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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. Let's try this again without the off-topic replies. Neither do we need the spelling nazis rhetoric.


    I thought I was the spelling and grammar Nazi - and I kept my mouth fingers shut! ;)


    The OP seems inflammatory to me. Is it supposed to be a poll? If so, I support the troops with all my heart. I do not support our Good Ole Boy President, who has taken all the honor and esteem out of the office, in my opinion.

  2. Go happy Republicans! You bunch of miserable liberals! See, just what I've been tellin' ya!


    On the money topic, I 've had way too little and I've had way more than enough. Life is easier with more than enough but there are a whole different set of problems and worries that are included in it.

    Church, a church family a great Pastor are essential to my happiness, too.


    And, a good trip to the salon every four or five weeks. ;)


    Perspective is a funny thing. I read it: Republicans are self-satisfied, having lost touch with reality and sheltered in their own little cocoons, while Liberals, having a global perspective and outrage at the injustice in the world, are miserable about it.


    Hee hee! ;) :lol:

  3. Dixie











    Ooh, those are great! Very Southern, and our friend just had an Athena. I think it's very strong! I also like the old lady names like Ruby, etc. I found a few Mathildas in my family tree, and that could be cool. For someone else, that is. :lol: Also, Madeleine and Margaret (even though Margaret in this thread doesn't like it!). My name is Patricia, and I absolutely love it.


    There's an old movie called "Where The Boys Are", and I've always thought Merritt was the most beautiful name.


    I think that sometimes when kids have made-up names or names that are pronounced differently than they are spelled (not giving examples here, just in case), it makes their parents seem uneducated, even if that's the farthest thing from the truth. I really don't want to upset anyone, because the name is a thing given with love and much thought, but that's the harsh reality and I wanted to throw that out there as food for thought. Does it matter to you how you will be seen when people meet your kids? Maybe not, and that's okay. ;)

  4. I am watching for the new article to come out. Wednesday was yesterday for them, today for us. I have to leave at 12:30 for an appointment but when I get back I will continue looking for the article and get it posted and attach the link to this.


    She was a model of grace and beauty. 84 years old and still the grace and beauty of a 21 year old. I am sure her countryman will miss her greatly as she also represents 8 decades of traditions.



    Also, since they really love and respect the king, they will certainly mourn her. I didn't know you were interested in Thailand - very cool!

  5. I started the long process of losing my extra weight and realized it's not as easy as last time I did it, but it's still pretty easy and totally fun!


    We had a death and a wedding in the family, as well as an engagement.


    I learned to clean house, which I've never known how to do.

  6. I never thought to look on youtube for this! Those are awesome. I just can't beat the devil on medium. I've been playing the Killers over and over and over. My 3-year-old wants to play his Smart Cycle, and we have to share the TV. It's hysterical. I'm glad to see that adults everywhere are getting into this!


    And btw, if anyone wants to buy it, it's $50 at Target!

  7. My hubs and I got Guitar Hero for Christmas. It's so much fun!!! I am a 32-year-old SAHM, but when I pick up that guitar, I am once again a 21-year-old crazy girl and I love it! Now I'm just waiting for Thurston Moore and Butch Vig to start a fantasy band and invite me.



    Just wanted to share... :lol:

  8. We can't legally get married. But if we could I'd marry Jimmy in a heartbeat. He's the most wonderful man I've ever been in a relationship with. We usually get through life's little annoyances with a healthy dose of humor. He makes me laugh even when I'm crying. I couldn't have dreamed of a more wonderful man to share my life with.


    And now since I've just been informed he would like some ice cream...I'm going to get him some...cause well...he's worth it.



    I believe that the "piece of paper" is extremely meaningful, as a legitimization mostly, so it makes me IRATE that you can't marry your love!!! Rrrrrgh. Well, it sounds like you accept the situation with great grace, so I applaud you. ^_^


    As for the poll, I answered "love" but I don't feel that's the right answer for me. It's more to do with our compatibility than our love, although we have that in spades. We have similar backgrounds, values, and interests. That means that we are on the same page usually, and when we aren't we have similar bases from which to draw perspective on our problem of the day.

  9. The people who worked there could not have cared less about the experience their customers had in the restaurant! They didn't speak complete words, much less complete sentences, never greeted the customers, and rarely got the orders right. But darn it, it was the most healthy place around! I wish a place like Theo's Bro's would open here, or Chow Baby... mmm, I'm hungry...

