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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Oh my gosh, please let me first qualify this post by saying that I am not a "flamer," and I do not tend to randomly go off on something unless I have very strong feelings about it. This is one of those times:


    Archangel and I just got home from the Cotton Gin. Where should I start? Well, the atmosphere is excellent, as it has always been. We chose to sit in the bar because we wanted to smoke, but the formal dining area is extremely well-appointed. The service was prompt and very friendly (I wish I had gotten the young lady's name, because she really did a great job). We got our drinks (no alcohol) right away, and they were kept filled. There is a rather large menu and it was somewhat difficult to make our choices. We got appetizers: Ragin Cajun Garlic Shrimp and Cajun Seafood Chowder (?). They were EXCELLENT. The shrimp was especially good- very spicy and the shrimp were large and not over-cooked. The chowder was rich and creamy and loaded with seafood and potato. At this point, I am very happy we chose to come here because we both love cajun (Copeland's is our favorite locally and we have both had the real deal in New Orleans).

    But then the tale takes a turn for the worse: we get the main course. Archangel had the Jambalaya and I had the Cajun Sirloin. I can honestly say that was the most horrendous piece of meat I have ever had. First of all, it looked as if it had been boiled rather than grilled- kind of whitish, if you will. It was also pretty small, but I am still hopeful. Then I tried to cut it. TRIED is the operative word here. I ended up scattering rice all over the floor from all the sawing I had to do. Once I did manage to get a bite, I can only describe the flavor as disappointing. It tasted like it had been marinated in vinegar and then sprinkled with Tony Cachere's.

    At this point, Archangel says, "Are you all right?" "No, I'm not."

    Anyway, he has his own problems. "Jambalaya" turned out to be a LARGE pile of what to me, looked like Zatarains Spanish Rice with some slices of sausage on top. I am just wanting to leave by now, but I eat as much of the steak as I am able, leaving the "red potatoes" and "hush puppies."

    Meanwhile, a disturbance erupts in the bar area involving a guy (still don't know if he worked there or not) and his daughter (around 11 or 12 yrs old). This child was screaming at the top of her lungs because someone had thrown water on her or broken her cookie or something. The guy was agging it on by threatening to throw a full pitcher of water on her. And so on...

    Thankfully, the check arrives at this point: $43.11!! I want to cry. Archangel pays it (including a $7.00 tip). We go to the ATM. We stop by Waffle House. I get a Pork Chop dinner and a big coffee to go. I'll be eating it in a few minutes.

    There you go. That is my review. Don't go there. Don't waste your time or money. It is a shame that place cannot be a top notch restaurant because it really is a beautiful building. What is really telling to me is the fact that once the food arrived, the waitress NEVER came back to ask if everything was OK. I think she knew our experience was not particularly pleasant when she asked me if I wanted a to-go box and I just shook my head.

    Sorry, rajuncajun, but I don't think the 45 score had anything to do with our visit tonight. We wanted to give it a chance and we really respected you for coming on here and giving your side- I still do. I am no restaurant critic and maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but that is the first time in my life I have ever left a restaurant and had to go buy another meal. :(

  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm glad my 10 yr old son didn't see that one! He would LOVE to do that to his younger sister! She has been harassing him at school by running up and hugging him anywhere she sees him- lunchroom, library, playground...etc. "It's embarrassing!" he says. She just laughs and laughs because she knows exactly what she's doing! :lol: ;) ;)
  3. Never had a disagreement with my sister until we became adults. She is 7 years younger than me, so there was really never any rivalry. Nowadays it a different story, however. Seems like as we get older we become more diametrically opposed on things. It is sad in a way, because circumstance has caused us to drift apart. :(

  4. Just to clarify, I don't drink Diet Pepsi for its low caloric benefits (although that is a bonus). I drink it because I like it! Switched from drinking about 6 Cokes a day a few years ago. Now I can't stand the taste of a sugar soft drink. :) ;)

  5. I am here. I have kids, too, but this is their weekend with Daddy. So...in the words of JBoogie: "WOOOO HOOOO!" The fun's already started. Archangel and I ran down to Ingle's and picked up a box of Entennman's chocolate doughnuts and some Diet Pepsi. Then we swung over to Captain D's and got our fish to go. He has just polished his off and is watching BGSU vs. NIU. I, however, am pacing myself. I'll eat the salad now, take a bath, then eat the rest. You gotta be pretty darn swift to run with us! :lol: :lol:

