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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. Join the club. My son has survived since 1 on oatmeal, cheerios, and peanut butter. I give him V8 splash so he gets some fruit/veggie goodness, but we have agonized over this and tried everything for 2 years!

  2. Wait... what? :o Are you people serious? People actually put signs in your yard and think that's okay? That just seems like such a fundamentally wrong thing to me, like parking in your driveway or collecting flowers from your garden. I understand you must live on a corner, but it boggles my mind that people don't even ask.While it may be legal, it's still wrong. What possible reason could there be for putting an ugly sign in your nice yard without asking?

    I'm not even going to get into what the kids leave in the yard.I've held more than one bicycle hostage.
    This made me giggle, because we "own" a LOT of basketballs!
  3. Our son is so cool. He's three, and he just ran out the front door and screamed "Go Mikishan" to the neighborhood. He's three. :lol: We're so proud.


    Jerry, I feel for ya. You'll just have to come over to the Big 1(11)0 next year. If it makes you feel any better, last year we decided to pull for LSU just so we had something to feel good about. ;)


    Oh dear God, Corso's going to get himself killed!

    Anyone following mgoblog?

  4. Too funny for words. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Some of you with arthritic hands may be able to relate to this: My left hand is fine, but with my right hand (the dominant one) I have good days and bad days. On the bad days, forget it, even opening those resealable pouches is a challenge, And jar or bottle lids? There have been days when I have twisted my body like one twists a washcloth to get the water out of it trying to get them open.


    Finally got one of those jar lid opener thingies, sighing and thinking of Fred Sandford: "Eliz'beth!!! I'm comin'! This is the big one, Honey!" :lol:


    And don't even get me started on the Prilosec packets where you have to peel up a little corner on the blister pack to get the pill out. Some days I just turn into Edward Scissorhands and just slash through them all at once rather than sit there tediously trying to get those little suckers outta there.


    The problem is the middle finger of my right hand. That thing is totally useless, unless I wanna flip someone the bird, then it is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. It just stands up like a brave little soldier in the face of all adversity, and I have utilized him many times in traffic and during those times when I just cannot open anything with that hand. As a matter of fact, my right hand is available for modelling if anyone is inclined to paint or sculpt it. Have to warn you, if you are into geometrics, however: That thing is so symetrical it would make Euclid weep with joy.


    But I digress......


    I had begun writing a grant proposal to AARP to see what can be done about making packaging a bit more user-friendly for folks like me and you who have arthritic hands, and to back up my request I wanted to do some demographics to see how many people across our country have presented to Emergency Rooms with the aforementioned "Shrink-Wrap Accident". Daunting task, you say. Yes, it is, but I think it is a worthwhile one if we can prevent someone from slashing themselves open with a butcher knife just because they wanted to get at something enclosed in welded together plastic. There is one added problem of people who might be too embarrassed to admit how they might have injured themselves and lie about it, but I think that can be factored in somehow......


    Meanwhile, if you meet me and shake my hand, go easy on me, willya? I'm all for a firm handshake, but you squeeze that hand too hard, you're likely to piss off my little "soldier", and he'll have a mind of his own, and then that encounter might not be so friendly!!!!!!! :lol: And if the pain is too bad, I have been known to drop to the floor and do a "Curly 360" (3 Stooges fans will know what I mean)


    Whooop, Whoop, Whoop! Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk.



  5. I have a pretty funny track record of opening things on the wrong side, cutting through the "resealable" parts, and otherwise messing up a pretty good system. Most recently, I couldn't open the spinach in the hard plastic carton thing, because I couldn't get the shrink wrap off the edges! I got so frustrated that I threw a piece of cheese and a piece of salami on a piece of bread and ate my little sad half-sandwich.


    So no, you aren't the only one. And have you noticed that the healthier the food, the harder it is to open? No wonder we're an obese nation!!!!!

  6. Tell them.. penguin said they have to volunteer or let you :lol: ::as long as you don't get a weapon::They must be evil...judging by the mess they make :lol: sooo we will just start calling chocolate dipped peanut butter balls.


    Darn, you beat me to it. I was going to inform you that if I see a cute little sign next to them tomorrow that says "b*******", I am leaving and tearing up my CASA application before I leave. :lol: That word is not allowed in our household (or in Oscar's when I'm around), but the food most certainly is. We call them "peanut butter balls"... not to be confused, ah heck, I don't need to close another thread tonight... :ph34r:


    GO BLUE!!!

  7. You are awesome! Rather than looking down on yourself, you should have held your head high that at such a young age, you had the considerable wisdom to know that you needed a break to regroup. That's amazing. I am in awe of people who know themselves so well. So not only did you make a good choice back then, you went back when you were ready and FOLLOWED THROUGH! Woot!

  8. http://www.bartleby.com/66/88/3988.html


    Opinions are formed in a process of open discussion and public debate, and where no opportunity for the forming of opinions exists, there may be moods—moods of the masses and moods of individuals, the latter no less fickle and unreliable than the former—but no opinion.


    Hannah Arendt (1906–1975)


    I found this quote, because I was recently censured in another group for expressing an opinion. It keeps happening with that group, and I'm really frustrated about it. My opinion, which I own and take responsibility for, is repeatedly construed as being offensive, even though it really wasn't. I feel singled out but still think I'm right - it all stemmed from a concise, shorthand-style of email.


