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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. My only child will start school in the fall, and I'm having the same issues you are. The problem is that he'll only be in school a few hours. Even if he went a full school day, that's not enough time for a "normal" job. I might work on earning a few bucks making crochet patterns and items to sell online, but I don't think I'll go back to work yet. Maybe I'll work on another kidlet and start the whole process all over again.

  2. I think the nice car and country club women was a slam at CASA, I guess they really do not know who does what and who gets paid what. Much less who works for free. It is a shame the person does not seem to know what they are talking about.


    CASAs are volunteers, folks. We don't get paid a dime to visit people's houses. In fact, we spend our own gas money and pay our own phone bill. We have no motivation other than to help the child.


    And it's not DEFACS, not DFACS, it's DFCS - Division of Family and Children Services.


    Why are you all talking about a specific case on here? (and I don't mean the OP) At best, it's gauche, and at worst, it's destructive to a family. Tsk, tsk... {shaking my finger}

  3. Hmmm... was there a freezing rain forecast? Last weekend, we drove all the heck out to Rome to go to a bridal shop, and even though we'd called a couple days before to make sure they would be open on Saturday, they had closed up shortly after opening.


    See, that was the day there was a snow forecast, and it did snow here, but there not not a flake on the ground there. Not one. Weather was perfect. Cold, but fine. They just decided that the weather might keep customers away. Rrrrggggghhhh.

  4. That is a good idea except for one thing. A person who is so careless about the feelings of their spouse and given to temper tantrums will probably not hold up their end of the bargain. If you are hesitant to enter a mortgage contract, why would you be willing to accept their signature in good faith on any other type of contract?


    Agreed. That piece of paper will be ripped to shreds the second you leave the office. Don't invest one more thing in this marriage until this problem is permanently solved. I'm not saying divorce, because I feel that's a very last resort, but don't buy this house, and don't have kids. PLEASE don't have kids with this guy - they don't deserve to watch their mommy being treated like that. That's torture for a little kid.


    And by the way, this friend is a freeloading loser. Not that I have an opinion on the matter... :ph34r:

  5. I like it because it's a healthy place - one of the only places I can quickly go to pick up something. The skinless meal has a salad and veggies. With water to drink, it's a pretty good choice for me. And I think their chicken flavor is fantastic.


    They should keep the place cleaner, though. The floor by the soda machine is always sticky as heck. There has been one time EVER when my order was completely right - why is it so difficult to get a bag of chips?!


    But overall, I'm very grateful that it's there.

  6. So in other words its no SECRET that you were not SURE about where a telephone goes and where deodorant goes. The phone has speed dial, the deodorants has SPEED STICK. to what DEGREE of ridiculousness must you take your antics? i know if you pulled something like this at work youde get the big ugly AXE. you need to have more energy devoted to paying attention to whatss going on, ya know, show some TEEN SPIRIT. Ide imagine if you ever tried to apply for a job as a telephone operator they would BAN you from the building. I bet you think your all SUAVE telling us cute stories like this.


    and no I could work it into a cute little sentence so ill just say it....






    You are one of my favorite posters.


    eta: I don't actually have a poster of you, but if I did, I'm sure it would be my favorite.

  7. Because I love to put on a button down to go to the grocery store.



    And honestly .. nobody in our family really gives a rats :ph34r: what other people think. We're comfortable and happy :)



    What it says is "I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks, I'm comfortable".

    Dress occasions are the exception.


    And this is what burns my eyes every time I leave the house. I rarely wear makeup, but it sure is just as easy to pull on a skirt and sweater as it is sweats and a ratty tee. High maintenance? Nope. I can get out the door with a toddler within 15 minutes of waking. But my comfort zone is just maybe a little different, that's all. You can still laugh at me if you want, though! :p It makes me feel good and stand a little straighter, and I wasn't always this way. I used to wear sweats every day. For me it makes a big difference. But I stand by what I said about the tees. :p :lol:



  8. I will ck your link,

    The way I see it they are investing overseas to avoid the tax burden the rest of us are forced to carry.

    You are absolutely right in the fact that they earned and have every right to it.

    As does everyone in this country.


    Mine was an observation of a reality.

    I don't understand that we levy heavy tax burdens on them to invest here, yet none for investing overseas,

    I feel as though the American people are being sucked dry. After all this is

    , the homeland that gave them the freedom to become billionaires


    The most shocking thing I learned in that interview (the link) is that there are businesses, like WalMart, that are enticed to build in a community by tax funding. Baseball stadiums are another good example - anything you'd vote for building. Anyhow, and I obviously don't completely understand yet, but that means sales tax money goes directly into profits for the owners. It's advertised as a good way to bring people to an area to shop, but over the long haul this isn't the case. Interesting interview.

