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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Well, pretty much the entire Jr. and Sr. classes skipped school one day and went up to Allatoona. We thought we were pretty smooth until a school bus carrying Dave Hardin and Yvonne Welch (Principal and Asst Principal) showed up. Mr. Hardin started dragging boys onto the bus and Mrs. Welch took the girls. If they had cars there, they had to leave them. Fortunately, TBAR, myself, and a couple of others were in someone's car and we got away. But they were waiting for us when we got back. We were all in band and we didn't get to march for 2 weeks. Several people were suspended for a week, and ALL of us had to come up to the school over Christmas break and clean. There's more, but it would just take too long. :lol:

  2. Archangel and I actually had two weddings. The first, December 31, 2001, was in Gatlinburg, TN at the Little Log Chapel. I was just the two of us and the minister kept calling Archangel "Randall" (his name is Michael). We laughed about it, but it was kind of wierd because I wondered after that if we were really married. We had our honeymoon in a cabin called, "The Hunny Home," and had a black bear prowling around in the garbage. The power went out during the night and I woke up freezing because it was 9 degrees outside.

    Our second wedding came on March 8, 2002. After deciding we wanted to get serious about the Catholic Church being a part of our lives, we needed to be married sacramentally. Our priest, Father Adrian, performed the ceremony for us at St. Vincent's. That wedding was the most special because it was sacred and it joined us in Faith. It was also the first time Archangel was able to take Communion in almost 20 years. To say it was a spiritual experience does not do it justice. The Presence of God was overwhelming and I know we are truly blessed to have found each other. :)

  3. After mulling this over, I think I will call the Sheriff's office tomorrow. They'll probably just blow it off, but you never know, one of those homeowners could have already reported their shot-up driveway and I might have an essential clue. And I remember exactly which houses it was since I drive it everyday.

  4. I always use Cole Lake Rd. as a kind of "cut through" from West Memorial to Scoggins Rd. I do this mainly because I just like driving the road. It is very curvy and you have to watch out for deer, but there is hardly any traffic and it reminds me a little of the drive up to Cade's Cove in TN.

    Anyway, yesterday as I was driving on it, I noticed as I topped one of the many hills, a red Z-71 pickup ahead of me. It went into a curve and the next thing I heard was a loud BANG. My first thought was, "Truck back-fired." However, as I got closer to the truck in front of me, what I saw was a guy hanging out the passenger side firing a shotgun at driveways. He did it 3 times! Then I guess they must have noticed me behind them, because they hit the gas and were gone.

    My first instinct when I realized what was going on was to drop back- I didn't know WHAT they were shooting at. Then I got very mad because this was around 5:30 and there could very likely have been kids out in those driveways. Then I got even madder because it dawned on me that this was probably teenagers and somebody actually put a firearm in their hands!

    I HATE guns. They scare me for many reasons and this incident just confirmed my fears. What if a child had been hit? What would their excuse have been: "Uh, we was just playin'..." Now I know that most people are very responsible when it comes to guns, and I also support anyone's right to carry them, but does that also include the right for hell-raising teenagers to fire them off randomly from a moving vehicle?

    (Now I know someone will bring it up: "Why didn't you call the sheriff?" Two reasons: 1) I am one of the three people in Paulding Co. who does not have a cell phone. I hate them and I live very close to school and work. Chances are if I break down or something, someone I know or am related to will come by. 2) The truck sped off so quickly there was no way I could have gotten the tag #.)

  5. Sam's Used Appliances in Dallas (right next to the Gro Mart, across from Joan's Restaurant) takes old appliances. There also used to be an old guy right next to the hospital that would let you drop them off.

  6. Much as I'd love to reply to Southfire's ad <_< , here's what mine would say:


    Lanky, intelligent, 42 yr. old, pseudo-blonde WF seeks 46 yr. old WM, preferably from the Western Pennsylvania area. Must be real smart, real cute, real spiritual, a real hard-worker, and must be willing to make me the center of his universe. Must be a die-hard Steelers fan, but will watch the Falcons if he has to. Also should be willing to give up a couple of hours of PlayStation to take WF to dinner on occasion. Oh, yeah, he's got to smell good, too. ;)

  7. Keep posting, SB. Let those who don't want to read just scroll on by. I think we all get our feelings hurt on here at one time or another, but then we have to remind ourselves that this ain't real life here, it's a cyber-world. Please don't let a few grouchy people keep you from expressing yourself. :)

  8. Got to go along with you on the piercings, Pointy. Anything beyond the ears on girls, and NOTHING on boys is over the top. My daughter has her eyebrow, belly-button and....tongue pierced. It is disgusting. But hey, she is over 18 and with a tattoo-ed role model like me for a mother, what can you expect?! :lol: :lol: ;)

  9. Yes, I did ask, and just like I told Pointy, I can accept that. I, however, think they can be very becoming depending on what they are and where they are. I think the sword my husband has on the outside of his calf is very attractive. It accentuates his muscles.

    On the other hand, I don't necessarily like to see them on women's biceps. I think there are "guy" places and "girl" places. The upper arm is definitely a "guy" place. Now a "girl" place would be...oh, nevermind... :blink:

  10. These are very good points you bring up, Iko. I think there are many people who have no clue that there are "Forums," certain places topics should go. For instance, I have seen political topics posted under Four-Legged Friendzy." I think some just look for the New Topic button and go from there, no matter what forum they're in. <_<

    I have always viewed The Internet Cafe as a kind of free-for-all for topics that really don't fit under the traditional headings.

  11. Yeah, that's the one thing I hear about them all the time: they are addictive. If you get one, you want more. I am content with what I have for now, but hubby just keeps getting them. It can get pretty costly, however. ;)

  12. Just like the name says: "Pointyhead" (always gets right to the point)...I can accept that, but weren't you in the Service? Seems kind of atypical not to have one, although my Dad spent 4 yrs in the Navy and never got one either.

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