as long as they don't acknowledge the nebulous "it," "it" will go away. That strategy has worked for them for many, many decades. Why would they believe any differently?

    The fact of the matter is, and you brought it out in your original post, "Old Paulding County" probably will elect or re-elect whoever goes into office this time around. Most of them could care less which party they are affiliated with, they just want someone they "know" in there. They don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by not voting for their son, or brother, or nephew, or cousin, or someone they knew in school. It all boils down to loyalty, folks. Because one thing I've learned in living here for 95% of my life is that no matter what you've done, no matter how bad you've been, your Family always "has your back." It's not rational, logical thinking for the most part, but it is the pervading attitude around here. I don't agree with it, which is why I guess I've always been the "black sheep" of my family. But hey, they love me anyway, and if I were running for office :o , they'd probably vote for me.

    And just for the record, Paulding Co. has, believe it or not, produced some great politicians. Charlie Watts, former State Rep., did a superb job in office. Boyd Austin,Sr was a wonderful Commission Chairman, and his son, Boyd Austin,Jr. is carrying on the tradition in his capacity as Mayor of Dallas. Henry A. Winn (there is a building in town bearing his name) was also a well-respected Commission Chair.

    I guess in my round-about way, I am agreeing with you. I do think it is a shame that these politicians didn't acknowledge the debates and I am sorry that they won't move into the realm of P.Com. But all the ranting and venting in the world can't change what, for now, seems to be etched in stone. Not until July 20, that is...

  3. Gosh, TBAR, there were SO many you were desirous of back then...I can't place the particular one you are referring to. Was she from Rockmart? :unsure:


    You will be fine in Pittsburgh: Just don't talk and don't order sweet tea. :lol:


    And if you have time, there is a place down on Federal St. called, JR's, that has the best hotdogs in the WORLD. Pack your pistol, though, it ain't exactly in the best part of town. :ph34r:


    Oh yeah, at the Pirates' game, stand up and yell real loud, "Anybody remember Sid Bream?" B)

  4. Actually, I think p.com has brought us even closer together. It gives us something to talk about without the kids involved and we end up discussing a wide range of topics that we never thought of before. Also, I think it has given him a lot of insight into my roots. That is my take on it. I guess he'll post his thoughts later on... :D

  5. Ok, you asked for it...pet rocks, mood rings, bell-bottoms, Candie's slides (if you had 'em, you know what they are), polyester John Travolta shirts, leisure suits, w-i-d-e ties, baby blue tuxedos w/ruffled shirts, pumps w/skin-tight blue jeans, tube tops, the Dorothy Hammill haircut, "Farah" hair, blue mascara, head shops, Cheech & Chong movies, "The Kentucky Fried Movie," Sweathogs, Fonzie, "Smoky & The Bandit" (I'm still in love with that car.), CB radios, rabbit fur coats, "Billy Beer," Brooke Shieds' uni-brow, Luke & Laura, black lights, strobe lights, anything Bi-Centennial, Chevettes, Space Invaders, Pac Man...shall I go on?



    ***Did I date myself? :o

  6. Now that you mention it, it does have some Santana-esque guitar riffs. I still love "Smooth" w/Rob Thomas, and I never get tired of hearing the one Michelle Branch did. Pop classics, I'd say. B)

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