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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I wonder if this dude is related to Eddie!


    FRESNO, Calif. -- Christopher Bochin is in trouble with the law for allegedly being a little too sharing with his students.


    Police in California charge the substitute teacher shared marijuana with students at Fresno High School. According to authorities, Bochin asked two students in his ninth-grade science class to get his pipe and marijuana from his car. :wacko:


    Police said Bochin smoked the pot with about a half-dozen students from his class. He now faces felony drug charges and misdemeanor counts of contributing to the delinquency of minors.


    Bochin is free on bail and is to appear in court March 23.

    DUH! :rolleyes:  :lol:  :blink:  :blink:

  2. That just isn't a valid comparsion. The school building *could* be built somewhere else. You can't rebuild a state highway.


    Most of those curves were put in when the road was a footpath.


    It looks like most here don't want any more road improvements as long as a single resident involved doesn't want it.


    I guess that from now on, there will be no more complaing from y'all about bad or inadequate roads.

  3. I know that most of the high schools have basketball summer camps. You might trying giving the high school coaches a call.


    My son is ten years old and just finished his season with Paulding County Parks and Recreation.  He had a blast and is really bummed that the season is over.  His team tied for first and he had an incredible season.  We are trying to find out if there are any programs offered now or this summer that we can get him in.  I appreciate any information some of you might have.

    Thanks!! B)

  4. ha! If you think the airport discussion is heated, wait and see what it would be like if Paulding County wanted to bring MARTA out here!


    i just wonder where its gonna end? Why build roads when we can build and add more public transportation that is actually worth something? Of course ot me this all goes back to why add when we should be subtracting...

  5. Not to be funny but hasn't the state already purchased all the right of ways?


    They said this morning that the funding for improvements and re-routing of Hwy 92 in Douglasville will soon be available, so they can start the project.


    What if a landowner in the way of the project does not want to sell. What should happen?

  6. See, I beg to differ on this. With all the government secrecy bills and eminent domain issues that are before the General Assembly, this would have gotten press regardless of who it is.


    It was a non-story.


    The case was at the very beginning of the process. The BOE didn't even know if they would want the property. Somebody that mentioned Eminent Domain was an eventual possibility and the guy freaked out. The only reason it was given the press it did was that those who decide what to report knew they could spark emotion from people.


    If he had been a middle-aged office worker and not a WWII vet crying on camera, do you really think it would have gotten the publicity it did.


    We have people every day refusing the Gov't or BOE access to their property. Why don't we have similar stories?


    No, the only reason it got the press was to sell newspapers and get people to watch the news.

    Totally seperate issue from what's covered in the news. Just try it. Come up with your own 'concern' and try to get press coverage.

  7. I don't like it but I have had good results with it at Old Navy. There was an item I wanted and one of the associates called a stock person to bring me the size out that I needed. So, it can work if the associates use it correctly. I don't like the headpieces but I don't mind the walkie-talkies like Target uses.


    Ok, P.Biz has her thread on customer service as it relates to appliance repair. Some good info going on there.


    Last night, I saw something that's going on more and more: Retail stores where they management is outfiting everyone with 'headsets' with the earpeice and microphone, connected to a walkie-talkie or cell phone.


    You can't tell if the person is talking to you or to someone else on the 'phone'. (Or maybe talking to someone else about you.) Is it still rude if you accidentally interrupet one of these one-sided conversation?


    Have you seen this. Any comments? Does it really help create more business for the stores?


    There have been times where I really did think the person came up and was asking me something only to answer, have them look at me like I was crazy, and find out they were asking the person at the other end of their headpeice.

  8. But, markdavd, this is HIS land. He can do with it however he pleases. If his children sell it to Walmart, they have that right. If he wants to sell the land to the BOE, he has that right. It should not be forced upon him.



    Should the government be allowed to force someone to sell their property? No. At least not without due process. i.e. a Judge decides if it's really in the public interest.


    The thing is all I read in the article is that the 'Little old man' (or one of his family) went screaming to the press because the BOE wanted to survey his land to see if it was appropriate for building schools. He refused, so the boe decided to ask a judge to decide IF THEY CAN DO THE SURVEY.


