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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. Someone's pretty bitter. You'd definitely hate me, because the SEC is the best when it comes to football.


    No. The SEC is not the best when it comes to football. The SEC is a style of football, in reality, and maybe your favorite. I characterize the SEC by speed and flash. It's like watching NASCAR. I liken the Big Ten to a war - methodical, slower, and played battle-by-battle. It's like watching a movie. Other conferences, eh, who cares. :ph34r: I'm a Big (11) Ten girl all the way.


    That's why you find a lot of Big Ten fans who just don't understand SEC football, because it's just such a different game up there.


    Now, as for Tebow, I just wish he's mentioned "my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" a few more times! Sheesh! :lol:

  2. That photo is only a small portion of the entire magazine rack.


    I work for the company that supplies the magazines for WalMart and can tell you that if the magazines didn't sell, they wouldn't be there. It may be a reflection of the demographics of a particular area, but the magazine selection isn't offered to make the neoghborhood look more intelligent.


    That's what I assumed. I guess I just wish people would want to buy more intelligent stuff. :blush:

  3. So if you read porn your a pimp?? :o :rolleyes:

    or "teen beat" your a pedophile.... B) :o




    Uh.... why else would an adult read "Teen Beat?" Of course that's what it means!!! ^_^ And as for porn, it just means you're really bored at home, and I'm so sorry to hear that. :ph34r: Both of them together? Oh boy, I hope you're registered. :blink:


    Greg, I'm afraid that you are barking up the wrong tree - most of the people on here are card-carrying NRA members. I wonder if it's more the mentality that bugs you, though. That kind of magazine dominating the shelves is a symptom of xenophobic mentality in the community. The fact that it's mostly those and home/wedding magazines indicates that we live in an area where the highest aspirations are to hunt and get married. :shivering:


    If this doesn't sound right to anyone, consider the fact that there are many areas of the country in which the newsstands are dominated by (gulp!) newspapers!!! Where the shelves have games magazines and architecture magazines and news magazines and science magazines. Think about how the environment in which you live helps to shape you as a person, and how kids having access to great things to read, even in the check-out line, could help to shape them. Now think about why someone might be a little uneasy looking at the above photo.

  4. At least I can see that there is some hope.






    I am actually trying to not blame myself for being a "slacker mom."

    See, back in Dec. 2006, I was diagnosed with cancer. I had the surgery to remove the cancerous tumors on Feb. 2nd of this year. Unfortunately, the nurse killed me (literally) by giving me too much pain meds. Obviously, I was "brought back to life," but ended up having a harder time with the whole recovery thing. Then, I had to have the third tumor removed in June '07. Leaving me with more recovery time.

    So, as a result of my cancer/surgery stuff, we kind of "put off" the potty training thing. We only started potty training him about a month ago! I feel like I am a slacker because we have waited so late to start trying!


    That is my problem with listening to my friends say that they didn't have many problems..."he should be trained by now, mine was"..."what, he still has a pacifier?! He shouldn't have that still at his age"... But, dang! I had cancer and we thought that the pacifier was a comfort thing for him (since he was watching his mommy go through surgeries, couldn't touch/hug mommy because he might hurt her boo-boo, etc. etc.) We just didn't push him much as to not upset him further.

    We knew that this whole thing would be a life changing thing for all of us, but none of my friends see it the way we are seeing it! <_< :unsure: :(



    KQG, do your friends really tell you that he "should be" anything? That's awful!!! I have a 3 1/2 year old son, and yesterday was The Day, the day he finally pooped in the potty on his own. We've been working on it for a year (but not with any end date), so let me tell you that we have officially tried everything!


    I don't think you should be training yet if you don't have a better reason than "my friends", but here are some ideas. Be really careful about using any kind of food as a reward - even fruit snacks, because that can create an association between food and rewards that will last a long time. Try a Matchbox car or something, if you have to use rewards. Also, try using a potty chart. I just went and took a picture of mine for you. I make a new one every month. [incidentally, if you'd like me to make you one, PM me an offer!] He gets one ornament for #1, two for #2, and when it's full, he gets his little car or whatever.



    But here's the thing that really worked: prune juice. Mix in half a cup of prune juice with his regular morning juice, and don't put anything on his bottom. Stay in all day until he poops, and then you can go. The first couple of days, he might just hold it until you put a diaper on, but try to stick it out as long as you can.

  5. They make it snow at Atlantic Station?? Where? That is soo cool!!


    They have a little square in the middle that has a giant tree, and around the tree there are 4 black boxes up on poles that shoot out snow. It was magical for us, and we might go back there.

  6. I see a couple "Depends on who it is" answers. Could someone explain to me why one person would deserve to be hurt and another not deserve it? Can't quite wrap my head around that one.


