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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. I'd like to introduce a series of public service announcements, beginning with one for our overworked friend, the apostrophe.


    The apostrophe is used to 1. indicate possession or 2. in a contraction to show where letters have been left out.



    Looking around, not only at p.com, but at signs and business advertisements, it seems that there are many people who simply DO NOT KNOW how to use them. I know that there are always going to be typos, but that's a different issue.


    Being totally serious, is there anyone who will admit to just plain ignorance of the rules?

  2. Paulding Parks and Rec. have Karate classes --



    Yes, we're actually signing up our 3-yr-old for the session that starts this Thursday. It's $19 for 6 weeks! It's pretty generic through P&R - focus on discipline etc.

  3. I don't see downtown Dallas booming in a couple of years myself. They screwed themselves when they wouldn't allow bars or alcohol by the drink. That, and the location of Dallas is off the main path. There is tons of traffic between East Paulding and West Cobb, Douglasville and Marietta, but very little headed out towards Rockmart or up 61 to Cartersville. Most of the Cartersville traffic takes 92 to 41. Dallas will remain a quaint little historical town, but I don't see it booming any time soon. The airport may help some, but I doubt it will do very much for the main downtown area.

    Well, mostly I was trying to be supportive. I would hope that the square would grow just enough to support businesses like hers but no more. I like the small town feel. :)

  4. My husband, son, and I went to the Next Chapter a couple of days ago, because we had wanted to go for a long time, and well, we had to get there this week. We were really happy to be able to see it while it was open. I'd forgotten how beautifully rich used bookstores can be, as I've stuck to the chains so much (for decent reasons, but still...). Anyway, I just wanted to publicly wish Janet the best and hope that she will be able to open when downtown Dallas is booming in a couple of years.

  5. She obviously made a difference for you, and probably many others. I'm sure she'll be missed. It's very nice of you to pay this tribute to her life.


    It's funny how things can affect you unexpectedly. I'd noticed an employee who was really, really upset while I was shopping. Well, when I paid, she was buying something in line behind me and I said something to her - that's when she explained. I stood there and got weepy with her, and I'm sorry to anyone behind us in line who had to wait a few seconds longer. :blush:

  6. I learned some really sad news today, and I just wanted to share so that you can pray/mourn/whatever if you are so inclined. Our favorite cashier at Target, Miss Caroline, passed away this afternoon. I don't know anything more about it, just that her family called in today to let her coworkers know. Since she was always so nice to me and my family, we always looked for her when we walked in the door. It made us happy just to see her there, for some reason. I think that since she was sort of a "public" figure, it might be appropriate to pass on the info.


    Perhaps someone a little closer would like to share more in the future.


    I'm really, really bummed about it.

  7. Ignoring the marital issues for a sec, the allergy thing would bother me too. I think that you should do what you WANT to do, and no matter what anyone in your family says, it is ultimately your decision. Your obligation here is to protect your child, and if you think that means keeping them home with you, then that's the best decision. Put another way, your obligation is not to provide a family reunion, it's to protect the health of your kid.


    On the other hand, if your kid never gets to meet the great-grandparents because of some bad choices in your personal life, that becomes your fault.


    I'm trying to condense lots of thoughts into short sentences, but hopefully that helps??!!

  8. I saved our seeds from last nights carvings because youngest was having a fit to make them. I never have so I was gong to google to get recipe. Of course ya'll saved me.


    But call me silly or whatever but......you don't eat the whole seed? I thought you just popped the whole thing in your mouth but you are saying they are like sunflower seeds?

    hey.. I never have eaten 'em!


    Maybe people break them open for their babies??? We eat them whole.

  9. Yuuummmmm! You can soak them overnight in salt water if you want them extra salty, but I like to lay mine out to dry overnight (paper towels under and on top). That makes them extra crispy is they're dry first. Toss them in a little olive oil (just because I like the flavor), but not a lot. Sprinkle salt (or lemon pepper, or tea even!) over them and bake at 250 for an hour. You may have to toss them during the hour, but the slow and low cooking helps them get nice and golden, none of them burn, and they're really crispy.


    So if you use this method, that's:

    Dry overnight

    Olive oil and salt

    250 for an hour.

  10. I suggest he start doing what my husband does...he never takes the same route to work or home 2 days in a row...Why? He's got it in his crazy brain that I'm going to pay someone to kill him..You wouldn't believe how many times I have said that will never happen and that I really do like having him around us. It is another one of his quirks that I love along with the one in the electric blanket thread.



    :o :blink:

  11. Mine was forgetable. Her sister mentioned she had a wedding ring set for sale and I said " you want to?"


    If I had only known then what I know now. <_<


    OMG! My bff in Michigan is making that pumpkin for Halloween! No way!

  12. Okay, I kind of want to share how it really happened with my hubs. I knew that he was under stress to make it perfect, and so I put my own ring so he didn't have to worry. I was a little resentful, but he really didn't need the stress at the time.

  13. Well, I had one on Pike's Peak, one at a building-top restaurant, one on the couch, and one downtown (that one took). I was a cute girl with low self-esteem. That last one, though, is kind of a cover story. There's more to it but it isn't public... :-)

  14. I think I will do beef tips over noodles with green beans and beer bread.


    Apple cake for dessert. :)


    What about you?


    No time to cook, and we only have 2 pieces of pizza and one half piece with no crust. Guess which one I get for dinner? :-\ I call it the "Mommy piece." For lunch, I had the leftovers of my son's peanut butter sandwich - the Mommy piece. At least I got my own cereal for breakfast! :-}

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