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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Southfire just hit 1000, too, although I thinking he was teasing us with how long he was going to hang on to that 999. Congratulations to a great p.commer! :D



    Can you feel the love, now? Pupper posted this, too, so you got TWO congratulatory threads! B)

  2. ANG, is it "missing" or is this the car your son is driving? In which case, I can relate, because my daughter's car is in very much the same condition. <_< I can't say that I've seen it, but I will keep a look out.

  3. Thanks for the review, Southfire. I have heard nothing but good things about this place, and after a rather unsatisfying experience tonight at Buffalo's Southwest Cafe (the wings were awesome, but the prime rib wasn't) maybe we'll give it a try next time.

  4. I would go back and meet my present husband when I was 20 rather than when I was 39. Then we both wouldn't have spent a major portion of our lives with the wrong people. :( We also might have had children together, but we have both stated that we are not sure the world would have been ready for that. :rolleyes: :lol: So, I can only speculate that things worked out the way they were supposed to...hopefully we will have many more years to make up for lost time. ;)

  5. I would like Shorter College tag. Wonder if they have those yet?


    Lord know they've got everything else...even my alma mater- State University of West Georgia (which was WGC when I graduated, so I am confused on that one). :blink:


    PS: Just be glad the Gamecocks don't play Oregon State, TBAR. <_< ;)

  6. With 5 kids of various ages and sexes to buy for, I HAVE to start early. This year, I started buying one or two things everytime I went to Wal-Mart or Target. You would be surprised how much I have accumulated since June. But really, the major stuff, like video games, has to wait until closer to Christmas because the new ones don't come out until November usually. I'll still be out there in the trenches with everybody else around Dec. 1-24! <_< :lol:

  7. I suppose we can also add Jamal Lewis to this dubious list under the heading of: the merits of lax drug trafficking laws. His 4 month sentence for setting up a drug deal on a cell phone will not begin until AFTER the NFL season has ended. <_<

  8. Thanks for everyone's input on this topic. I am calling the SO this afternoon when I get home. I honestly wasn't trying to be irresponsible in not reporting it. It happened so fast and it took me by complete surpise. I guess I just wasn't able to take in the entire scope of things. I will let y'all know what they say tomorrow. :)

  9. Boy, I can really get into this one! My mother works in the fragrance dept. at Dillard's, so I have many, many kinds- all in those big tester bottles. I guess presently my favorite is "Red Door," but I also love "Cinnabar" and "Chanel #21." For men, it's "Chrome," "Cool Water" and "360!" Ooooooooooo, baby!! I love a man that smells good! :lol:

  10. Well, definitely NOT the last one we flew to Pittsburgh on! Thought we were going to have to start flapping our arms to get that one off the ground! :o


    Seriously, it never ceases to amaze me how something that large can actually go airborne. I personally prefer those BIG airliners. Somehow it makes you think you're not even flying. :D

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