  10. Today my daughter and I went to Arbor Place mall to exchange some jeans she bought my granddaughter. After we made the exchange, we decided to go to the food court to get some lunch. BAD IDEA! With my four grandchildren in tow, we went to Sharro's and bought them pizza. We got them settled at a table and left them with my 17 year old while we went to get our food. As they sat eating their pizza, we were in line to get Japanese, next to Subway, two grown men starting slugging it out while in the Subway line right next to us. I immediately ran to my grandchildren to wait and see what happened. A man with a young child in a stroller had just got in line behind these two men before the fight started, one of the sluggers fell onto the stroller, while the father was shouting for security. Everyone scattered and numerous people were shouting for security over and over again. Finally after several minutes, a petite security woman came but all she could do was to shout at them to stop, as if that would do any good. After approximately 5 minutes, no joke, 5 minutes, another woman and a man security came casually walking up. The men were taken off to the mall security office. By this time my daughter and I were both too upset and nervous to eat anything. With all that has been going on at Arbor Place Mall lately, you would think that security would be a little more active than they are. You never know anymore when someone is going to pull out a gun and start shooting. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office or the city of Douglasville Police Department needs to put officers in and around the mall for extra protection during the holidays, like Cobb County does at Town Center. A security guard at the mall today told me that there are only a few of them on each shift and they have to work the parking lot as well as inside the mall. With the business the mall has, they should be more protective of their patrons. I know I will never go there again.


    Thank you for the information!!!

  11. No racist remarks or comments please.


    I grew up under the tutelage of an old black man, straight out of Uncle Remus, named [no joke here, and none meant] named Friday. When my parents bought their house I grew up in 1954, he kind of came with it.


    I have 2 older sisters, and a younger sister, who exemplify why McDonalds, et al, have done so well. They were content with cereal, or junk food for breakfast.....I wanted eggs, grits, and bacon.


    Well Friday taught me how to cook. A great many of the basics, lots of "how to's". From pastry dough to fried chicken, and more. He and I remained close pals long after he left my family's employment until he passed 10-12 years ago.


    My mom could follow a recipe, but she could not cook. If anything was not just perfect with her ingredients, she was lost, and could not figure out how to substitute or even try. And she has always criticized my cooking because we "wing-it" many times and take chances mixing things up and seeing what happens. Sure, we get a disaster every once in awhile, but the amazing successes far out wieght the disasters.


    Some of it is a "knack", and some is trained taste buds that can determine which way to go.


    I have traveled internationally since I was young, and I was fortunate enough to have a mentor early on who convinced me to always eat the local native food, drink the local wine or whatever, and to always be willing to try what the natives eat......and I have.


    And I really can only name 3 that have turned me off [Haggis in Scotland, the hump from the Bramha Bulls in Brasil, Eel in Northern Europe]. And I have learned when I find something I really, really like, to ask the waiter if the chef will give me the recipe.....and I can only think of 2 or 3 times I have been refused.


    There is a great deal of trial and error, but if you have the "knack" it will come to you soon. If not, then eat out..... :rolleyes:


    You are sooo lucky! I've learned from Alton Brown especially, because if you get why something works, you can make whatever you want, and also Anthony Bourdain, because I've learned from him that you really need a point of view to make a good meal.


    I think the key is that when you have great quality ingredients, use no more than four so that you can savor the natural flavor of whatever it is. When it's average fare, knock yourself out - chili, for instance. You also have to know when full-fat is preferable and when the low-cal version is better. I never used much fat in my cooking until I moved to the south, and now I understand that you just can't be Southern without it! Viva la fat!


    And meat thermometers. Can't eat without them.

  12. My hub and I are big Bourdain fans and just watched his Christmas Special. I know that there are others who like the guy, and others on here who really like QOTSA. They were prominent in this show, so I thought you'd like to look out for the show on the Travel Channel.


    I don't know which was scarier - his niece or the sweaters on the band! :lol:

  13. My MIL used to work for Dick Tapper, MD, a urologist. Or maybe she still does. My next door neighbor, when she said her last name, I thought it was a rude nickname. Our last name reflects the fact that I'm a math tutor, and I think that's funny. My sister used to be married to a guy with the last name Cox. I know that's common, but I still can't say it out loud. Nor can I say the city of Cumming. Oy vey.

  14. Now see, I find that curious ... why would it be OK to choose gender but not sexual preference??? Frankly, that sounds a lot more shallow than ensuring that one's child is straight or gay.


    Well, if they were gay, and you made "he" a "she", then they would be straight. And if she were straight, and you made her a him, then he would be gay. Then what if she were a gay ballerina - would you make her a straight male ballerino? What was the question again?



    [i voted no]

  15. I didn't know about that. He did have a remarkable season and I think he deserved the award. I don't care for the spewing of one's religion during a non-religious event; but then again, I don't like hearing the Hollywood crowd spew their political views either.


    I have seen the religious thing turn into a recipe for disaster before too. <Jeff Gordon>


    He was so cute about it, though. He was unsure what to say, so he started repeating himself and the whole crowd, us at home included, was laughing. If it were the Academy Awards, he's have been played off. :D

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