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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. OMG, Cardie, you are killing me!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Maxi: You won't find Raphael in the Protestant Bible. He is mentioned in the Book of Tobit in the Catholic Bible. Also not pronounced like the Ninja Turtle. Pronounced: Ray-fee-el with the "ray" stressed. :)

  2. Actually, as any right thinking person knows, to make a woman "angry and contentious" sometimes all you have to do is breathe the wrong way. I would dispute that independent thinking falls into that category. Unless you argue with me all day about pronunciation and vocabulary only to find out you were wrong( with one exception to date). Right, my lovely one?


    Are you speaking to anyone in particular, Archangel? :angry: :p

  3. I try not to concoct a visual image of people on-line. I say this because I learned a lesson about doing that when I met my husband (archangelinga). We met in a chat room and of course talked for a long time on-line and on the phone before we actually saw each other face to face. I don't think either one of us was expecting what we got! Which is not to say we weren't happy with it (obviously we were because we got married), just that we were all wrong in our images. For some reason I had him pictured as looking like the Professor from Gilligan's Island and he thought I was going to look like Catherine Zeta Jones (uh,huh). :lol: We weren't even close! :lol:

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