    Has this happened to anyone else? I think I need to "process" this experience.

  9. :lol: Just get your BF addicted. Then he can fill you in when you get home. That's what hubby and I do :ph34r:


    I can't even type what I'm thinking right now... Loves me some C. Mark (even though you still didn't answer my question about Ugly Betty! :wub: ) - why have I not noticed you before this week?



    I respect your friendship and loyalty to the Sheriff. I have not said that the Sheriff is a bad guy. I am going to wait and see what the I-Team alleges he did wrong before I can say one way or another if I think that he did something wrong or not.


    If I think he did something he should not have I will say so. If I don't think that he did I will say that, as well.


    IF, IF, IF he did do something wrong his friends don't have to stop being his friend. You can be a decent person and still be overwhelmed in a job, which, honestly I think that he is. (my OPINION)


    I would like to think that I am a decent guy, but, if you break your leg I am not the guy to set it back into place. (You know what I mean)


    I hope either way, one day you will at least give me an opportunity to present my plan and then you can determine if it is time to make a change or stay the course with the current Sheriff.







    SHERIFF 2008


    Ooooh, will you be holding P.com's first online debate? Oh, Puuuuuuubby!

  11. I just want to brag on my son for a moment. My eldest son is 8 going on 20 (if you know what I mean) and sometimes I just want to beat the stew out of him, but tonight he really made my chest swell with pride.


    We went out to lunch at the Buffalo Wild Wings and as we were eating a young Marine came in to eat with his family. My youngest son was totally impressed with this young mans dress uniform and thought he was some kind of policeman.


    I explained to him that he was a solider and was fighting for all of us that live in this great country. At this point my eldest son asked me if we could buy lunch for this young man. (He has been with me at Quicktrip before when I have payed for some of our policemans purchases) When I asked him why he reminded me of the times I have payed for our policemans food at quicktrip. I told him that it was out of respect for the job they do and the danger they face to keep us safe. He said that is why he wanted to pay for this solider's food.


    He then proceded to pull money out of his pocket. ($10.00 he was saving to buy something at Target with) and asked me to use it to pay for the solider's lunch. I tell you what...my chest swelled with the pride I felt for my son at that moment. When I told him he should go over and give it to him, he said he did not want him to know who it came from. To make a long story short, we gave it to the waitress on the way out and asked her to apply it towards the soliders bill and tell him that it came from someone who appreciated all he was doing for us.


    Sorry for the long story, but it is times like this that make me feel that my children are not half bad. (sometimes)


    You just made my eyes get a little watery! From someone who "never cries," that's a big acheivement! :lol: If you get tired of your son, can I have 'im? Mine needs a good influence!


    You also just reminded me that I fell asleep a couple hours ago and didn't get to call my brother. He just left active duty but is a Marine who toured in Iraq and volunteered for lots of missions while there, when he could have sat in air conditioning all day. I'm thankful for him and thankful that he moved here last week. I :wub: him and am so proud to be his big sis!

  12. Thank you for keeping with the intent of the thread.


    I thought the Radiohead album was pretty solid too. Overall it's been a pretty good year for music.


    Oh, for sure! I'm actually getting into some things I didn't think I would. I don't own any, but I think KT Tunstall is pretty darn good. And I just discovered Jose Gonzalez today but think I "discovered" him a couple months ago. I need to check him out more, because the song I heard was awesome.


    And of course, he's... wait for it... Swedish!



    eta: Here's the song, and it reminds me of Iron and Wine:

  13. We used to have Sprint, but they were so unprofessional, had such shoddy "repair" "service", the phones broke so often, they'd hang up on phone calls, and did I mention unprofessional ("yeah". "[unintelligible]".), and service was holier than the Pope, that we spent hours and hours on the phone with them until they let us out of our plan with no penalty. It was THAT bad - otherwise we wouldn't have fought so hard for $150.


    We now have T-Mobile, and the service could not be better. They are completely helpful, keep you on the phone until you have completely resolved issues, have great coverage, and speak in a professional manner (this is huge with me). The only problem is their phone selection. They don't have the chocolate or the iphone (no one will, apple's funny like that) or several other phones we're interested in buying. I have to say, though, after dealing with Sprint, I'd rather have the service than the phone, especially since they have decent alternatives.


    Really hope that helps.

  14. :huh:


    Never heard of any of them.



    What?! Oscar, I guarantee you know all of these people!!! This stuff is right up your alley!!!


    My 2 favorites are Wincing The Night Away by the Shins and In Rainbows by Radiohead (paid 7E).

  15. Perhaps it is a matter of perspective. While I don't know much of the 'historic' relevance of Hiram, I know much about downtown Dallas. My grandfather owned many stores in Dallas throughout the 50's/60's including starting Hart Insurance and developing Hart Circle. There is a lot of history there, however, I think perhaps the 'move' is part of a larger nostalgia conscience you see hitting a lot of old 'downtown' areas.
    Sorry for the hijack, but your avatar is the freaking funniest thing I've ever seen.
    I cringe to think that someday someone will split up the property adjacent to mine in the back. The Civil War entrenchments are still there. The beech trees must be almost 145 years old if they sprouted up after the war. Historic, I believe so. No one stopped the buldozing of the other hill where the Dallas post office is now located. I think with the water crisis, our county has seen enough development.
    Do you mind sharing where you live? I have the same problem with my back yard but haven't seen entrenchments...
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