    If they did they survey, they might find the property was unsuitable and 'case closed.'


    The emenant domain thing probably came in when he said 'I ain't gonna sell.' and someone told him that they could force him. According to the article, it isn't anywhere near that right now.


    The emotions and attention this has gotten makes it sound like the BOE has has a bulldozers waiting for the final go to tear up his property.


    From what I read here, a lot of people assume the property has been in his family for generations, that he's raised his kids there, and that there's a lot of semental value. NOT TRUE. He bought it in the '60's. His kids were already raised (or almost raised.) He knows the kids will have to sell the property when he's gone. If he really cared about the land, he would have made provisions for the inheratance taxes (i.e. life insurance).


    Maybe when the kids sell, Walmart will buy it and put a store there.

  9. Foxmeister: The solution is that the Cobb County BOE needs to do a better job of planning instead of trying to use eminent domain as a way out. The planning stages for building schools is long and this just didn't sneak up on them. Trying to use this as a resort is just sickening - regardless of the ages of the people involved.

  10. Personally, I wouldn't care what the service tech looks like as long as they are good. That is just window dressing. What counts is the work they do. IMO.


    Thanks RRGal !!!  :D


    BTW - I forgot I had this picture - so I also wanted to ask...


    Does the picture of an appliance repairman you have in your mind resemble something like the below picture ( :lol: ) ?


    Does a company that sends out a neat, uniformed tech mean that you are getting quality service?

  11. I voted all of the above. And, I HATE voice mail. I love calling and getting a live person.


    I have a company in Paulding County that I call to service just about everything in my house and I have never been disappointed in the price or their service. I usually get same day service and I don't have to punch six or seven buttoms to get someone on the line. The service tech is knowledgeable and will explain everything to me instead of just giving me a cock and bull story.

  12. I am sorry. Did the law firm decline to persue damages? I am confused because you can still seek malpractice damages under the bill.


    :( Well, after speaking to one of the most prestigious law firms in ATlanta, and much tears, I find out that my husband and I have NO recourse seeking damages done to him by the "doctors" at Grady hospital. When Larry had his wreck a year ago, it was a bad wreck. He had four surgeries while in hospital....and when he left, we were told he would be up and walking within three months. But, after taking him back for a checkup after a month after his wreck, and NOT being impressed by the "doctors" there, I found a wonderful doc here in Paulding with Pinnacle Orthopedics, Dr. CHarles Pesson. :D

    So far, Dr. Pesson, has repaired and fixed three times(three surgeries) and going on the fourth...total hip replacement....trying to mend the "screwups they did to him. He has sank into the depths of dispair and depression having believed he would be up and walking with in three months after his wreck. The last surgeries have taken their toll on him physically and mentally, and our relationship.

    And now, I find, thanks to this new law that recently passed out state house and senate, that I have no recourse against Grady. We've spent most of the money he received from his wreck paying for all surgeries and medications, etc, and trying to keep a household going.

    So, I sit here wondering how I will continue to pay for all his surgeries and needs, having to apply for disability, etc..... and just taking care of him. So, for me, this new law is a travesty, no ifs and ands about it!!!! :angry:  :angry: 

    Hopefully he will get his disablity soon....if, not I will have to work two jobs to pay for all, and hopefully bill collectors will not come and start taking things from us....

    Yes, I know he is still alive, and I'm thankful for that, but, now, I have to sit and let these "so called docs" get by with this......sorry folks, just had to vent this all to people, even if they don't agree..

  13. It is a metaphor, Chris. Hold onto your youth before you are too old to enjoy it.


    who is 16? think its 17............ less then a month be 18......... would a 20 year old be good to be with ? thats only 5 yrs driff or I guess i should be with a 23 year old,okay who's on here has a 23 yr old daughter who needs a bf? Anyone ? ??????




    I cant hear you

    Speak a little louder I'm getting old........

    Dang ya ll hi jacking folks up in here

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