  9. T-shirts allow a guy to express himself more than say a button down or crew neck sweater.



    Actually, no they don't. ;) Unless they are a fashionable or collegiate shirt, the only thing they say is, "I don't care enough to look nice." The style of your clothes says more about you than the words on them.


    Sorry, this just happens to be a hot-button topic for me lately. I know, I'm crazy. :wacko: :p

  10. I use my freeze as a search engine.

    I ran across a little blurb that caught my attention about Forbes Magazine. it read--

    Now takes more than 1 billion to make fortune 500 list.

    So I take a look -

    There are now 891 billionaires in this country alone,


    So I start thinking, the only way my net worth goes up is to keep more than I spend.


    Obviously billionaires are experts at this. But then again once you hit the billionaire level how much can one really spend.

    You can invest it but then again it just keeps growing so your net worth keeps going up.


    So you spend a bit, how many boats, homes, cars, furnishings can you own, after awhile million dollar peices of jewelry aren't even denting your net worth.


    So there sits the bulk of money in our economy, obviously they are not using it to create manufacturing and jobs cause everything the lower classes purchase or can afford to purchase come from overseas.


    Is it just me that sees the cash flowing up and staying up.

    Is it trickling down, Maybe if you produce yaghts and sports cars.


    So then this brings me to the little tax windfall Mr. Bush wants to hand out because the little people are not spending enough.


    You know the folks with a net worth of less than a thousand dollars.


    Now see I think we have a different problem than what is being presented,


    There is way too much spending going on, The bulk of in credit.

    Credit companies that raise their rates as high 25% creative financing that allows people to purchase homes they can't afford,

    The same with automobiles.


    We have been convinced we all deserve to live like the rich people.


    Now, will we all take our little tax windfall, open an investment account and really start to live like the rich and famous.


    Of course not! we will do our civic duty, we will run, not walk to the nearest bank cash it, blow it on a geegaw we have been wanting, and stimulate our economy at least until the election!


    Yes, that is frustrating, but you have to remember that they earned it at some point. I was thinking about this yesterday. You have to save more than you spend, but you also have to make more money than you need in the first place. Assume for a second that it takes the same amount for everyone, more or less, to get by. People who are lower and middle (economic) class have to exert a lot more effort to save enough to get "rich", while people with high paying jobs hardly have to think about it.


    That's capitalism, baby! ;)


    eta: No way - look what's in my inbox. Crazy! http://www.publicradiomail.org/ct/k7s3TPn1XSMW/

  11. I'm a little country (Loretta Lynn), a little rock and roll (Beatles), a little folk (Woodie Guthrie), a little classical (Chopin), a little rap (NWA), a little Motown (Smokey Robinson), a little alternative (The Shins and Radiohead - okay, a LOT alternative), a little jazz (Dave Brubeck - make that a lot jazz). So I guess I'm counrockfoclassirapazzativetown.




  12. I was about to post the same thing. I am walking around in circles. Matt asked me to clean today.........ummm, what? The house is clean. I think he meant decorate again now that Christmas is down and over, organize, make this house a home buuuuuuuuuuuut, ugh. Why? Cade will just drag some toys out and ~poof~ it'll look like a daycare again.




    Oh and finish putting up all the Christmas stuff that still in the corner. :lol:

    YES!!!!!!! I'm not alone!!!!! I'd like to clarify, though, that we keep our stuff up until after the 7th each year due to Russian Orthodox Xmas...

  13. I have with my 13yr old. It came a little sooner then I thought it should have (10) but a little boy asked her to 'suck something' and I felt it was better to talk to her then to have her ask her friends and get the wrong answers. I stressed that its something that happens when you are ready and not just bc someone else is and I stressed protection and told her how important that was and why and told her to come ask me if she had any questions. I also told her when she was ready and the time was right if she was more comfortable talking with a different adult (dad, grandparent, aunt,etc) then that was ok. I just dont want her to get bad advice or inaccurate info. I think that she is more comfortable talking to me but you never know. Now my younger ones think you have to be married to kiss and when you are married and kiss you make a baby.


    PLEASE tell us you had a talk with that kid's parents! That's horrendous!!! I also hope she kick him in the "something" when he asked her! :ph34r:


    My 3yo has been asking 1. what's his scrotum for? and 2. have I gotten my penis back yet? [yes, I answered both - no to the second one in case you were wondering :lol: ]


    Is it possible to hypnotize a kid to visualize, oh I don't know, an old fat lady every time he gets an erection? I mean, I could clap my hands three times or whatever when he turns 27... ;)

  14. I like Bodyplex - lots of good staff to answer questions and provide lots of moral support, classes are included, tanning is available, childcare is included, very clean, and always room on the machines. I just wish they'd build the new location across the street already! B)

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