    I said that, because sometimes you get insight into the person's character and feel sorry for them or their family. Sometimes that insight just makes them uglier. People who can't retain a basic level of civilization get me so angry, that I've found that the best outlet (yes, I've tried praying) is to be a little naughty. They never find out, I giggle, and we can all go about our day. I'm not saying it's the best way to handle it, but it's a coping mechanism I have.


    Here's my method, and I wouldn't encourage it, but... :ph34r: You have to make the transgression into an appropriate punishment. For example, if someone is tailgating you, just say out loud to yourself/your spouse what you would do with those headlights and that bumper. Make it so outrageous that you have to laugh, and it's over. Fini!


    And sometimes, I want to go all Tim Gunn on them when I see their fashion choices, but that's just me...

  7. I don't like current country music, I don't even like a lot of popular music, I hate stupid people and stupid-acting people are worse. But God help me, for some reason I LOVE this girl!!! :D She has an obviously good heart and actually seems like she has a quick wit, even if she doesn't have a lot of knowledge. She's pretty funny.

  8. Here's a message for your little one: Wooooow! That is so cool! He hasn't called our house, but last year we heard his sleighbells when we were all going to bed. When I was a little girl, I would stand at my back door and watch the sky. I think I saw him a couple of years. It sounds like you are a really good kid - have a happy Christmas!


    To Mommy: here's a super cool site to track Santa: http://www.noradsanta.org

  9. My Birthday is later this month and we have plans downtown. I'm supposed to be deciding where to have dinner and I don't have a clue. I would like to go somewhere that I haven't been before. I was thinking possibly Atlantic Station.



    A few guidelines:


    Nothing fancy. (I don't do dress up unless it's a wedding or a funeral.) B)


    Somewhere festive would be nice. (NOT festive as in Holiday festive. I try to escape Christmas for just one day in December. :lol: )


    Mexican and Italian are always good.


    I refuse to pay $100 for a steak. :mellow:


    Any recommendations?





    I have your solution! Chow Baby! We watched it being built 2 years ago and have always wanted to go there. We finally went on Sunday, and it was fantastic. It's mongolian-style barbeque, which means that you choose you rice or noodles, veggies, sauces, spices, and your meats (they have beef, pork, tilapia, salmon, chicken, etc), and they cook it on a big grill and bring it to your table. It's all you can eat, so you just keep going back until you're full. If you only have room for one trip, make it good and they'll box it up for you. They won't box anything after the first.

    The drinks are generously strong and inexpensive ($5.50 for a killer keoke or Irish coffee). We had drinks, dinner, and extras (appetizers and roti bread), and with a good tip, it came to $100 for 4 adults and 1 child. Awesome, right?


    Just go when it opens for dinner at 5:00, because the line gets really long very quickly. It's just a couple blocks from Atlantic Station. Their website is http://www.therealchowbaby.com/


    Happy Birthday! And be sure to check out the snowfall at Atlantic Station (nightly at 7:30, weekends also at 9). eta: never mind. You are avoiding Xmas. :-)


    Dante's is soooo amazing (great music, too!), but with no extras and 3 people, last time we went was around $100 or so. Pretty expensive.


    Here's another idea - I get really excited about restaurants! - Figo Pasta on Howell Mill is fantastic, casual, great wine, cheap prices, great service, a little loud music, but I've never heard of someone leaving there without having a great time.


    Hope this helps!

  10. I would like to appoint myself the "Who The Heck Do I Think I Am To Appoint Myself Arbiter Of Good Taste And Grammatical And Spelling Errors", abbreviated Punctuation Queen. "it's cycle" makes me want to vomit. It's "its cycle," and it's my cycle too, so there.


    Its cycle! Its its its!!!!! Arrrggghhh! :wacko: *kaboom*

  11. I've been ignored on multiple occasions...kinda bothered me but not really. I've gotten a few 'uh, you never responded!' messages from people only to find their PM unread half way down the page. Sometimes I log on and get bombarded with messages, then bounce back and forth between responding and posting on the board...and just don't get to them all without realizing it.


    Okay, now that makes perfect sense. You have many of them. I do the same thing with my regular account. The thing is, I hinted about it on several public threads, so it isn't like she didn't read any of them. I know she did.


    I think it depends on the situation. Replying to a friendly PM would be courteous, however replying to a sarcastic or otherwise unpleasant PM would probably just fuel an argument and/or angry emotions.


    I totally agree - I don't think you should respond to rude PMs, and thankfully I've never gotten/sent any.


    Your little dancing guy is totally doing the Soulja Boy dance!!! Love it!!!!!

