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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I am a PlayStationII widow- which means, while he doesn't stay gone all the time, when he is in the throes of a new Madden or RPG game let's just say I don't have his full attention. Sometimes it works to my advantage, because he will agree to just about anything when he's focused on the screen! ;) :lol:

  2. Yes, let me introduce our family to everyone: I'm GaBelle3639, this is my husband, Archangelinga, and these are our kids, Archangelinga I, II & III, GaBelleJo and GaBelleMae. We forget their real names... :unsure: Y'all are so silly! Addicted to P.Com!!! :lol:

  3. Well, since Mrs. Cone is not one of the ones who has disappeared from p.com, then I couldn't have been referring to her. :) No, I was referring to all the instigators in the sheriff's and commissioner's races who came on here specifically for the purpose of starting trouble. <_<

  4. Thank you, Mrs.jboogie, for starting this topic. It was me that had the cold kids. :rolleyes: Maybe they won't be whining so much now. I have to agree with you on the parents' group thing. I think OUR children will be much better served if we concentrate on Allgood and its needs. I have never participated much in PTA, either, except for Spring Fling, but maybe I will try to work it in as well. I sometimes get the impression that some of the teachers don't necessarily want parents hanging around, so I guess I just don't want to get in the way. If you know of something that needs to be done there, let me know. My kids are in 3rd and 4th. Thanks again. :)

  5. I have noticed the same thing, TBAR, but when some of these "forces" you refer to were posting so furiously I was thinking then, "You'll be gone before long." I was on to most of them. That's why I tried to stay away from the political topics unless something made me really mad. It's difficult when you come to the realization that you've been "used" by the politicians and those who would advance their agendas. Wasn't it obvious, though? You of all people should have been able to read through their veneers. But I concur. For what it's worth, I'll remember, too. :angry:

  6. Believe it or not, I had a terrible crush on Alan Alda back then. I can't remember specific episodes except for the last one, but I loved Col. Potter and Klinger with all his failed Section 8 attempts. It was a great show- one I haven't thought about in years. Wish they'd do a reunion. :)

  7. SoapMom:


    Regarding your previous post on others praying for your salvation: I am a Christian and I totally agree with you on that one. As Catholics we do not believe in the concept of "getting saved," so yes, it offends me when someone tells me they will pray for me for this reason. IMO, I am "right" with God and I feel like when they say this they are not only being judgemental towards my faith but also condescending. Incidentally, I was raised Methodist and I never even heard the term "getting saved" until I was in Jr. High and I was raised here in Paulding Co.!

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