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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I cannot even tie a regular man's tie! :( I wish I could because I had a near catastrophe last spring at my son's 1st Communion: My husband was at work and wasn't going to get to the church until right before it started. He coached me on how to do it the night before and I thought I had it...until I really had to do it! I wound up having to recruit another Dad to tie my son's tie. You should have seen me running around asking everyone: "Can you tie a tie?" I love watching my husband do it, though. He does it very quickly and it always winds up in a perfect knot. I have never seen him wear a bow tie. I don't know if he can tie one or not. :unsure:

  2. Angie:


    I am going to take a "leap of faith" here and hope that you will take this in the spirit it is intended: YOU ARE FREAKING ME OUT WITH THIS THREAD!

    Let me explain, please:

    When I first read your other "closed" thread the other day I remember thinking, "Well, she's on a tangent. Good for her." Then I began following this one and I pretty much felt the same way until some of the things you were bringing up began to click with me. I won't get specific, because nobody wants me to go there, but I had some similar experiences to yours. Absolutely nothing to the degree or intensity which you describe, but I can relate nonetheless. That being said, every time I logged on today I was drawn to this thread. I kept thinking, "I really should post on there," but something kept telling me, "You better not. Everyone will think you're nuts." Even now while I am typing this I am fighting the urge to just delete it and go on... So yes, you are freaking me out, but not in the manner you think.

    My husband and I are both very spiritual and we are devoted to the Church. We pray together and try do it with the kids as well. We have experienced some major upheavals in our lives in the past couple of years, and it seems like we still have a few more to endure. I am convinced that I was one of those who needed to see your story, Angie. This is a powerful prayer line you have begun. I now realize the direction my prayers need to be focused on and I am certain they will be answered according to His will. Thank you for baring your soul and stirring my conscience. Peace be with you.

  3. We have always done the Trick or Treat village, and I'm sure we will again this year, but this is the first year we have lived in a subdivision and my kids are pumped about it. Of course it will also be the first time I have EVER had to buy candy myself. Where we lived before we NEVER had a single trick or treater.


    TBAR: Buddy, you got issues. Serious issues. They make drugs for that, you know. Get some professional help... :rolleyes: :lol: :o

  4. Thanks for what you do, Hank. I would think cable wouldn't be the top priority right now, but for some folks, I guess it is high on the list. I know my kids will appreciate it...they gotta have that Cartoon Network fix! :D Be careful out there.

  5. Ok, well the proverbial "bottom has just fell out" and I want to know who made the brilliant decision NOT to close schools today. This is going to cause mass hysteria and traffic like we have never seen before. Those poor people working in the school offices are probably getting cussed at all because some higher-up decided to ignore all the trained weather professionals and do it THEIR way. :angry:


    Y'all say some extra prayers for those bus drivers. I know I am.

  6. One of my top ten favorite movies is, "Mermaids." I also loved "Moonstruck" and "Silkwood." I idolized Cher as a little girl. I would put "Gypsies, Tramps and Theives" on my record player, bobby pin a towel to my head to create those long, silken locks, and use a hairbrush for a microphone! Boy, was I goofy, but I sure did have fun! :lol: :lol:

  7. Believe me, plenty of those from "native" families grew up in double-wides and duplexes! Some of y'all are makin us sound a lot more uppity than we are. Most of us grew up with fathers who worked regular jobs, got taken to church on Sundays, and attended large family reunions in the summertime. Yes, there are those who are still clinging to the vestiges of a former way of life, but most of us are happy to see the progress and expanded opportunities.

    All this quibble over dwelling heirarchy needs to stop. There's room here for everybody: estate dwellers, subdivision dwellers, PRD dwellers, modular home dwellers, apartment dwellers, cave dwellers, cliff dwellers, etc... Everyone's been put here for a reason, and we all have our specific role to play in the evolution of this county of ours. ;) :)

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