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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. As I've been reading through some of these posts this morning, I started thinking about the role of a parent. As many of you know, I'm the mom of a 3-year-old who's attached at my hip as I am at his. I gave up several great job opportunities to raise him, and I spend every waking moment thinking about how I should be parenting him, trying to get it "right". In general, I think every parent is like this.


    No matter how obsessed I am with my little guy, I think my job is to make him independent so that he can feel the pride of his own accomplishments and gain wisdom from his own mistakes. In other words, I don't feel that he will ever owe me anything. I believe that parenting is a completely selfless job in the way that I will never expect anything from him and his future family.


    So what I'm wondering is 2 things.

    1. In all honesty, do you expect anything from your kids? A grandkid maybe? A good old folks' home?

    2. Does this change? Mine's only 3, so when I'm a parent longer, will my mind change? Am I just young ( :lol: ) and naive?

  2. I thought about making my vent bigger, but then i couldnt share my vent with all of you.


    Eh, on your third or fourth house, the vents just get bigger. It's unavoidable, even if you only use the front door... :p

  3. Oh! Thank you everyone for reducing my stress level. I've been mulling this over especially the last couple days, since we got our statement, and it's been driving me crazy.


    In summary, it's a big mess. The concept of ownership is something that isn't clear in this country. Whether it's money being shuffled around year to year by the IRS or property being seized for schools or highways, it makes me want to head for the hills. Except the hills would be a great place for that new high school...



  4. Last year, we got a good chunk of refund on our taxes. Now we have to claim it on this year's taxes. Here are the things I understand. Can anyone tell me what I'm wrong about?


    1. In 2006, we let the government keep more money than they should fairly have.

    2. The government could invest the money and get more money, while in all fairness, we should have been able to invest that money (if we'd done our withholdings right).

    3. In addition to the benefits the US government got to keeping our money, they can now charge us more for the privilege (by taxing the tax return from 2007).

    4. So in summary, they are taxing our income more than is fair, and then they are taxing us on getting back what they unfairly took.


    Aside from how the tax system could change, can anyone explain to me why this is legal?


    Many thanks.

  5. I just wanted to share, and I need to apologize. When I first read the great comments about Fuji (near K-Mart), I admit that I thought, "Eh, what do all these people know? There isn't anything else around!" We went there today for lunch, and we were blown away.


    We love Taki for the way they keep track of your orders and treat you like a VIP if you keep going back, we love RuSan's for its atmosphere, quality, and awesome buffet (and the way they grab our son and play with him so we can eat), but we really feel like Fuji is the most authentic. Maybe it isn't, because the only place I've ever been in Japan was the airport (and no sushi inside the security gates!!!), but it really seemed genuine.


    I had the sashimi bento "box", hubs had a la carte sushi, and son had steamed rice. My fish was among the most beautiful pieces I've ever seen, and even the octopus was fresh and flavorful.


    So I'm sorry for doubting all of you - you were right!!! ;)

  6. These are great suggestions!

    How about reading. We would get in a circle and pass a book around, each of us taking a turn to read out loud. Of course there are lots of board games you can play with an 8 year old too. Check out Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts if your child is interested.


    Do you use electric lights to see the book?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;) :p



  7. I SAW ONE!!!!! I came back to the computer to look at sky maps, decided I was in the right spot, and went back and saw one right away!! Woohoo!!!!! So if you want to see, look for the big dipper and under that is where they should be. They're supposed to be near the constellation bootes, but that's in the light pollution from my POV, so just look under the big dipper.



  8. We take our 3-year-old up Kennesaw Mountain all the time - never too early to start training for Everest! :p


    We geocache as well, and I'm really surprised how many people do that! We also like to hop in the car and drive the "curvies" up in the mountains. Locally, there are arcades (US Play and Dave & Busters in Marietta), mini golf (Mountasia at Town Center), and there's a climbing gym in Kennesaw. We shoot rockets too, sometimes with Oscar! We spend a lot of time in the spring and fall on the Silver Comet Trail. HTH!

  9. I'd like to add that when it's "that time", I can't stand any touching at all. Not even hugs from my husband. It's a weird physical thing, not mental - anyone else ever heard of that?


    Normally, I'm weird. (no comment, please) I don't mind cheek kisses from someone you are affectionate with, especially at the holidays, because I feel like it's kind of old-fashioned and elegant. From day to day, I try very hard to get over my personal space issues, but I do not enjoy touching.


    Now, my hubs and son can climb the heck all over me. We even lick each other sometimes as a joke.

  10. :D So I guess no one likes the name I like? :( Except for Isabellazmom :wub:


    You got my hubs's seal of approval, and he's a tough crowd! ;) Mine, too. It's beautiful. Just make sure to have a spare in case she comes out looking like an Emilie or something! (that was my grandmother's name, btw) When our son was born, we had been set on giving him Fitzgerald as a middle name, after Ella whom we both adore, but then I couldn't do it. He just looked like a Luke, and I felt divinely inspired (although it could have been the low blood pressure), so he's now middle-named Luke.


    eta: Don't worry about it fitting with your last name if you really love it; she'll probably get married at least once and that name will be history. :lol:

  11. Carr deserved to go out with a win. Nice job!


    You're such a good sport! I know I'm not the intended audience of this post, but I just want to share - people have been stopping us out and about to say how much they enjoyed the game. After all the crap we've taken wearing our shirts around, it's felt really nice to be a fan/alum these last couple days! We're so proud of the way they played and actually a little amazed to beat a fast SEC team like Florida.


    Can't wait to see what RichRod will do!

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