  6. I feel your pain, armymom. Believe it or not, I had the same thing happen to me last spring. We moved out of the house about a month before the new owners took it over and we thought we had plenty of time to get everything out. So, of course, we procrastinated until about the last week. When we went to get them, they we gone. I was heartsick. Just like you, I had 20+ years of memories there. Baby ornaments, hand-made stuff, ornaments I had bought in Europe and at the Biltmore House... I was in full-blown depression for 2 days. Fortunately, we were able to track them down and retrieve most of them, although several were broken beyond repair because they had seen fit to dump them all into one large container. :( You may have to do some detective work, but try to see if you can find them. Even if you don't, it will at least make you feel better knowing you did all you could. And don't listen to those who try to tell you that it was just "stuff." Good luck...I am thinking of you. :)

  7. You are so correct on so many points, Sub. I am in the midst of battling my kids' "deadbeat" dad right now, so I feel I can speak with some knowledge on this. I strongly suspect him of doing what you mentioned: quitting his job and working under the table. I have been forced to get Child Support Enforcement involved in my situation. He will eventually have to pay, but not until CSE has exhausted all of their "administrative" measures. I would have gladly accepted a lesser amount months ago if he had just been up front with me, because like you said, once the agreement on the % has been signed, then it is up to the two parties to decide what is realistic. I know that 25% is a lot, and there are measures you can take to reduce this- file for a modification. I wish my ex had done this months ago before he had gotten so far in arrears. I think in most cases the woman realizes that for all practical purposes, you can't bleed a stone. Unfortunately, this is a Catch 22 for all parties concerned. The kids certainly don't win if their standard of living at home is reduced. Likewise, they should also expect their father to at least maintain a semblance of his former way of life. So I guess the only real solution lies in lobbying the State Legislature for more leeway in the support guidelines. Personally, I think 10-15% would be much more equitable.

  8. OMG, there is nothing meaner than 12-18 yr old girls. It is definitely a jealousy thing and you have every right to be outraged. I can certainly empathize with your daughter because Jr.High was the worst time of my life. I was taller than everyone else, had kinky hair, crooked teeth, and a terrible case of acne. I was a mess. My mother was always dragging me to dermatologists and orthodontists. As a result, I pretty much retreated inside myself until high school. I occupied myself with my horses and reading. Your daughter's situation is entirely different. She can't help the reason she is being teased. You have to come to her defense on this one: drag the principal, teachers, counselors, bus drivers, parents, everyone into it if you have to. Believe me, it will make her feel better just knowing you are trying to do something.

  9. Whether or not the child was being "stupid or a jackass" is irrelevant in this situation. The dillema here is how the teacher allegedly responded to whatever behavior. That teacher is an ADULT. He/She should be expected to conduct himself/herself as an ADULT. I could not get away with calling a customer or a co-worker a "jackass." I'd be fired on the spot, and I should be. So why does it matter what the child was doing? The teacher has presumably been taught how to respond to and correct such behaviors. A little more maturity and self-control on the teacher's part should be demanded. <_<

  10. I just noticed that those with 1000+ posts have now obtained "Paulding.Com Icon" status. Congratulations to TBAR, SBW, Eddie, Learjet, RRR, Iko, JBoogie (who cheated to get his- we all know a bunch of his posts were actually Mrs. JBoogie's ;) ), and all you other talkative ones. I am humbled in your presence. :D

  11. I LOVE seafood (shrimp, scallops, crab, lobster) but I HATE fish. I will eat a tomato sandwich (with Kraft Mayo only) but I will not eat tomato on burgers, salad or other sandwiches. PB&J with milk only. Same with yogurt- I have to have a glass of milk, too. And only Yoplait Custard Style.... :rolleyes:

  12. Oh well, I guess I'm going to have to set y'all straight again. I'll let you in on a little secret guys: Georgia women have always viewed Alabama women as our most formidible competition in the looks and poise department. Alabama is the "Heart of Dixie." Those gals are the true Southern Belles- blue-blooded, old money from the likes of Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, and Opp. They know how to dress, they know how to talk, and they know how to condescend like nobody's business. Maybe I'm stereo-typing a little, but we all know to a certain extent, it's the truth. ;)

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