  12. There have been 2 times I've sent PMs to people who haven't responded, and it kind of bothers me. One was a kind gesture to someone who had been complaining quite a bit about fitting in, and one was just to know whether we had met in real life. The latter doesn't really concern me, but the former really did bother me.


    Here's what I think I don't get: I have an email account for messages from people I know, and then there's the very occasional use of our inbox here. There are never more than one or two messages in my box here, so I assume that it's only proper to respond to a message (since I'm not overwhelmed, I mean). Do people, when asked a question, have the obligation to respond?


    I need a primer in PM etiquette. Help! :D

  13. Many of these posts are bothering me, and so I have to ask those of you who said to leave now:


    Are you saying that people with mental illness are unlovable? If his illness was physical, say he was a paraplaegic, would you say the same thing? I guess that emotional difficulties are more difficult to overcome in a way, but does the fact that he isn't in control matter?


    And for those of you who have been there, do you think that maybe there were other things at play in your marriages? Also, when does the sanctity of marriage disappear?


    Sorry for the randomness, but these are all things that are running through my head reading these posts.

  14. the two months I tried to teach myself to crochet, I thought my hubby would leave me. He said I wasnt very nice, calm, patient,etc. It is much easier to me now and I have so much fun with it. My daughter asked if I would teach her and I thought oh lord please help me! :rolleyes:


    I found a great little store in Detroit on Monday and asked if they could show me how. I'd tried and tried, but could never get it on my own. Now that this woman showed me, it totally makes sense. Now if I could just figure out where the end of the row is! Anyway, those are so cool. Where are you going to sell them?

  15. I thought these were so cute. If I sell them what do you think is good price...Im thinking a dollar.post-1327-1196276831.jpg


    Its on an index card. They are ornaments but last yr I attached them to gift boxes.

    Geez, I'd charge $5! It depends on how long it took to make, though. I just learned to crochet this past weekend, so I'm totally impressed!

  16. My current car (2002 MINI Cooper w/ sunroof and checkered mirror caps) but I'd add a sway bar and new strut mounts

    A Vespa scooter

    A 2007 Mini Cooper S

    A motor home with wood cabinetry to tour the ballparks of America

    A Smart Car

  17. I think you should call your blog "The Cave". Nikki's right about blogger.com - that's where mine is, and you get a lot of traffic even from random people. There are lots of widgits to make it look good and help you raise money... whatever.


    But The Cave would be way cool. B)

  18. Sarah has a boyfriend....I was already trying to hook her up with Dusty :D - but he did have a nice date this weekend with a girl that volunteers at the zoo....


    ::sighs wondering ...when will I ever get Sat and Dusty married off and have some grandbabies and CASA grandbabies::


    We are getting you a case!


    Hey, how do you know he wasn't talking about me! :lol:

  19. I recently got married in September. Now keep in mind my husband is on Lithium but he tells me he is not bi polar. Supposedly the dr says he isn't. So anyways...he always picks an argument with me over stupid things. Like last night I said to him its gonna be fun taking both dogs to the vet by myself...So he was like F it don't take em. Its not like u have a job. (which i have been searching for and on several interviews not like I am not trying. and he always tells me your not gonna get that job, no encouragement at all) but I still do have an income which doubles his in one month. So that argument led into him leaving speeding out of the driveway. Telling me he is done with me It is over. Now keep in mind this happens etleast 1 time a week. On average! But then its always my fault. I started it. He has alienated me from all my friends. I have let it happen simply because I don't want to hear him gripe about it. Friends that have been with me through 1 divorce and stuck by me and tried to accept him and he was an ass to them so now they have given up. Pretty much written him off. But he was so nice to all of them until we got married. All this started while we were in the Bahamas with my friends to get married. I was married before for 10 long miserable years and I do not want to go thru that again. And I am tired of always walking on egg shells so I don't set him off. Its like he can snap over anything at any given moment.


    I just need to know what ya'll think I should do. I no you can't change anyone and especially when it is a chemical problem somewhere in his body.

    Has anyone ever dealt with this?


    This might sound harsh to you, but please hear me out because it's blunt and honest:


    Did you know this guy at all before you decided to spend the rest of your life with him? You don't know whether he has a serious medical condition? Do you have kids, either with or without him?


    First of all, if you have kids from before you married him, leave him in order to devote yourself to your kids. That would be the first priority. If you have kids with him, you need to stay to protect the integrity of their home (unless he breaks your vows, including abuse, addiction, etc, in which case you'd need to leave for their protection).


    Second, you need to treat this as a medical condition, which it is from your description. Do not tolerate abuse, but see that he receives medical attention for his mental illness. Respect your vows until he breaks them.


    It sounds like this marriage was not well thought out, but what you do from here on out can be very well thought out.

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