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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. My child is three and she has some caffinenated drink every day. It does not seem to have an effect on her. She is my only child. I may just be lucky to not have a high-strung kid but I think if a child has caffine on a regular basis, thier body gets used to it and it does not effect them as much as a child who only has it occasionally.


    I think you need to worry more about the sugar or aspartame in the drinks than the caffeine. The other thing you need to worry about with these drinks is what they're replacing. If your kid's getting enough milk and water, than an "extra" isn't as bad. I think, though, that if you are giving your little one enough of what they should be getting, they won't have room for soda or other junk.


  2. Oh my gosh, you guys are great! Thank you so much for the suggestions. It might be just three females, so if there are any tea houses or something a little frou-frou (none of us are, but it would be different) that would be okay too. We are going to, looks like, 2nd and Broad.


    Man, if only there were a deli around... :lol: ;)

  3. From



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    Hmmm, belly dancing - I might have to check that one out!!!

  4. Mine is not yet a teenager, but if he were in that position, I would not only read him the riot act about how he chooses his friends but I would give his friends the business next time I saw them. Remember, passengers can be accomplices. Someone suggested taking the kids back to apologize to the officer, and I think that's a great idea, but then again if he was a jerk about it maybe he doesn't deserve an apology.


    What are these KIDS doing with monster trucks anyway? And for the more expensive ones, why is this money not in a college fund or investments? Even if the kids are paying for it themselves, why are the parents not directing them toward building their future and spending their money more wisely?


    I think the bottom line is that while your son may be a good boy, his friends are not. I think you should address that issue most seriously.


    p.s. I was a kid who drove safely all the time. It IS possible if the kid has a good head on his shoulders.

  5. Cave Spring is kind of between Rockmart and Rome, only a slight detour. Lots of little antique shops. Cute town and of course you can pay a couple of bucks and go into the cave. It's a better spring/summer thing but it's still cool. The Comet Trail is fun too, but I'm betting it's gonna be too cold and wet for that. I'm still racking my brain, but nothing to do is coming to mind. If I think of something else, I'll be sure to chime back in.


    Thank you! Discovering old little towns is definitely fun!

  6. We need to go to Rome Saturday morning. We always like to tack on one fun/odd thing to every trip. For example, we visited the Colonel's birthplace in Corbin, KY on our way to Michigan once. We would prefer to hike, but it will be raining or snowing. Does anyone have any ideas of stuff to do (with a 3-year-old in tow) between here and Rome? Rockmart would be okay too.

  7. Dude, I love 88.5 I've listened to that station since I was in middle school. I love it. I heard Emperor on there last night and about lost my mind. I couldnt believe it. 91.1 is pretty good if you've never checked them out and 89.3 always has something i've never heard before. Power to local radio dammit. I dont have XM, but a buddy of mind has sirius in his car and I'm not all that impressed with it. Hell yea man, I thought I was the only person who listens through the static to hear something worth listening to.


    XM has XMU, the "college" station and a couple others that play good stuff that you might not have heard of. I'll have to check out those other stations - I hardly ever have the radio on anymore. Even at home, I play Pandora (pandora.com) on the computer. Check that out if you get the chance.

  8. I dont beleive it. I'm sorry to keep going about it, but damn. I mean, first they take 96 rock, Z93 and everything else that might not play trucking solja boy or some american idol contestant. Dammit man. Dammit dammit dammit. This is a perfect example of why I hate everything dammit.




    But we still have 88.5 and 90.1. Thank God for those stations! And for XM, although I'd give my left nostril hair for better reception...

  9. Are we supposed to tip for carryout? I always feel uncomfortable about that. If so, how much? Sometimes the person who would get the tip doesn't do a thing - not even go get the food. :mellow:


    If service is bad, we give them 15%, which is pretty much our minimum. If it's horrendous, we assume that it's primarily a problem with the way the restaurant is run. For example, timeliness of the orders being cooked and brought out, cleanliness, how they handle special requests, how many things come back wrong... Those are the times that we talk with the management and offer constructive criticism in hopes that nobody else will have the same experience. For good service, we round up from 20% and more for exceptional service.


    There used to be an understanding that putting a penny on top of your tip signified that they did an exceptional job. Has anyone else heard of this?

  10. That drives me up the wall! If editors can't get it right, then who can? I've written many times to newspapers and book publishers with corrections, but I've NEVER gotten a response of any kind. I take that to mean they just don't care.


    One of my son's books (yes, a book that teaches words) has the word "harbor" misspelled as "habor" in two out of three places. It's The Big Shiny Sparkly Book of Things That Go, bought at LGM's store.

  11. This has bothered me from the beginning. He is her EX-boyfriend.


    I think it is going to come out that he is doing all of this for his 15 minutes of fame. I can't watch or listen to him because I think he is a fake!



    Didn't read all the posts, but maybe he desperately wants to cement his role as her closest companion, since they weren't married yet and he knows that being "just a boyfriend" doesn't really mean a whole lot. Maybe it's just his way of saying "I'm important to her" and to have others say it back to him. Maybe it's a way of grieving?

  12. If being country means acting like an uneducated, toothless, backwoods hick lacking the ability to pronounce or annunciate


    Er, Mr. Cultured Guy, if you knew how to properly pronounce the word "enunciate", you'd know that it's i-nuhn-see-eyt...


    As to the OP, I thought I would be uncomfortable here but really wanted to move out of the city for health reasons and because I didn't want my son to continue seeing the drug use/prostitution daily, which is what we were seeing outside our apartment in Midtown. It turns out that I found lots of people just like me, and this really isn't a backwards area at all! And we have great sushi!!!

  13. I know someone who does. :ph34r: She dreamt my husband chopped me up to pieces and then ran off with her. (I think that's how it went.)


    Oh, he wishes! [running away quickly :lol: :lol: :lol: ]


    No, another friend was married to him in the dream, and she called me distraught because she found him in pieces. I don't think I'll ever forget that dream. It was disgusting, and just plain weird. But I was just an observer.


    I think that dream stemmed from being at your house and you guys talking about an encounter he had had with someone. Also, the other friend (let's call her "Nancy" because that's her name) had just had an issue with someone that day as well.


    I have these dreams every night, and to be honest I have learned to ignore them. As long as I am generally cautious in my daily life and try to be a good person, I don't think these are signs of anything, just my brain categorizing the day's events.


    Are you pregnant? That would explain any sex dreams...

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