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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. I had an ex that sang that to me at a dance in high school. Then I got a serenade from all the boys in JROTC...'You've lost that lovin' feelin' -Top Gun style. :rolleyes: :blush: . Hubby loves She's Every Woman because it reminds him of me.


    Geez, someone is a little proud of herself today! Sorry, couldn't resist! :p



    Loretta Lynn can and Patsy Cline could do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned. I will sing Crazy in the shower like someone in China wants to hear it. I sound like crap when I sing Sweet Dreams, but come on, you can't listen silently! She's Got You is great too. Loretta Lynn I love personally and musically... One's On The Way, You Ain't Woman Enough, and so many others... HW Jr. is also great but we don't personally own anything from him.

  2. Deleted. TMI.


    Okay, how about something a little better... when I'm alone, I fart a lot. In public, I won't even blow my nose unless I'm in a room by myself! :lol: Guess it's a conflict between my American stomach and my Thai tongue...

  3. I wonder (and maybe I should start a separate thread) what people are using their 2nd income for. I think that's pretty interesting. My in-laws both collect military pension and both currently work. They are very much set. The first check, I think, goes directly into savings. The second is for bills, again, I think.


    For us, my teeny-tiny income usually goes straight into its own bank account for emergencies, and sometimes it's my funny money. Dividing our money like that gives us more discipline.

  4. Well, then my body's sending me some VERY mixed signals, if you know what I mean... :p Oh, I sort of wish I were pregs, but eh, maybe later. Funny thing, though, about a month ago I bought feminine hygiene products and pregnancy tests on the same trip to Target. No one noticed. :lol:

  5. My pediatrician told me to turn the doorknob around backwards and lock them in.

    Isn't that dangerous in case of fire? I've wondered for some time.


    I don't eat POP Tarts..... So, I guess I can't post in this topic!

    I am a Pop Tart.


    Any of you ever been accused of talking to a brick wall?

    I took Benadryl once and spoke Ukrainian to the cinder block wall in my dorm room, and it talked back. My roommate gave me a full report the next day.


    I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me. She showed me her room, it looked real, so she got the wood...

    Best paraphase I've ever heard!


    A couple of things:




    I'm eathing Kraft parmesan cheese out of a toddler's cereal bowl.


    I just got back from the Shins concert, and I was speechless for a long time, it was so good. They were even better in person than on a recording. Amazing. Absolutely, completely, amazing. I can't say why I find them so inspiring, but their music means a whole lot to me, and I identify strongly with it. Wow.

  6. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Freaking jealous! :angry: <_< :p::cries::where the hell are they playing? I'm so out of the loop.


    The Civic Center - isn't that weird? I wish it was the Variety Playhouse in L5P. That place is awesome. I'll let ya know how it goes!




    For the cry-it-out: I wonder whether he just needed to be in a crib longer. Ours was until pretty darn near close to 3. He liked it and never tried to get out, so it worked for us. Then again, if they're trying to get out, all bets are off. Good luck with that!!!

  7. How the heck do you get a 2 yr old to sleep through the night? Hubby and I are up 7-10 times a night rubbing his back and laying him back down.


    Let him cry!!!!! If you can't handle that, leave a sleeping bag in your room and let him come in there when he wakes up. OR give him a book light and let him read until he's ready to fall back asleep. We did CIO and holy cow did it work well.





  8. dr;tl :) We have a Magellan SportTrak Pro and love it. It saves our butts every trip. It's important to get good software, though, with local streets for where you will use it. Otherwise, you will still have more help than a compass but not as specific as, say, the Tom Toms for the cars or OnStar or whatever. My sister has a car GPSr, and it's crazy how many features that thing has. INSANE, I tell you! She uses it every time she gets in the car. She really needs it. :rolleyes: If you get a handheld, as opposed to for a car, check out Geocaching. But goblue, if you read this, WE are Mr. and Mrs. Goblue around there baby! :D

  9. My husband was on his way to get our son moments ago and saw a red pit bull standing in the middle of Mt. Tabor Rd. He turned off of Dallas Acworth onto Mt. Tabor went around a curve and he was standing in the middle of the road. He did see AC after he passed Due West. They were going in that direction. Good luck!!!!!



    But what color were the spots????!!!! :huh: :p :lol:

  10. We LOVE the Paulding Meadows Village! It's one of the first things that really made us feel like we lived here, when we moved out of the city.


    I'll be a nun, Hubby will be a priest, and Little One will be our unholy spawn. He's 3, and none of the costumes in the books were scary enough for him. He finally saw a pitchfork and when he found out was it was for, he decided that the devil was the costume for him. He says, "I'm going to be the devil so I can poke people in the butt with my bitchfork." So we ran with it.


    We're thinking of wearing our costumes to church, because we're Catholic, but we're not sure how that would be received.

  11. Student gunman in Ohio warned of attack


    By JOE MILICIA, Associated Press Writer 48 minutes ago


    CLEVELAND - A 14-year-old student who opened fire at his high school, wounding four people before killing himself, had a history of mental problems and was known for cussing at teachers and bickering with students.


    Coon's troubles seemed to come to a tipping point this week when he was suspended for fighting outside with a classmate. Students said Monday's fight was over God — Coon told his classmates he didn't believe in God and instead worshipped rocker Marilyn Manson.



    Heh heh, should be be worried about you too, Lilgallowsmama? :lol:

  12. lady called in for assistance on a brown in color chihuahua - on front porch - every time woman goes out side the dog bites at her


    animal control officer 476 enroute


    why am I thinking drop kick?



    Ha! Take THAT, you pit-bull haters! I'll bet those clowns at the news won't even cover this terror-monging dog. Those things take just as many lives each year as just about any animal out there, except maybe poodles... which reminds me,



  13. 1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the heck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?


    How about when people wear their sweater around their shoulders? Do I wear my socks around my ankles?


    On the subject of silly sign language, I decided last night to get a tiny star tattooed on my palm, because I always use my hand as a map when people ask where I'm from. You know, Michigan = hand?

  14. My first thought was that she was standing over you like in the movies, ready to go berserk. Then, I thought, "Oh, those beautiful curls!" Now I think she's a pretty darn smart (and cute) little girl, to do it professionally in front of the mirror like that. Geez, lots of drama so early! :lol:

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