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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I haven't really thought much about Jerry Sienfeld "the guy" since the show went off. I was addicted to that show and I am still pretty good with the trivia- stuff like: What caused Elaine to opt out of "the bet" in the "Master of the House" episode? (Easy one) I even liked the last show, which everybody else hated. I thought it was supremely appropriate that they should wind up being in jail for not being nice. My favorites, though, have to be the "Marble Rye" and "Bizzaro World" episodes. It still cracks me up to think about Jerry stealing that bread from that old lady!!! :lol: :lol: Oh yeah, and the one where Kramer took his pants to the pizza place to have them warmed in the oven... :lol:

  2. I heard on the radio this morning that Deion Sanders, former Atlanta Falcon and Brave has signed a 1 year contract with the Ravens. From what I gathered, he will be paid on a performance basis. In other words, he will have to prove himself in order to get a paycheck. Now I have never been a great fan of his, but I think this latest foray deserves some respect. He's what? Almost, if not, 40? He's probably going to get smacked around pretty hard out there, and speaking for the middle-aged crowd myself, I'd love to see him have a great season. Age is a relative thing. Hopefully, Deion has gained some maturity in his years away from the field and can exhibit some class and grace under pressure. I'll be watching just out of curiosity (that and the fact that football is the ONLY thing we watch here from August to January!).

  3. My sister and her husband recently built out there, and she is already tired of the trek to Dallas to do everything. BTW, the reason the houses are so nice is because NOBODY wants to move there. The builders are hoping that people will be more interested in the homes themselves and be distracted by the fact it is so remote.

  4. Please don't kill him, Ellen! I love owls, been collecting them for years. I know he is a threat to your cats but he is probably controlling a lot of other pests. It is spooky to hear one, though. I would think they would be protected, kind of like hawks, but I don't know. Maybe he will migrate somewhere else soon.

  5. The way he walks, the way he smells, his tattoos, his Pittsburgh accent- especially the way it is accentuated when he is back up there. The way he has managed to remain close to his boys even though they are 800 miles away. The way he will work 12 hrs a day 6 days a week when necessary. When he makes the Sign of the Cross on my forehead when he leaves in the morning. And...he always brings me a Snickers bar when he stops for gas! :rolleyes: :D

  6. Iko, did you say, "Flavor Adventures?" Sounds like the name of something one might buy at an uh, adult establishment. :unsure: Maybe Healthy Choice should rethink their marketing strategy. Unless, of course, you purchased this at Starship or Insurrection. :lol:

  7. I LOVE pink. Absolutely nothing wrong with having a bunch of pink stuff. And yes, the combination of pink/black is the hot trend for fall. I first noticed it when I was shopping for school clothes for my 3rd grader. Everything, even the athletic shoes, was some form of the two. It will never replace black for me, though. I end up wearing it at least 2-3 times a week. B)

  8. In my personal experience selling bedding, I have found that the best mattress is not necessarily the most expensive one, as some would have you believe. The mattress we have is a king size "Southern Dreams" (pillowtop) made by a small bedding company out of Nashville called Southerland. $560.00 for the king set- delivered. The neat thing about Southerland is that it is still family owned and operated. In fact, if you call there, one of the Southerlands answers the phone!

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