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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. In this economy things have tightened up for most folks to just essentials.

    However, if the price was right, and you saw something you liked, would you buy it?

    If so, what would your top dollar be for something you wanted?


    Yes, for sure. If it was someone local or folksie, I'd probably go up to $150 if I really liked it. I try to do my own stuff, for the most part. Or travel and get local folk art.

  2. You are correct, somewhat in that there are alot of Black artists that spit raps like that. But you must include others: EMINEM, BEASTIE BOYS, HOUSE OF PAIN, MY FAV, BUBBA SPARXXX, ETC... who rap about killing family members, capping people in the knees, etc. There are plenty of Black rappers and White rappers out there that are violent in their words.


    This kind of music, to me, expresses a whole lot of pain of kids who are holding generations of hardship on their shoulders and who don't have guidance to rise above it. [all races] It doesn't scare me; it makes me sad. Does anyone know whether there are any kind of vocational programs in Paulding County that aim to redirect wayward youth? For example, where I used to work, we had a great computer lab and recording studio so kids and teens could come off the street and spend their energy in creative ways (one group of friends actually aired a video on CNN!). Just curious. I wholeheartedly agree with the poster who said not to think of kids as lost causes!


    I also think that p.com is a powerful community when it wants to be, and although I'm "Miss PC/liberal/treehugger/whatever" to a lot of you, the gang issue is real and there could be a lot done to keep the area low-crime. Maybe someone on here would be able to direct our energy toward helping solve the problem...


    You must have stopped listening to them in about 1990.


    The most violent thing they have rapped about since then is stir frying somebody in a wok.



  3. :o :lol: :lol:


    She's never even questioned it. It's 90% decorative...only a few are functional. And, unless I just ignore her completely and let her run wild(which I don't), she can't reach them.



    How, pray tell, is a knife non-funtional???? :huh: :lol:


    She is freaking adorable!!!!!

  4. I thought she was talking about you! Hee hee hee... Just kidding (missed you last night, btw, and I won!).


    The satellite stores aren't the same as the stand-alone ones, right? I don't think the little ones get the same training, and I know I don't like going to those when I don't have to - some of them SUCK!


    im glad to see so many of my regulars on here!i have worked for Starbucks off and on for 12 years and have alot of respect for all of our customers.keep coming in ,we are always finding ways to improve the experience.


    ps i dont recall working woth any DUMB redneck baristas,that might be a little harsh.......

  5. The tryouts were earlier this week in Downtown Atlanta.


    This is the actual show with the judges and Jerry Springer as host, with the ones that make it through the tryouts (best and worst, like in Idol).


    Ooh, how do you get tickets for that?

  6. It always starts by 9:30 and goes on....like last night it was 1:30am before they came up!


    Thank ya'll so much for all of the responses! I am gonna walk the trail this evening of course with someone! There is a house that backs up to the woods that has a 22 year old living it and his mom moved out of town and he has been known to be a trouble maker but it has happened when he has not been home so unless its him and a friend I have no clue!


    If it is him then that is more scary b/c I no what he is into and what he is capable of!


    So if the trail goes to his house then I might have an answer and will call the police back out here!


    I will let ya know something when I find out!


    Our neighborhood kids used to walk through my backyard. Here's how I solved the problem. I told them that I knew what they were doing back there (drugs, but I didn't outright say that) and that it was none of my business but I was not comfortable with them using my yard to get back there. I let them know that I'd be visiting their moms if they kept using my yard. Everytime I see them out and about, I say hi and chat with them. They no longer use my backyard to cut through, and they are always very respectful when we see each other.


    So here's my idea: can you visit that 20-yr-old and those teenagers and enlist their help? Tell them you are very uncomfortable with people back there and give them your phone number to use if they see anyone to warn you. Take them some cookies or something. If they know you and respect you, then that may help. I know this is a very first step, because if it's more serious you'll have to get a paintball gun or worse, but maybe you'll want to try the harmless stuff first.

  7. Thanks for posting this. This kind of training is why I will always love that company. They actually WANT knowledgable employees. There isn't anywhere else I can go and "talk coffee" where I don't know more than the baristas. They have good business practices and are very socially conscious as a company. And they don't sell things laced with so many preservatives that you're embalmed while you're still alive, like McD's or Wendy's. I'm happy to give up my coffee for a couple hours in order to keep the same or better level of service!


    I can't stand when people say "It's not as good as..." or "So and so has the best coffee..." It's all a matter of taste, and if you prefer Mickey D's, that's fine just don't say it's better. You PREFER it. I PREFER Starbucks, but I'm not going to say it's better (although it is for the most part). For some of us, enjoying coffee is like enjoying wine or beer. If you like Natural Light, that's fine, but don't tell me it's better than my Guinness!

  8. Patricia481Secretary: 25%Business Executive: 18%Sunday School Teacher: 14%

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! I always thought "royalty" was the connotation, since that's what it actually means. I'll keep my own definition, thank you very much!


    I think people most certainly are judged on their names. When I used to hire people, I would worry if their name was spelled in a way contrary to English pronounciation rules. When I hear kids' names that are made up, I cringe. It seems like a weak effort of the parent to be unique. I'm not going to give any examples, but that's what you do to a pet, not a baby who will one day become a responsible adult!


    Disclaimer: unusual (real) names are great!

  9. Two Pit Bulls Attack Two Men

    It's so weird, I mean, I know that "it's the owner, not the dog" and that bad guys always choose pit bulls and rottweilers and never poodles, but since I moved to GA 5 years ago, I've only heard of the pit bulls attacking. I wonder what's wrong with the reporters down here that they never cover the parakeet attacks, the gerbil attacks (those are pretty rough), and the poodle attacks.



  10. Our wedding song was Sing Sing Sing (With A Swing). He surprised me by learning to swing dance because I was dancing a lot back then. At one point, he moved away and our song was "Say Goodbye" by the DMB. When we first met, it was Head Over Heels (Alanis). I guess our "official" song is the swing one.

  11. what is the $ for in the MOMS group??


    Most of it is for printing newsletters, and there is an annual banquet and much of it goes also to a fund for moms in need (anywhere in the network). That's the bulk of it. All legitimate stuff. ;)

  12. Small world :)


    MOMSClub, back when I was in it seemed so...ahem...stuffy. Lots of snooty too good for anyone Mama's.


    I've heard people say that, but I don't find anyone to be snooty, just maybe overinvested. In general, lest this turn into a hate thread for that particular group, I want to say that it is a great group and has a lot of benefit for your dollar.

  13. I'm a member of MOMS Club. It's a great resource, but often times the focus is on the rules of the club and keeping everyone in line, rather than the actual support and fun that it should be about. Still worth the $20 dues, though, in my opinion. I'd be happy to discuss with you in PM if you'd like more info.



    Jess, I'm still waiting to meet you - seems like we have lots of friends in common! :wub: (your entire formerly-MOMS playgroup, for example)

  14. I am not going to read the responses, because my family does not need me to be angry tonight.


    But my answer is yes. I voted in the poll, but I also want to stand proudly and publicly in favor and support of gay rights, gay marriage, gay unions, gay relationships, gay families, gay people, and a gay ole' time. And anyone who doesn't can suck it. :lol:

  15. One of the things we pray in thanks for every weekend is the ability to attend a church free from persecution. In our country, we do not need armed security inside the church. We Catholics call the church room of the building the sanctuary. It's a safe place.


    So no, guns have no place in a church. They are, in fact, the opposite of the peace and love that are supposed to pervade every cell of your body when you are in that room/building.

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