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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Mrsbhavn:


    This is a topic that gets me really fired up! Let me explain: back when I was 29 (some 13 yrs ago), I learned I had breast cancer. Yes, it was earth-shaking, but fortunately I had great doctors at Floyd Medical Center and I recovered completely after 6 months of chemo and surgery. One of the surgeries I had was reconstruction, which turned out to be more painful than the mastectomy. Part of the reconstruction involved a silicone implant. I was so thankful that it was an option for me, but having gone through that experience, I cannot understand why people (women in particular) can't just be happy the way they are. I guess I have a different perspective now, but when someone I know starts bragging about their "boob job," I cringe because I wonder if they'd be so fired up about it if they HAD to have it. <_<

    Now, having said all that, if I were going to do anything, I'd consider the Botox. Not really surgery and not exactly an earthshaking commitment. :rolleyes:

  2. I, too, have a fondness for vacuum cleaners. They must be at least 20 amps and have many and various "tools." I also like my bagless. I just wish they made one without a belt to break. In a perfect world, I could just have one of those like they have at the carwash with an extra long hose. That way I could vacuum up coins, popcorn kernels, and those d**n Legos without worry. :lol:


    (Are we bored, or what?)

  3. Oh no, I like a LOUD vacuum cleaner! That way when the kids try to ask me something I can just yell, "I can't hear a word you're saying!" This tactic also works well with the lawn mower. Besides, who cares if I wake my husband up when he's sleeping on the couch. He's supposed to be helping me anyway! <_< :lol:

  4. I voted Mrs.JBoogie, but it was really hard to choose, cause you're both near and dear to my heart. :) My favorite Mrs. Boogie line was when she gave him the list of things to do and one of them was: "Play your game, you little geek!" That was priceless. :lol: Anyway, my husband will vote for Mr.Boogie, so it will balance out- they have that football/video game bond. <_<

  5. Many times when I have to run into Ingle's for just a couple of items, my 8 & 9 yr olds will beg me to leave them in the car. I always say, "No! It's illegal." That works for them. They drag out and follow me in and promptly start begging for stuff (making me wish I had left them there- j/k). Seriously, when my oldest daughter was only about 2 months old, I wound up locking my keys in the car with HER in it. I thought I would die! Fortunately, it was right in front of what used to be Alfredo's (now Tequila) and a bunch of deputies were having lunch. They had it unlocked within just a few minutes, but it put enough of a scare in me never to leave my kids in the car. :(

  6. I like the one when Squidward takes the day off and Spongebob gets to be the cashier. Squidward then spends the entire day coming back to check on him! Also, my all time favorite line is from the "Stolen Balloon" episode when the air comes out and Patrick falls to the ground: "Hey," he says, "Who turned on the heavy?" :lol: :lol:


    *Lest we forget, Bert and Ernie are also purported to have those, uh, tendancies. :unsure:

  7. Anabuse is meant to be used along with a counseling/therapy program. It is not a cure-all and it does not fix the underlying problem of why the person is an addict in the first place. I don't think anyone would want to take it for very long, and I have also heard of people who could "adjust" to the effects of it and just drink anyway. Kind of like wearing a nicotine patch and smoking- which I did! Kinda made me dizzy. :o :lol:

  8. Dr. Kathryn Melton, Dallas Family Counseling. They are in the phone book. She works wonders and I think there is a sliding scale for payment. Dr. Melton also heads the battered women's shelter, so she is very familiar with these types of situations. Please call her.

    Also, if AA didn't work for her, it is because she didn't want it to. If she really wants help it will work. Go to a meeting with her. There is also a p.com member, AAFreedMe, who can probably tell you when and where they meet. Look him up. This is very important and your friend is very lucky to have someone such as yourself who is so concerned about her. Just be there for her and put her in touch with those that can give her the help she needs to dig out of her depression.

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