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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Nope, I'll leave the side-tracking to Bubba Sparx/Cableman and Publisher! :lol:


    TBAR: The only one of those scenarios you mentioned that I remember was the Tri-County Party. Who came up with the cat thing? A drummer, probably. <_< No wait, I do recall the MGB...wasn't that a band director's car? Ronald McDonald? Was that some kind of Tastee Freeze protest or something? :unsure:

  2. Clawdia:

    My daughter had a brief foray in softball when she was six, but other than that, I don't think she has been near a ballfield. She is not necessarily into sports, but she got very close to earning her black belt in Tae Kwon Do a couple of years ago. She won several trophies and could kick girls' butts who were twice her size. :o



    She would scoff at any antics we might have pulled in HS- they would pale in comparison to some of hers! <_< ;) :lol:

  3. Fair warning, citizens of P.Com. My daughter has now joined our ranks. I won't give up her ID- that will become evident soon enough. Please be advised, whatever she says I cannot be held responsible. She is over 18 and most definitely has a mind of her own. Let the games begin...!!! :rolleyes:

  4. My husband loves it when I whine. Gives him a chance to practice his coping skills! :lol: J/K I try NOT to whine, in fact, often I find myself overlooking things people do that I should be whining about. For example, instead of going around behind my kids turning lights off, I should be whining for them to turn them off themselves. My kids get away with much more than they should just because its easier for me to do it myself. :angry:

  5. Wow, this sounds EXACTLY like me when I was a child. I can remember my 1st grade teacher literally dragging me away from my mother while I clung to her purse. It was a nightmare for me, my mother, and the teacher. I can't recall at what age this began to dissipate for me, but I know in 7th grade I managed to lay out of school for 2 weeks by holding the thermometer to a lightbulb! :o My mother finally decided after 2 weeks of running a temp of exactly 101 all the time that I had better be rushed to the emergency room. I finally confessed up at that time. Both my parents laugh about that now, but when I look back on it, I realize something was not right, and of course there weren't the services available to address these kinds of issues back then (mid-70s). Parents didn't know about separation anxiety- it was never even heard of.


    I had the weather fear thing, too. I remember dreading the springtime because of the tornadoes. I would stand out in the front yard and watch the sky, trying to determine if any looked like funnel clouds or not. I am very glad they didn't have the Weather Channel back then, or I really would have been a mess.


    This probably does not help your dillema, CampinMom, other than the fact that I am now 42 yrs old and I am a healthy, functioning member of society. I loved high school and was involved in many extra-curricular activities. I went to college, got married, and have kids myself. I don't feel scarred for these experiences, but it probably would have helped if my parents had had a better grasp of things at the time. Your daughter has already won part of the battle by having you recognize she has a problem, but I know it is difficult for you to see her suffer. If the counselors don't seem to be helping, take her to another one until you find one that clicks. And do try to get her involved in school activities. I am sure it helped in my case, and it sure can't hurt. She WILL get over it even if she has to outgrow it. :)

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