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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. Is anyone else excited that American Gladiators is back on the air? I used to love it when I was a kid, and I found that I'm still excited about it! That Crush girl is so glamorous, but I don't think I like the Wolf with his howling. A little scary for me.

  2. That was SOOOO fake!


    I think both genders are equally likely to get emotional. With women, it more often manifests itself in tears, and in men, anger. I'd rather have a president to (genuinely) cries than one who gets angry and bombs the heck out of a country and asks questions later. IMO, Bush is waaaay too emotional.

  3. I was hiking once and a gigantic king cobra went past me in the other direction, about 2 feet from my left foot. Guess that was pretty unexpected...


    I hope never to see a joint out of socket. That's the kind of thing I just can't stand.

  4. I learned how to be alone in college. My first year of grad school I moved into my own apartment and was scared to death. After a few months, I started to feel like that was my "safe space" - my haven. It became one of the most significant periods of my life, and I look back and smile now when I think about how responsible it made me.


    On a side note, I remember chasing little cockroaches under my microwave and thinking how disgusting they were. The ones we have down here in Georgia are at least 10x the size. Yep, I had it good back then. :lol:


    Anyway, I really think that being forced to be alone for a year or so should be required of everyone. If you've never gone through it, you might never miss it, but if you have, you'll think it's necessary. I'm really excited for you, because I think you might end up really loving this new opportunity!!!

  5. Yes.

    I assume anyone who doesn't is from the North.

    That being said, in Atlanta, I often see funeral processions on the interstate. I don't there because I don't want to be the guest of honor at the next funeral procession.


    All right people, I've only read about 4 of these posts, so I apologize if you've been through this, but MORE PEOPLE STOP IN THE NORTH!!!! Why would you assume something like that? Xenophobia, anyone?

  6. So you are saying that people that ask have no dignity or don't have as much as you if they choose to post a prayer request? :huh:

    If your wish is for privacy then thats fine, but others may not have a good support system and will take what they can get. I understand you not wanting to, but I don't see why it matters if someone else chooses to. So again, I ask, why not?



    No, no. I think maybe it's the motivation behind the request that arouses my discomfort. By all means, I support all who do (and might even pray for them on occasion!). I didn't post with an agenda, just wanted more understanding. I'm one of those weirdos who try to understand and talk out things that make me uncomfortable. :blush: or should I say :wacko:

  7. I personally see it as more of a supporting one another thing. I don't think it hurts at all to ask, so let me ask you, why not ?


    Well, because there's dignity in privacy.


    If you CAN'T read this, pray for a TEACHER!


    Woman, you're on a roll today! :lol:



    Thanks for the encouragement and the explanation.


    [i am a Christian, by the way, for those who can read this]


    I'll pray for your enlightenment, M's Girl. :rolleyes:



    Ha ha, funny lady. :lol:

  9. No. More people praying just means this persons or cause is on more peoples minds. It is an expression of a persons concern for someone else. A single prayer can be just as stong as 100. But what is the harm in more people praying?


    Oh, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I just don't get it.

  10. The note was written by the old lady living with the strange couple. He said HE was leaving her b/c of the note he found under the bed. Apparently she had been blaming her ex-husband for something that SHE did. I think it has to do with what ever happened in that attic room. What ever that may be?????


    But what do you think happened? I think they had a daughter, the daughter died in that room because of the mother, the father took off to get away from the mother (Catherine), Catherine remarried and took in another kid who had been in some kind of accident and lost her memory. How else would the daughter not remember being a kid? They moved away so that no one would notice and came back when the kid got a little older. But then why would Julie initially think it was the same kid? How did she look alike? Maybe they were sisters... Arrrggghhh! [kaboom!]

  11. "World Without End" - Ken Follett and "Autobiography of a Yogi" - Paramahansa Yogananda (obviously not a "local boy"! ;) )


    ETA: I read books like some folks change the channel of the TV.......






    Q, what do you think of the yogi book? I'm trying to figure out the best way to get into more yoga, bodily and philosophically. It seems that I'm going to have to do all my learning on my own. <_<


    EEA, I can't quote 2 things for some reason, but I want to ask you about Flow. What's that all about? What do you think of it?


    I just finished A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini and am about to start We're Just Like You, Only Prettier for my book club. I'm also partway through about 5 other things, including Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. I can't wait to start Native Son.


    If anyone's looking for something relatively quick but powerful, try An Ordinary Man, by Paul Rusesabagina. You will never forget it.

  12. Victor also was killed in the tornado.


    I loooove this show, but I'm disappointed with how there's SO much happening. I liked it better when the drama was subtle. Carlos and Gabby are so overplayed - just let them get together already! What's next, he's paralyzed too? She's pregnant from Victor? Ooh, then she could get the money from his dad!


    And how the heck are Brie and Orson going to afford to move right in with clean clothes, baby supplies, and gourmet dinner/breakfast/dessert items, but they can't afford to bring in a darn contractor from the next county over? Fly in someone, for Pete's sake!


    I forgot what was in that note - can someone remind us?

  13. Well, hubs is back to work after 2 weeks. I'm left to handle a rambunctious little one by myself, and I don't know if I can do it. :( On the other hand, it's so nice outside, so we certainly aren't locked inside today!


    Anyone else got the back-to-the-routine blahs today?

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