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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. If you have any dried fruit, like cherries, apricots, or mixtures of different things, boil it for about 10 minutes to soften and plump, and then cut the pork down the middle and stuff it in. Then, boil down the "dirty" water until it's a glaze and put that on top. Yummmmmmmmy!!!


    Or you could search through your cabinets/fridge for a marinade you've got leftover from the summer.


    Rice is a good side for this stuff, btw... HTH!

  2. Hey, I've got a light, fluffy, completely adorable side, too. I'm not all work and no play by any stretch! :)


    ...but your work is your play, right? Good to know you let loose once in a while. I need to let tight once in a while. :D

  3. Oh, no ruckus.....It's not even the same person twice, usually.


    But it leans toward being a very touchy subject for a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons.


    I haven't figured it out myself....I mean, as to who the popular folks are that get mayberries, and it's not usually made public when someone gets a bullet......so, who knows?

    ANY thread???


    roly poly!......I'll have to quit posting. :o



    Well, I'm NEVER negative or sarcastic in a post! :ph34r:


    I've noticed that if you post something that has EVER been asked before, someone's going to be a jerk about it - JMT, that's probably part of it. Don't take it personally, people who are on here all day, every day, get really invested in the site and maybe a little possessive about it. Sometimes you have to call them out, and sometimes the "ignore" feature is your friend.

  4. I have found that even if he doesn't .. they will invent something. We have 6 kids, and 2 have ADD. But, from the screening process .. I have seen .. if your child isn't a perfect " robot " they will have some sort of disorder for them. As well, as pills to go with it. Just please .. do listen to what they say .. but also listen to your mommy voice. :)

    Woah - six kids?! Maybe the question should be, "At what age did you first spike your kids' formula?" :D


    So here's my answer to the OP: My son's 3, and he is sometimes allowed to have lemonade, and then only because of the sickening lack of appropriate kids' beverages in restaurants. I don't remember why we started that instead of water, I think maybe he was on a water strike over the summer and we were really scared about dehydration. He's not allowed to have other sugary sweets, with a couple of exceptions. After trick-or-treating he gets one thing, and we really like to have dessert after dinner, so if he eats well, he can join in, except when dessert is a g&t. ;)

    We are very clear on the fact that there are grown-up drinks, and he understands that. We tell him about how sugar can eat your teeth enamel and give you a stomach ache. Even to a 3-yr-old, that isn't very appealing.


    Oh the subject on in-laws and parents, my dad and my hubby's dad are both very mischievous, but my mom and his mom and his stepmom all understand that loving the kids means protecting their health. I lecture my dad daily, and my hub and I tease his dad lovingly about how Pepsi would gete us kicked out of Georgia... and how if he feeds my kid ice cream, I won't love him anymore. Okay, he can have ice cream now but not a few years ago!


    Something to think about: your kid will think treats are the things YOU get excited about. For special treats, we make smoothies at home or make our own plain popcorn. Or he gets a banana. Cookies at restaurants are okay, but we break them in half.

  5. My oldest threw a little fit once at a softball game. My dad told him to go stand by the truck "until he could compose himself."


    20 minutes later, I went to check on him. He was as calm as could be. When I asked him if he wanted to come sit back down with the rest of the family, he told me.....


    "I can't, I'm not done making up my song yet." :blink:



    Really?! :o :blink: :lol:

  6. Please, someone tell me you saw the girl at Paulding Meadows wearing the French maid costume! She was about 13, with braces, and WITH HER MOM!!! She even was wearing the hooker boots. My husband and I were behind her and her little sis in line at one of the booths, and we were trying to guess her age before she turned around. How shocked were we when we watched her walk over to her mom. Holy sheeez!


    There were also several elementary and middle school aged girls there wearing "zombie whore" costumes. I don't know what they were supposed to be, but I'm sure you all have seen these costumes. They're glittery, torn, and maybe a little pirate-y?




    p.s. I think the "slutty _____" (fitb) costumes are hysterical for grown-ups, but for kids they're disgusting.

  7. A while back I posted about holding AUDITIONS for a T.V. Show.post-1715-1193261043_thumb.jpg

    We have finished it and entered it into a COMPETITION! :p


    That Is Where YOU Come In! :wub: :wub: :wub:


    Could you PLEASE click on the link and watch the video then post your comment! :wub:

    and PLEASE Tell ALL of your FRIENDS! :wub:


    The Actual VOTING does not start until Nov 9th But I Need you to go and post a comment NOW! :wub:

    Below Is The Link!post-1715-1193261076.gif

    (Don't Forget To CLICK on the THUMBS UP Rating!) :wub:


    Here I am! CLICK Here!



    Ok, now I want to be on it!!!

  8. I helped a man with simular problems. I gave him a place to live a car to drive etc. He had lots of opportunities to get a job but never took any of them. So when he started into the 5th month here I told him he had to go. He is NOW in a shelter himself and having health problems too. His time is running out at the shelter now and I have no idea what he is going to do BUT I did all I could do for him. All I can do for him now is pray for him..


    But that sounds like a very different situation, and honestly, I would bet that most homeless people have let opportunities pass. Thomas has absolutely been doing all that he can. That's why there are so many people behind him. :wub:

  9. Mine is around $150 if it's autumn or winter. He cuts rates if you do it every year, I think it is. He also does it for half off if you do it in the spring. I think most of them do that, because business is slow and there are fewer emergencies vying for their attention.

  10. Congrats ladies. I hope you enjoy it as much as I am. I also hope you won more jeopardy

    money than I did. I think I ended up with $700.00. I came in second to last... :)



    Ahem, do the words "$3200" and "winner" mean anything? :lol: :lol:


    Oscar, I'm thinking of using my winnings to pay someone to finish typing my report for me... ah, just like college. ;)


    Penguin, didn't I see in this thread somewhere that anyone who posted is contractually obligated to enter the next training session? :ph34r:

  11. I have one so far. It's above my belly button, and it's chikara, kanji for strength (in the sense of fortitude). I got it at a time in my life when I was lost and following a destructive path. It helped me very much to have something visual, that could remind me that I had it within me to gain wisdom from my troubles. Still love it. And my husband thinks it's hot. :lol:


    I'm thinking of things for the next one. A tiny star in the palm of my right hand to indicate where I'm from (in Michigan), "Om" somewhere because I have anxiety issues, an olde English D, something on my right hip (long and private story)... but the right thing will come to me. I'm in no hurry.

  12. Tour of Duty. I know nobody remembers the show. It was on in the 90's and was about Vietnam. The theme song was actually Paint it Black by the Stones.


    That was my favorite show!!! I found out, years later, that my mom's cousin was the set designer. I thought that was pretty cool.


    How about The Jeffersons? Or Malcolm in the Middle? Or Great Space Coaster? cartoons: Peep and the Big Wide World and Curious George

  13. me? Proud of myself? No way... ^_^ . The song that was written for me was 'Don't laugh at me'. I was a just a kid when he wrote it, and I had issues at school for being the redheaded, freckle faced kid. I love them both now, but hated them then. My step-mom (who is a great friend of his) told him about it. Not something to go around bragging about typically. :lol: He wrote the song about sending the balloon to heaven about my sister.


    I also don't see anything to be proud about when it comes to being serenaded by a bunch of JROTC geeks (yes, I was one of them). I was just amusing, and embarassing. Unfortunately, it was also caught on video (which I have stored in the far back of storage!)


    I think that's sweet! I was just teasing. :D

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