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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. That must have been a REALLY long time ago. I do remember the Big D (and heard tell of a lot of things that went on there :o ), but I don't recall another truckstop. You're not thinking of Petty's, are you? Probably not, that was at the intersection of 92 and 278 kind of where Hollywood video is now. I'll ask my Dad, though, he remembers when he could drive a tractor from my grandparents' house over around Mt. Vernon church in Hiram all the way to our house on the 61 end of Hiram Sudie!

  2. Yes, I did see that concert. The Bee Gees got me through my teen years- so much of their music hearkens me back to the angst I was dealing with at that time. It is just a tragedy that they lost Andy so young and now one of the twins (Maurice?) is gone. Barry was always my favorite, though. ;)

  3. Traveler,


    We haven't had a problem with them not showing up, but you sure can't pin them down to a particular time. This is usually how it goes: if we put the can out the night before, they don't show up until 8:00 PM, thus leaving the garbage to "ripen" in the sun all day. If we decide we're going to put it out the morning of pick-up day, that is the day they are going to blow through here at 6:00AM. I think they are all just a bunch of control freaks. :rolleyes:

  4. BP CSR:


    That reminds me of a scene from the movie, "Steel Magnolias," when Truvie (Dolly Parton) asks Sally Fields' character what kind of "do" she wants for the wedding. Julia Roberts' (Sally's daughter) replies, "That'll be easy. Just make it look like a brown football helmet." That was so funny.


    Also, you should try taking your mom to the "Beauty Nook" on Main St. in Dallas. Those ladies are well-versed in the mature women's styles. :)

  5. OK, TBAR, I know you're not going to take offense at what I am going to say, because we have known each other for I don't know how many years, and you know I am native Paulding County. While I agree with you on most of what you are saying, i.e., the teenagers on here (How do you look at their PM's?), the deluge of inane topics, the trolls, I feel compelled to point out that it is always you who comes on here and says, "We're up to 13,000 posts!," or "Keep 'em coming, we're up to almost 20,000!" Am I right? However, given the fact that you included the definition of "satire" at the end of your post, I am guessing you meant to put a little spin on it. That's what I'm hoping, because I'm fairly new to p.com, too, and I have to admit I've told a few other people about it. I promise I'll keep my mouth shut from now on. I don't want to be known as an instigator or, God forbid, a rabble rouser. I think some of the points you brought out about the site are just indicative of our county as a whole. Or is that what you really meant to say, anyway? I am confused.

  6. Happy Birthday, County-Line. That's pretty cool having your birthday on Father's Day. My birthday is May 8, so it falls on Mother's Day every few years. Sometimes it backfires, though. They will give me a gift and say, "Now this is your birthday AND your Mother's Day gift." Oh, well, I guess it beats being a Christmas baby! :D

  7. Happy Birthday, County-Line. That's pretty cool having your birthday on Father's Day. My birthday is May 8, so it falls on Mother's Day every few years. Sometimes it backfires, though. They will give me a gift and say, "Now this is your birthday AND your Mother's Day gift." Oh, well, I guess it beats being a Christmas baby! :D

  8. No, Dallard, you are not off base. I agree with you 110%. That is primarily why I classifed myself as a "Utopianist" (see topic on Internet Societal Roles) when it comes to this site. I have gotten to the point that I try to avoid all the political threads unless it is something I just feel so strongly about that I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. Even then, I find myself subconciously editing my thoughts for fear that someone will mis-interpret or deliberately twist my words.

    I haven't always been this way. I spent a part of my college experience as political science major simply because I loved arguing, uh, debating. That was back in 1980 when Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and John Anderson (anybody remember him) were running. You wouldn't believe the fights my father and I got into over that one! I'd tell him I was voting for Anderson and the veins would pop out in his neck and he would let loose with every manner of cuss word known to man. He all but accused me of being a Communist if I didn't vote for Carter (old guard Democrat, you know). I did eventually vote for Carter, which just tells you how committed I was to my own arguments.

    I digress... Nowadays, I cringe when I see politicians and those who foster their opinions consantly being bashed just for the sake of being bashed. There are ways of disagreeing without resorting to childish, cheap shots. As far as I'm concerned, that just serves to lessen the dignity of not only the one doing the posting, but of the respondents, the politician, the government itself, and Paulding.Com. Hopefully, things will calm down after the elections, but for now, I will probably try and stick with the less controversial topics.

  9. Well, I guess I am very fortunate. Many times when I am on here my boss is reading over my shoulder. The nature of our business gives us lulls during the day, so we have time to peruse the net. I don't think I've ever let it interfere with my work, although I have ignored my co-worker on numerous occasions while in the middle of posting.

  10. This is actually from the card I got for the kids to give my husband for

    Father's Day (hope he doesn't check out this thread til tomorrow), but I thought it was cute:


    Ten Things We'd Like to Hear Dads Say:


    1. Could you turn your music up LOUDER so I can enjoy it too?

    2. Curfew is just a general time to shoot for. I'm not running a PRISON.

    3. I don't mind air-conditioning the whole neighborhood! LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN!

    4. Holding this REMOTE is SUCH a burden. Somebody else take it for a while.

    5. Looks like we're lost. I better stop and ASK FOR DIRECTIONS.

    6. Make all the RACKET you want. I can sleep through anything.

    7. My tools are YOUR tools. Help yourself.

    8. Your taste in clothes is QUITE REMARKABLE.

    9. While I'm gone please feel free to invite ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS OVER.

    10. Your chores can wait. GO HAVE FUN!


    Happy Father's Day!

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