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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I forgot about Northern Exposure.  Great show!


    What about some other "classics" like:


    Twin Peaks

    Dukes of Hazzard

    Rockford Files

    Diff'rnt Strokes


    Those were grreat shows, too.


    And why hasn't anyone mentioned McGyver or the A-Team?



    Because Mr.T does nothing for me.... :lol:

  2. Kelly Preston (Travolta's wife). She is very cute. I loved her in "Jerry McGuire." She played a power-hungry slut well. :lol:



    He also has a son named, "Jet." (for Pointy)

  3. Brett Butler (crazy Southern actress who played in "Grace Under Fire"). I actually had someone come up to me in the mall once and insist that I was her! :lol: My hair is not that long now, but when her show was popular, it was exactly like hers. I had people doing double-takes all the time.

  4. True Story:


    Years ago, when I was young and stupid, I lived way out in Bartow Co. in Taylorsville. We lived on a very large cotton/wheat/cattle farm (this was when I was married to my first husband, who is now deceased). One day we were standing outside looking toward a "growed up" spot at the far end of the yard trying to ascertain what was rustling around in it. My father-in-law (who just loved to aggravate me because he considered me a "city girl") speculated that it might be a groundhog. Then we noticed a brief flash of brown fur through the weeds. "Nope, that's a bobcat." he says. "A bobcat?" I exclaimed. "There's no bobcats around here. That's just a cat." "It's a bobcat, all right. Go try and pet it if you don't believe me." he challenged. (This is where the stupid comes in) "Well, I will then!" I countered, and proceeded to tramp over to the aforementioned "growed up" spot. (Let me point out here that no one followed me) As I got closer, the rustling became louder and I could just see the brown fur. At this point, I call out, "Here, kitty, kitty!" (I really did that). I guess the sound of my voice must have really irritated that "cat" because the next thing I knew, I was standing face to face with a growling feline. It only lasted for a split second before it turned and made a defiant leap toward the hills. As it bounced away through the brush, I could see the unmistakeable crested ears and ....bobtail. It was a bobcat for sure. Larger than a housecat, but not as big as you might think. Naturally, I was terrified out of my mind, but nobody had any sympathy for me- they were all too busy laughing. :o :lol: :rolleyes:

  5. Darn, can't believe I missed out on this one last night. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun here with the Boogies. Was running daughter to and from dance class... :rolleyes:

    As far as shapes go, right now, I can't stand the shape of my daughter's room. :angry: I'd have to go along with Ellen's choice of the rectangle as my favorite as well- for the same reasons. ;)

  6. Traci:


    I did not know Ray except that he was in school at the same time I was. I do, however, understand completely what his wife is experiencing right now. My first husband died in a similar fashion almost 14 yrs. ago. He had a heart attack right in front of my daughter and myself.

    I think when someone that young passes so suddenly we always want to look for an explanation for it. For the most part, I don't think people are deliberately trying to be mean. They just want to make themselves feel better about their own mortality. If they can say, "Well, he must have been doing _____ or ______ ." then it sort of assigns an explanation to something that cannot be explained.

    I hope Mrs. Traylor finds comfort in knowing how well her husband was admired and respected. :)

  7. Bubba speaks the truth. Before your divorce is final, since you have minor children, you will both have to complete a court approved Parenting Class. I was resentful of this at first, but when I actually went through it, I found out a lot of things that have really been useful. Like: not low-rating the other parent no matter WHAT they have done, not using the children as pawns, not passing notes or messages through the children, etc. Pray she takes all this info to heart, because down the road your kids will learn the truth on their own.

  8. Get that "deadbeat" dad notion out of your head right now! You are doing absolutely the best you can under the circumstances. Seems like your EX needs to meet a REAL deadbeat (like my EX) who is over $3,000.00 in arrears in court ordered child support. :angry:

  9. (Woman's intuition here)


    Bottomline, I think you're still in love with her and you need someone to justify it for you. Been there done that. Sounds like the financial worries are the least of your concerns. You will probably wind up moving back in and she is going to break your heart some more. Do what you have to do. This is life and none of us can live yours for you.

    Honestly, though, I think there is somebody much better for you out there but you have to be in the right frame of mind to find them. Let this marriage run its course and move on...it does get better. :)

  10. Yeah, Hank. Sometimes you say what a lot of us are thinking but just can't seem to type for fear of offending. I think in many cases, we're sitting here thinking: "Yes! That's what I WANTED to say!" I hope you continue to keep it real... ;) Lord knows somebody's got to. :(

  11. I am fairly certain that ANG and I are not of the same denomination or spiritual background, but I understood completely what her point was. "Spiritual Warfare" should by no means be equated with traditional warfare. I am sorry her original topic was closed and I applaud her efforts in speaking her piece in the followup.


    Best I can remember, Jeff, you had a pretty controversial thread going there yourself with that, "How Do You Know Your Religion Is True?" ? <_<

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